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Game of April 30, 2011 at 23:23, 3 players
1. yab -414
2. faceface -924
3. Dominca -948

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aabcdls   H4    26    26   cabals
 2. ?aeegnr   5E    82   108   tagareen
 3. aejmost   L1    42   150   jetons
 4. eghnoot   1L    42   192   john
 5. aefgoru   2J    44   236   fuero
 6. adegilm   6F    36   272   gibed
 7. ainrrtw   3L    29   301   tawt
 8. ?aeiqtu   8A   101   402   requital
 9. aacdeuy   C5    75   477   adequacy
10. enostvw   I5    37   514   rews
11. elmnoyz   O3    57   571   tolzey
12. adkoprt  12A    32   603   kayo
13. deegnpr  A12    30   633   keep
14. dimnopr   C3    50   683   inadequacy
15. bdelnno  14A    76   759   ennobled
16. aehilmv  H12    36   795   vide
17. aeinoos  12G    20   815   evasion
18. dhiiort  11C    30   845   chord
19. giimprt   M7    32   877   priming
20. iimrrtu  13G    25   902   miri
21. filttux   B7    28   930   text
22. filrtuv   4A    25   955   tinful

Remaining tiles: rv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5700 Fileyab         6 28:44  -414  541     1.5700 yab         6 28:44  -414  541 
  2.  -  Filefaceface    0  4:38  -924   31            Group: not rated
  3.  -  FileDominca     0  0:28  -948    7     1.  -  faceface    0  4:38  -924   31 
                                             2.  -  Dominca     0  0:28  -948    7 

On 1st draw, CABALS H4 26 --- CABAL to conspire [v]
Other moves: CABAL H4 24, CABAS H4 24, BALDS H4 22, BLADS H4 22, CABALS H3 22
CABALS H4 26 yab

On 2nd draw, (T)AGAREEN 5E 82 --- TAGAREEN (English dialect) a scrap dealer's store [n]
Other tops: GA(D)ARENE 5E 82, (C)ARAGEEN 5E 82, (S)ANGAREE 5D 82
Other moves: LANGERE(D) 8H 77, LARGENE(D) 8H 77, REGEN(T)AL 8A 77, CAR(A)GEEN 4H 72, C(A)RAGEEN 4H 72
CAR(A)GEEN 4H 22 yab

On 3rd draw, JETONS L1 42 --- JETON a piece of metal used as a counter [n]
Other moves: JETON L1 40, MOBES 6F 36, CAMEOS 4H 32, COMTES 4H 32, JAMES J2 32
JETON L1 40 yab

On 4th draw, JOHN 1L 42 --- JOHN a toilet [n]
Other moves: JONG 1L 36, JEON 1L 33, HOB 6F 32, HEST 6J 30, HES 6J 29
JOHN 1L 42 yab

On 5th draw, FUERO 2J 44 --- FUERO a code of law [n]
Other moves: FAS 6J 29, FES 6J 29, FAUTOR 3I 26, FERE 2K 26, FOUTER 3I 26
FORTE 3I 24 yab

On 6th draw, GIBED 6F 36 --- GIBE to jeer [v]
Other moves: GIBEL 6F 30, MASED 6J 30, BEMAS 6H 29, MESIAD 6J 29, MESAIL 6J 28
FAMED J2 15 yab
GLADE 8G 7 faceface

On 7th draw, TAWT 3L 29 --- TAWT to tangle [v]
Other moves: TAW 3L 27, NAW 7G 26, TAW 7G 26, CARROTIN 4H 20, RATAN 7E 20
SAW 6L 14 yab
STIR 9H 5 faceface

On 8th draw, (R)EQUITAL 8A 101 --- REQUITAL something given in return, compensation, or retaliation [n]
Other tops: LIQUATE(D) 8H 101, LIQUATE(S) 8H 101
Other moves: A(C)QUITES 9A 77, TEQUI(L)AS 9A 77, (L)IQUATES 9A 77, TEQUI(L)LA 8B 76, QUA(K)IEST 9B 69
(R)EQUITAL 8A 51 yab
SAT 6L 5 faceface

