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Game of May 1, 2011 at 10:36, 3 players
1. yab -499
2. wllchp -765
3. kobe_only -927

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eeginpr   H4    76    76   peering
 2. ?abclou   5E    94   170   bluecoat
 3. aeirttw   L1    74   244   atwitter
 4. adeiotw   3I    36   280   waiwode
 5. acilmnp  10A    69   349   clamping
 6. dehostv   2J    62   411   hotted
 7. ?degoru   A6    86   497   grouched
 8. ellnost   G8    65   562   tonnells
 9. ehiirtv  15D    42   604   hirstie
10. aeeikuv  D10    36   640   mikveh
11. abegooz   8K    48   688   braze
12. admosuv   O1    30   718   odeums
13. aefinos   6J    34   752   fitnas
14. afnorsy   F2    27   779   fonly
15. aenqtvy   3C    30   809   envoy
16. aeiorsx  13C    50   859   overlax
17. aagijsu   M8    44   903   ajugas
18. adiqrst   N8    34   937   zatis

Remaining tiles: dqr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5773 Fileyab         2 17:53  -499  438     1.5773 yab         2 17:53  -499  438 
  2.4778 Filewllchp      1 10:16  -765  172            Group: not rated
  3.  -  Filekobe_only   0  2:59  -927   10     1.4778 wllchp      1 10:16  -765  172 
                                             2.  -  kobe_only   0  2:59  -927   10 

On 1st draw, PEERING H4 76 --- PEER to look narrowly or searchingly [v]
Other tops: PREEING H4 76
Other moves: PEERING H6 74, PREEING H6 74, PEERING H2 72, PEERING H3 72, PEERING H7 72
PREEING H2 22 yab

On 2nd draw, BLUECOA(T) 5E 94 --- BLUECOAT a police officer [n]
Other moves: BLUECOA(T) 6E 65, CUBOI(D)AL 8D 64, CO(M)PEERING H1 42, BLUECA(P) 5E 40, C(H)AEBOL 5E 40
BLUECOA(T) 5E 44 yab

On 3rd draw, ATWI(T)TER L1 74 --- ATWITTER twittering [adj]
Other moves: A(T)WITTER L4 72, TWAITE 6C 21, AWAITER K5 20, TAW(T)IER L2 20, TWICE I2 20
ATWI(T)TER L1 24 yab

On 4th draw, WAIWODE 3I 36 --- WAIWODE the leader of an army [n]
Other tops: WITED 6J 36, WITTED 2J 36, WOTTED 2J 36
Other moves: WITTED 6J 35, WITED 2J 34, WARTED 8J 30, WATE 6J 30, WATT 6J 30
WOWED 3J 24 yab

On 5th draw, CLAMPING 10A 69 --- CLAMP to fasten with a clamp (a securing device) [v]
Other tops: CAMPLING 10A 69
Other moves: PEMICAN O2 48, CNEMIAL O1 42, ANEMIC O1 39, ENCAMP O3 39, EPICAL O3 39
PRIMA 8K 27 yab

On 6th draw, HOTTED 2J 62 --- HOT to heat [v]
Other moves: COVETS A10 45, DEVOTES O2 45, COSHED A10 39, DEEVS O1 39, SHAVED 1J 39
THROVE 8J 36 yab

On 7th draw, GROUC(H)ED A6 86 --- GROUCH to complain [v]
Other moves: OU(T)RAGED C6 72, REGROU(P)ED 7E 65, GUERDO(N)ER 7E 64, O(V)ERURGED 7E 64, GOURD(I)ER 7A 61

On 8th draw, TONNELLS G8 65 --- TONNELL a tunnel [n]
Other moves: STELLION 8C 59, DENOTES O2 27, DENTELS O2 27, LOMENTS D8 20, TOLLMEN D6 20
ENROLL 8J 18 yab

On 9th draw, HIRSTIE 15D 42 --- HIRSTIE dry [adj]
Other tops: THRIVES 15A 42
Other moves: SHIVER 15G 39, SHRIVE 15G 39, HEIST 15D 36, THRIVE 8J 36, VERST 15D 36
THRIVES 15A 42 yab

On 10th draw, MIKVEH D10 36 --- MIKVEH a place for ritual bathing by orthodox Jews [n]
Other tops: MIKVAH D10 36
Other moves: EUREKA 8J 30, ALIKE 14F 29, KEAVIE C8 28, KEAVIE J10 25, KEEVE 12C 24
MAKE D10 20 yab, wllchp

On 11th draw, BRAZE 8K 48 --- BRAZE to solder together [v]
Other moves: GRAZE 8K 45, BEGAZE J10 44, RAZE 8L 39, ZOOEAE J10 37, BOOZE J11 36
BRAZE 8K 48 wllchp, yab

On 12th draw, ODEUMS O1 30 --- ODEUM a theater or concert hall [n]
Other tops: SAMA M5 30, SOMA M5 30
Other moves: DATUMS 6J 28, VAMPS E7 28, DATUM 6J 27, ODEUM O1 27, AMADOUS M8 26
MOVE J12 17 wllchp
ZO N8 11 yab

On 13th draw, FITNAS 6J 34 --- FITNA a state of trouble or chaos [n]
Other tops: F*TS*S 6J 34, SOFA M5 34
Other moves: LEAFS 14G 33, LEAF 14G 32, FATE 6J 30, FATS 6J 30, FETA 6J 30
BONSAI K8 16 yab

On 14th draw, FONLY F2 27 --- FONLY foolishly [adv]
Other moves: BOYFS K8 26, BARYONS K8 24, BOYF K8 24, FRAPS E7 24, YORPS E7 24
BARYONS K8 24 yab
LAY 13G 10 wllchp

On 15th draw, ENVOY 3C 30 --- ENVOY a representative [n]
Other moves: QANAT C7 27, BEVY K8 24, QAT C9 24, UEY 9A 21, BANTY K8 20
BANTY K8 20 yab
ZANY N8 18 wllchp

On 16th draw, OVERLAX 13C 50 --- OVERLAX too lax [adj]
Other moves: LAXER B10 37, LAXES B10 37, LEXIS B10 37, LOXES B10 37, ZAXES N8 37
BORAXES K8 32 yab
BOXES K8 28 wllchp
ONE 9G 4 kobe_only

On 17th draw, AJUGAS M8 44 --- AJUGA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: JINS D1 38, JAAPS E7 32, JAUPS E7 32, JAPS E8 30, BAJUS K8 28
BAGS K8 14 wllchp

On 18th draw, ZATIS N8 34 --- ZATI the bonnet-monkey [n]
Other moves: QAID 12L 32, SUQ 10L 32, ZATI N8 31, QADI 12L 30, QATS 12L 28
QADI 12L 30 yab
SQUID 10K 17 wllchp
SED N1 6 kobe_only

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