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Game of April 30, 2011 at 17:30, 2 players
1. anncliffe -831
2. figo -869

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aefinuv   H4    30    30   fauve
 2. ?aeiijn   4H    30    60   feijoa
 3. alnorwx   5G    56   116   larnax
 4. cegotuz   J3    35   151   ginzo
 5. ?deiotu   8A    77   228   etourdie
 6. egiinst   F8    66   294   dietings
 7. aabelty   E5   111   405   betrayal
 8. eloorsw  11D    74   479   waterloos
 9. ehikmot  15D    51   530   kismet
10. addeptu  12A    32   562   puteli
11. acdeior  A10    33   595   copied
12. bemnorr   9C    23   618   brain
13. aaiorst  J10    23   641   aortas
14. egioors  12J    20   661   rooser
15. aehlnuy  N10    38   699   hyena
16. dehimnq   O8    36   735   dimer
17. aeghinv  13L    22   757   vin
18. adhnoru  B10    59   816   hound
19. aelnpru   K4    28   844   jaap
20. gilnquw   M2    24   868   qua
21. egilnrw   B2    26   894   winglet

Remaining tiles: cfr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Fileanncliffe   0  5:13  -831   63     1.  -  anncliffe   0  5:13  -831   63 
  2.3457 Filefigo        0  2:37  -869   25     2.3457 figo        0  2:37  -869   25 

On 1st draw, FAUVE H4 30 --- FAUVE a member of a group of expressionist painters [n]
Other moves: FAINE H4 24, FAUVE H8 24, FAUVE H5 22, FAUVE H6 22, FAUVE H7 22
FINE H8 14 figo

On 2nd draw, FEIJ(O)A 4H 30 --- FEIJOA a green edible fruit [n]
Other tops: FANJE(T) 4H 30, FINJA(N) 4H 30, FI(N)JAN 4H 30
Other moves: JAUN(T)IE 6F 29, J(E)UNE 6F 29, JAUN(C)E 6F 28, JAUN(S)E 6F 28, (B)UNJIE 6G 28
JANE 5G 11 figo

On 3rd draw, LARNAX 5G 56 --- LARNAX a coffin [n]
Other moves: LARNAX 5D 35, ANOA 5H 30, ARNA 5H 30, JOWAR K4 30, AXONAL 5D 28

On 4th draw, GINZO J3 35 --- GINZO (colloquial) a person of Italian descent [n]
Other moves: ZEIN J2 33, ZETA M1 26, ZOEA M1 26, COZING J1 24, ZEA M2 24

On 5th draw, ETOU(R)DIE 8A 77 --- ETOURDIE thoughtless (feminine form) [adj]
Other moves: GINZOE(S) J3 16, FEIJ(O)A(S) 4H 15, OUIJA K1 15, T(O)XOID L3 15, T(O)XOID(S) L3 15

On 6th draw, DIETINGS F8 66 --- DIETING the act of dieting [n]
Other tops: GI(R)NIEST E6 66, IGNITE(R)S E2 66, INDIGEST F6 66, STINGIE(R) E1 66, ST(R)IGINE E6 66, (R)EISTING E8 66, (R)ESITING E8 66
Other moves: DINGIEST F8 64, EDITINGS F7 64, STI(R)ING E5 28, TIE(R)ING E5 28, TIG(R)INE E5 28

On 7th draw, BET(R)AYAL E5 111 --- BETRAYAL the act of betraying [n]
Other moves: BASELY 15D 42, BEASTLY 15C 39, SAYABLE 15F 39, BAYLES 15A 36, BELAYS 15A 36

On 8th draw, WATERLOOS 11D 74 --- WATERLOO a decisive defeat [n]
Other moves: WOOSELS 15C 33, WOOLLIER 12A 32, WOOLLIES 12A 32, LOWERS 15A 30, LOWSER 15C 30

On 9th draw, KISMET 15D 51 --- KISMET destiny [n]
Other tops: KITHES 15A 51
Other moves: HOKIEST 15A 45, METHOS 15A 45, RHIME H11 42, SHMEK 15F 42, HOMIEST 15A 39

On 10th draw, PUTELI 12A 32 --- PUTELI a flat-bottomed boat [n]
Other moves: JAAP K4 28, PAUSED L8 24, GAPED 14F 23, GETUP 14F 22, TELIA 12C 22

On 11th draw, COPIED A10 33 --- COPY to imitate [v]
Other tops: CAPRID A10 33
Other moves: COPIER A10 30, COURED B10 30, COUDE B10 28, COURD B10 28, COURIE B10 28

On 12th draw, BRAIN 9C 23 --- BRAIN to hit on the head [v]
Other moves: MUON B11 22, BREEM 6B 21, BROSE L8 20, GOMER 14F 20, IRON 13A 20

On 13th draw, AORTAS J10 23 --- AORTA the main blood vessel from the heart [n]
Other moves: SUTRA B11 21, BRAINS 9C 20, FAUVES H4 20, ISIT 13A 20, SNIRT 13E 20
STAIR L11 12 anncliffe

On 14th draw, ROOSER 12J 20 --- ROOSER one that rooses [n]
Other tops: BRAINS 9C 20, FAUVES H4 20, GOOIEST B2 20, GOOSIER L8 20, GOOSIES L8 20, GORIEST B2 20
Other moves: SNIG 13E 19, SNOG 13E 19, GOOSES L8 18, GORSES L8 18, GRISES L8 18
GROSS L7 7 anncliffe

On 15th draw, HYENA N10 38 --- HYENA a wolflike mammal [n]
Other moves: HURLEY O10 36, HAYER O8 33, YRNEH O11 33, HALERU O8 27, HAULER O7 27
LAYER O8 24 anncliffe

On 16th draw, DIMER O8 36 --- DIMER a molecule compound with two identical molecules [n]
Other moves: IMID 13A 29, MINE 13L 23, SIDH M12 23, HIN 13L 22, CHE 10A 21
H(O)X L3 12 anncliffe

On 17th draw, VIN 13L 22 --- VIN wine [n]
Other tops: HIN 13L 22
Other moves: CHA 10A 21, CHE 10A 21, CHI 10A 21, GANEV 6B 21, HAVEN 6B 21
GOB C7 8 anncliffe

On 18th draw, HOUND B10 59 --- HOUND to pursue relentlessly [v]
Other moves: HUDNA B11 33, HANDOUT B2 26, HOT 7C 25, CHA 10A 21, HARED 6B 21

On 19th draw, JAAP K4 28 --- JAAP an ignorant fool (South African) [n]
Other moves: REPLANT B2 22, UPLEANT B2 22, PROBE C6 18, UNROBE C5 17, PUJA K2 16

On 20th draw, QUA M2 24 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other tops: QUID 8L 24, QUINE A4 24
Other moves: GLOBI C6 17, GWINE 6A 17, QUILT B4 16, QUINE 6A 16, QUINT B4 16

On 21th draw, WINGLET B2 26 --- WINGLET a small wing [n]
Other moves: QI 2M 22, RINGLET B2 20, INGLOBE C4 19, RENEW 6B 18, GLOBE C6 17

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