On 9th draw, ADEQUACY C5 75 --- ADEQUACY the state of being adequate [n]
Other moves: YODE 4K 28, DAYS 9E 26, DEYS 9E 26, ODEA 4L 24, DICEY E7 22
ADEQUACY C5 25 yab
SAY 6L 14 faceface

On 10th draw, REWS I5 37 --- REW regret [n]
Other moves: REEST I5 30, UNSEWS 9C 28, WEYS 12A 28, TOWSES 9E 27, SOWSE 9E 26
COVETS 11C 22 yab

On 11th draw, TOLZEY O3 57 --- TOLZEY a merchants' meeting place [n]
Other moves: ENEMY B6 44, COZEY 11C 38, COZY 11C 36, TOYMEN O3 36, ZANY 10B 36
OYEZ 12B 32 yab

On 12th draw, KAYO 12A 32 --- KAYO to knock out [v]
Other tops: POCKARD 11A 32
Other moves: YAPOK 12C 28, PAYOR 12A 26, KADE B5 25, KORE B5 23, APODE B4 22
KYAR 12B 22 yab

On 13th draw, KEEP A12 30 --- KEEP to retain in ones possession [v]
Other moves: DEEPEN B4 24, KEEN A12 24, KERN A12 24, KNEE A12 24, PEND B7 24
KEEP A12 30 yab

On 14th draw, INADEQUACY C3 50 --- INADEQUACY [n]
Other moves: PROMINE B2 37, MEND B7 24, PEND B7 24, IMPONE B3 23, MOPE B5 23
TOP F8 11 yab

On 15th draw, ENNOBLED 14A 76 --- ENNOBLE to make noble [v]
Other moves: DEBONE B3 27, BEND B7 24, DEBS 9E 22, DOBS 9E 22, ENNOBLE 14A 22
BALD 10B 13 yab

On 16th draw, VIDE H12 36 --- VIDE see -- used to direct a reader to another item; VIDE is the only form of this verb; it cannot be conjugated [v]
Other tops: HADE H12 36, HIDE H12 36, VADE H12 36
Other moves: AMIDE H11 33, CHEVAL 11C 33, CHAVE 11C 31, CHIMLA 11C 31, CHIVE 11C 31
HIDE H12 36 yab

On 17th draw, EVASION 12G 20 --- EVASION the act of evading [n]
Other moves: EONIAN 4A 19, TOLZEYS O3 19, ACNES 11B 18, AVIONS 12G 18, OVINES 12G 18
EVASION 12G 20 yab

On 18th draw, CHORD 11C 30 --- CHORD to play a chord (a combination of three or more musical tones) [v]
Other moves: CHIRO 11C 27, CHIRT 11C 27, CHOIR 11C 27, DOHS 9E 26, CHID 11C 25
RHINO M9 18 yab

On 19th draw, PRIMING M7 32 --- PRIMING the act of one that primes [n]
Other moves: MIRITI 13G 31, IMPRINT M7 30, TEMP B7 30, IMPING M8 28, MITRING M7 28
PRIMING M7 32 yab

On 20th draw, MIRI 13G 25 --- MIR a Russian peasant commune [n]
Other moves: MIR 13G 22, RIM 13G 22, IMARI 10A 21, MART 10B 20, ITEM B6 19
TRIM K10 12 yab

On 21th draw, TEXT B7 28 --- TEXT the main body of a written or printed work [n] --- TEXT to send a text message (mobile phone) [v]
Other moves: SIX J12 26, TINFUL 4A 25, TEXT 7B 24, LIFE B5 21, LUTITE B3 21
SIX J12 26 yab

On 22th draw, TINFUL 4A 25 --- TINFUL as much as a tin container can hold [n]
Other moves: VINT 4A 22, UNFIT 4B 21, FILS 9E 18, FIRS 9E 18, FITS 9E 18
VIM 10K 8 yab
FLIR(T) E1 7 Dominca

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