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Game of May 1, 2011 at 12:08, 3 players
1. yab -364
2. Mego -715
3. shahneeza -814

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?bdinot   H4    74    74   bandito
 2. ghijrsu   5G    34   108   jaghirs
 3. aefgilr   L4    76   184   fragiler
 4. adeeimo   6F    34   218   monie
 5. aeimpsw   8K    36   254   wimps
 6. einorsu   O1    77   331   resinous
 7. adhlnor   2J    36   367   hondle
 8. ?adegit   8A    80   447   digerati
 9. aaeinpy   K8    30   477   waney
10. eeprvwz  10K    34   511   neeze
11. aacclot   N6    24   535   topaz
12. acflosu   7F    29   564   olds
13. abeortu   A1    86   650   taboured
14. adefnrt   B8    30   680   indraft
15. acceitx  O10    54   734   excite
16. aaeilru   C3    23   757   lairage
17. aeenouy   M2    24   781   deys
18. aceinop  14J    32   813   peinct
19. akoquuv  12A    32   845   kava

Remaining tiles: oquuvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5790 Fileyab         3 20:27  -364  481     1.5790 yab         3 20:27  -364  481 
  2.  -  FileMego        0 14:50  -715  130            Group: not rated
  3.  -  Fileshahneeza   0  5:34  -814   31     1.  -  Mego        0 14:50  -715  130 
                                             2.  -  shahneeza   0  5:34  -814   31 

On 1st draw, B(A)NDITO H4 74 --- BANDITO a bandit [n]
Other moves: B(A)NDITO H2 70, B(A)NDITO H6 70, B(A)NDITO H7 70, B(A)NDITO H8 70, B(A)NDITO H3 68
O(U)TBID H8 18 yab

On 2nd draw, J(A)GHIRS 5G 34 --- JAGHIR a land tax [n]
Other moves: J(A)GHIR 5G 32, HIJR(A)S 5D 30, HIJR(A) 5D 28, H(A)JIS 5G 28, JINS 6F 27
JIN 6F 26 yab

On 3rd draw, FRAGILER L4 76 --- FRAGILE easily broken or damaged [adj]
Other moves: GRIEF L4 26, FARER L1 24, FILAR L1 24, FILER L1 24, FIRER L1 24
FRAGILER L4 26 yab

On 4th draw, MONIE 6F 34 --- MONIE many [adj]
Other moves: DANIO 6F 31, MEANIE 6E 31, MOAI 6J 29, DAIMIO 8J 27, NIM 6H 27
DAIMIO 8J 27 yab

On 5th draw, WIMPS 8K 36 --- WIMP a weak or ineffectual person [n] --- WIMP to act like a wimp, as in the phrase to wimp out [v]
Other moves: SEMIRAW 11H 34, WASPIER 11F 34, MEDS 7F 31, WIPES 8K 30, WAMED 7D 29
WIMPS 8K 36 yab

On 6th draw, RESINOUS O1 77 --- RESINOUS resembling resin [adj]
Other tops: NEUROSIS O1 77
Other moves: PRUINOSE N8 74, MONSIEUR F6 62, NEUROSIS O3 59, RESINOUS O6 59, NERDS 7E 28
RESINOUS O1 27 yab
MORSE F6 9 Mego

On 7th draw, HONDLE 2J 36 --- HONDLE to haggle [v]
Other tops: HANDLE 2J 36
Other moves: LARDON 7E 35, HOP N6 31, HOLARD 7C 30, DASH M3 26, AHOLD 7D 25
HANDLE 2J 36 yab
ROAD 11L 5 Mego

On 8th draw, DIGE(R)ATI 8A 80 --- DIGERATI the elite who make money by internet related commerce [n]
Other moves: E(R)GATOID 10C 65, MIG(R)ATED F6 63, DIG(I)TATE 9B 62, AGIT(A)TED 9C 61, D(I)GITATE 9B 61
MIG(R)ATED F6 13 yab
MIDGET(S) F6 12 Mego

On 9th draw, WANEY K8 30 --- WANEY waning in some parts [adj]
Other moves: APAYING C2 28, ADAYS M1 26, PAGE 7J 26, PAYING C3 26, PYEING C3 26
PAYING C3 26 yab
PAIN B6 12 Mego

On 10th draw, NEEZE 10K 34 --- NEEZE to sneeze [v]
Other moves: ZO 6N 31, WEIZE B6 27, PREVIEW B4 25, PRIEVE B6 25, PEIZE B6 24
PERVE D7 10 Mego

On 11th draw, TOPAZ N6 24 --- TOPAZ a mineral [n]
Other moves: CACOLET D3 22, CATALOG C2 22, CLOACAE D2 22, OLD 7F 22, ACCLOY 12F 16
CATALOG C2 22 yab
C(R)AAL E7 12 Mego
GOAT C8 6 shahneeza

On 12th draw, OLDS 7F 29 --- OLD an individual of a specified age [n]
Other moves: FECULAS D7 24, FALCES D4 22, FAUCES D4 22, FECULA D7 22, FUCOSE D3 22
FECULA D7 22 yab
CLAUSE D3 16 Mego
CLOSE D4 14 shahneeza

On 13th draw, TABOURED A1 86 --- TABOUR to beat on a small drum [v]
Other moves: OBDURATE A6 62, B(R)UTER E7 22, OUTBRAG C2 22, B(R)UTE E7 20, OUTBEG C3 20
TABOURED A1 36 yab
BOARD A4 11 shahneeza
BREE D6 6 Mego

On 14th draw, INDRAFT B8 30 --- INDRAFT an inward flow or current [n]
Other moves: AFEARD 2A 28, ENDART O10 27, ENDEAR O10 27, REFIND B5 27, GRAFTED C8 26
GRANTED C8 20 yab
DEAFEN D7 20 Mego

On 15th draw, EXCITE O10 54 --- EXCITE to arouse the emotions of [v]
Other moves: ATAXIC 2A 42, FACTICE 13B 34, FIXATE 13B 34, ACETIC 2A 32, ATAXIC 12B 30
EXCITE O10 54 yab
TAXI 1A 12 Mego

On 16th draw, LAIRAGE C3 23 --- LAIRAGE cattle housing [n]
Other moves: FAILURE 13B 22, FERIAL 13B 20, FERULA 13B 20, FLUIER 13B 20, AURELIA 2A 18
FAILURE 13B 22 yab
FLAIR 13B 16 Mego

On 17th draw, DEYS M2 24 --- DEY a former North African ruler [n]
Other tops: DAYS M2 24, DOYS M2 24
Other moves: FAYNE 13B 22, FOYNE 13B 22, DYES M2 21, *F*Y 13A 20, FAY 13B 18
*F*Y 13A 20 yab

On 18th draw, PEINCT 14J 32 --- PEINCT to paint [v]
Other moves: APNOEIC 12B 28, PAEONIC 12A 28, CANAPE 12A 26, C(R)EPON E7 26, CAPON 12A 24
FIANCE 13B 24 yab

On 19th draw, KAVA 12A 32 --- KAVA a tropical shrub [n]
Other moves: AQUA 12B 26, AQUA 4C 26, QUAY 12H 26, QUAKY 12G 22, KOP J12 18
AQUA 4C 26 yab

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