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Game of April 30, 2011 at 16:42, 1 player
1. tzarah_mae -886

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eeilnp   H4    72    72   pensile
 2. aainprt   5A    70   142   antirape
 3. adeimot   B1    76   218   dominate
 4. ?noqssu   F2    68   286   squarson
 5. adeinrt   D3    70   356   daintier
 6. aeeirtv   4H    78   434   perviate
 7. cdeflno   A1    49   483   enodal
 8. agkruwy   M3    40   523   gawky
 9. aefortw   O3    36   559   fewter
10. bbdeosy  10B    38   597   yerds
11. acgioru   N2    28   625   cito
12. ceghitu   C9    27   652   techie
13. ahiloos  14B    32   684   leash
14. aegoorz   6J    37   721   zerk
15. agimnuu  12C    28   749   haming
16. abegioo  H12    21   770   gobo
17. abijouv  14H    30   800   bijou
18. aeflouu  L12    22   822   lauf
19. aeoruvx  15L    42   864   faux
20. begoruv   K2    28   892   bovver

Remaining tiles: egu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filetzarah_mae  0  1:37  -886    6     1.  -  tzarah_mae  0  1:37  -886    6 

On 1st draw, PEN(S)ILE H4 72 --- PENSILE hanging loosely [adj]
Other tops: PEELIN(G) H4 72, PENLI(T)E H4 72
Other moves: EL(A)PINE H3 68, EL(A)PINE H4 68, EL(A)PINE H6 68, EL(A)PINE H7 68, EL(A)PINE H8 68

On 2nd draw, ANTIRAPE 5A 70 --- ANTIRAPE concerned with preventing rape [adj]
Other moves: ANTIRAPE 10A 64, A(S)PIRANT 7G 64, PARTI(S)AN 7C 64, (S)PARTINA 7H 63, APTERIA 5E 36

On 3rd draw, DOMINATE B1 76 --- DOMINATE to control [v]
Other moves: NEMATOID 6H 69, NEMATOID B5 65, ATOMI(S)ED 7C 63, DOMATIA A2 39, AMATED A3 36

On 4th draw, SQUA(R)SON F2 68 --- SQUARSON a clergyman and landowner [n]
Other moves: SQU(A)RSON E1 66, QA(T)S A4 46, QU(A)SI D1 46, SEQU(I)N 8A 45, QA(T) A4 43

On 5th draw, DAINTIER D3 70 --- DAINT dainty [adj] --- DAINTY delicately pretty [adj]
Other moves: RETAINED 10G 65, DETAINER 10G 63, STRAINED 2F 61, (S)TRAINED 7H 60, DATER A4 39

On 6th draw, PERVIATE 4H 78 --- PERVIATE to make a way through [v]
Other moves: LEVIRATE 9H 63, ARETT C1 30, RITT C2 25, PRIVATE 4H 24, PAREVE 4H 22

On 7th draw, ENODAL A1 49 --- ENODAL without nodes [adj]
Other moves: ALEF A5 40, FENCED O3 36, LADEN A4 35, ENFOLD O4 30, LOFTED N1 28

On 8th draw, GAWKY M3 40 --- GAWKY a tall awkward person [n] --- GAWKY awkward [adj]
Other moves: WAKER O1 36, RYKE O1 33, WAKE O1 33, YUKE O1 33, KAURY M3 32

On 9th draw, FEWTER O3 36 --- FEWTER to set in a rest [v]
Other moves: FEWER O1 33, WAFER O1 33, AFREET O1 27, FEATER O3 27, TEREFA O1 27

On 10th draw, YERDS 10B 38 --- YERD to bury [v]
Other tops: SEEDY 10F 38
Other moves: BYRES 10B 37, YORES 10B 37, BORDS 10B 35, BORES 10B 34, DORBS 10B 33

On 11th draw, CITO N2 28 --- CITO quickly [adv]
Other moves: TAI N4 23, YOGIC B10 22, VICAR K4 20, VIGOUR K4 20, VIRAGO K4 20

On 12th draw, TECHIE C9 27 --- TECHIE a technician [n]
Other moves: CHIVE K1 26, VETCH K4 26, TEUCH C9 25, TEUGH C9 23, DICHT E10 22

On 13th draw, LEASH 14B 32 --- LEASH to restrain an animal with a line or thong [v]
Other tops: LEISH 14B 32, SELAH 14B 32
Other moves: HAHS 12A 28, HOHA 12A 28, HOHS 12A 28, LAVISH K2 24, SHIVOO K1 24

On 14th draw, ZERK 6J 37 --- ZERK a grease fitting [n]
Other moves: GRAZER J3 36, ZORRO J2 36, GRAZE J3 35, HAZER 12C 34, RAZER J4 34

On 15th draw, HAMING 12C 28 --- HAME to go home [v]
Other moves: MNA D12 26, MIHA 12A 24, HUMAN 12C 20, MAVIE K2 20, AHING 12B 18

On 16th draw, GOBO H12 21 --- GOBO a device used to shield a microphone from extraneous sounds [n]
Other tops: GIBE H12 21
Other moves: AGRIZE J2 18, GAGE H12 18, GIGA H12 18, GOGO H12 18, GOOG H12 18
GAB H12 6 tzarah_mae

On 17th draw, BIJOU 14H 30 --- BIJOU a jewel [n]
Other moves: BAJU 14H 29, JAR J2 26, JOR J2 26, ROJI L6 24, RAJ L6 23

On 18th draw, LAUF L12 22 --- LAUF a run in a bobsleigh contest [n]
Other moves: FIE I13 21, ROULEAU L6 21, AFOUL L11 18, DUMOSE E10 18, FROZE J3 17

On 19th draw, FAUX 15L 42 --- FAUX not genuine; fake [adj]
Other moves: OX 13H 34, XI I13 34, FAVE 15L 30, SOREX 2F 28, OXER J1 27

On 20th draw, BOVVER K2 28 --- BOVVER rowdy behaviour of street gangs [n]
Other moves: BARGE 13K 20, BEVUE K2 20, DUMBS E10 20, GARBE 13K 19, GARBO 13K 19

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