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Game of May 1, 2011 at 16:14, 3 players
1. lilly49p -785
2. Elliott -796
3. Alexandra -820

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. efhoopr   H4    32    32   hoofer
 2. aegmnrt   7H    66    98   fragment
 3. aeillos   O7    24   122   tollies
 4. ddeimnq   J6    34   156   qadi
 5. ?abnruv   K5    27   183   viga
 6. adlortx  13J    26   209   taxors
 7. eiilltv  L11    32   241   vexil
 8. acelnou   4C    76   317   eulachon
 9. ?bdijnn   C1    30   347   jibed
10. aenottw   1C    42   389   jetton
11. abefstw  14K    34   423   wife
12. ?aepstu   8A    80   503   superate
13. aeinorw   E7    70   573   ironware
14. dekopsy  14B    46   619   pokeys
15. adgirtu  D11    35   654   aduki
16. aegnrty  13C    36   690   gurney
17. dehinru  12J    26   716   ehed
18. acimrrt  15A    26   742   miri
19. abeirtu   5C    24   766   drab
20. einstuz   J2    32   798   zin
21. acegist   2B    30   828   cities

Remaining tiles: agnu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filelilly49p    0  4:15  -785   43     1.  -  lilly49p    0  4:15  -785   43 
  2.  -  FileElliott     0  8:21  -796   32     2.  -  Elliott     0  8:21  -796   32 
  3.  -  FileAlexandra   0  1:35  -820    8     3.  -  Alexandra   0  1:35  -820    8 

On 1st draw, HOOFER H4 32 --- HOOFER a professional dancer [n]
Other moves: HOOPER H4 30, HOPER H4 28, PROOF H8 28, HOOFER H3 26, HOOFER H7 26

On 2nd draw, FRAGMENT 7H 66 --- FRAGMENT to break into pieces [v]
Other moves: AGREMENT 8C 63, AGREMENT 8E 62, HETMAN 4H 22, GEOMANT 5F 20, HANGER 4H 20

On 3rd draw, TOLLIES O7 24 --- TOLLIE a castrated calf [n]
Other tops: ISOLATE O2 24, OILLETS O2 24, TAILLES O7 24, TALLIES O7 24
Other moves: ALLOTS O3 21, LISTEL O4 21, SALTIE O4 21, SITELLA O5 21, SOLATE O3 21
TELL O7 12 Elliott

On 4th draw, QADI J6 34 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other tops: QAID J6 34
Other moves: MIDDENS 13I 28, DIMMED L4 26, MIDDEN N2 24, NIMMED L4 24, QIS 13M 24
HIDE 4H 8 Elliott

On 5th draw, V(I)GA K5 27 --- VIGA a ceiling beam in Spanish architecture [n]
Other tops: QU(E)NA 6J 27
Other moves: BHAV(A)N 4G 26, BH(A)VAN 4G 26, B(I)GA K5 25, R(H)UMBA L4 24, V(E)RBENA M3 24
HAN 4H 6 Elliott

On 6th draw, TAXORS 13J 26 --- TAXOR one who taxes [n]
Other tops: TAXOLS 13J 26
Other moves: AV(I)GATOR K4 24, TAXOL 5E 24, TAXOR 5E 24, TROLAND N2 23, AXLE 12L 22

On 7th draw, VEXIL L11 32 --- VEXIL the web or vane of a feather [n]
Other moves: VITEX L9 30, VEXT L11 28, VEX L11 26, EXIT L12 24, VILLEIN N1 24
TO 5G 2 Elliott

On 8th draw, EULACHON 4C 76 --- EULACHON a marine food fish [n]
Other moves: NUCLEAL 15F 27, NUCLEAL 15I 27, ALINE 14J 26, CLONAL 15G 24, CUNEAL 15G 24
ON M13 4 Elliott

On 9th draw, JIBED C1 30 --- JIBE to gibe [v]
Other tops: JIB(B)ED M3 30, JI(B)BED M3 30
Other moves: ADJ(O)IN F4 29, BANJ(O) F3 29, B(U)NJIE M2 28, DJIN J1 28, JE(R)ID C3 28

On 10th draw, JETTON 1C 42 --- JETTON a piece of metal used as a counter [n]
Other moves: TAJ 1A 30, TOWNLET 15H 30, WATTLE 15H 27, WINE 14K 25, ALOWE 15K 24

On 11th draw, WIFE 14K 34 --- WIFE a woman married to a man [n] --- WIFE to marry a woman [v]
Other moves: FLAWS 15K 33, FLEWS 15K 33, BLAWS 15K 30, FLABS 15K 30, FESTAL 15G 27

On 12th draw, SUPE(R)ATE 8A 80 --- SUPERATE to overcome [v]
Other moves: SPU(M)ANTE N2 76, AUT(O)PENS N1 74, PE(R)SAUNT N1 74, A(M)PUTEES M2 70, EPAU(L)ETS M2 70

On 13th draw, I(R)ONWARE E7 70 --- IRONWARE articles made of iron [n]
Other moves: UNWARIE B8 36, RENOWN N2 34, WINIER 2B 32, ROWEL 15H 30, DRAW 5C 27

On 14th draw, POKEYS 14B 46 --- POKEY a jail [n]
Other moves: KEYPADS 12A 44, POKEY 14B 44, KEYPAD 12A 42, YOKEL 15H 42, YAPOKS 12D 40

On 15th draw, ADUKI D11 35 --- ADUKI (Japanese) a kind of bean [n]
Other moves: DUKA D12 28, DARTING N2 25, DAURING N2 25, DAUTING N2 25, GAITED 12H 25

On 16th draw, GURNEY 13C 36 --- GURNEY a wheeled cot [n]
Other moves: GYRAL 15H 33, NARY F7 32, ALTER 15K 30, GURNET 13C 30, ANY F8 29
GENTS G10 7 lilly49p

On 17th draw, EHED 12J 26 --- EH to say 'Eh' [v]
Other moves: HIRED 12I 24, HURDEN N2 24, NIDI 15A 24, UNHIVE 11H 24, DENI 15A 23
HINDER M3 20 lilly49p

On 18th draw, MIRI 15A 26 --- MIR a Russian peasant commune [n]
Other tops: ADMIT 5B 26
Other moves: ARCMIN N2 24, DRAM 5C 24, MATRICE M1 22, MAROR 9B 21, ACMITE M2 20
CRATER M3 16 lilly49p

On 19th draw, DRAB 5C 24 --- DRAB dull and monotonous [adj] --- DRAB to associate with prostitutes [v]
Other tops: DRIB 5C 24
Other moves: ATEBRIN N1 22, TURBAN N2 20, AREA F8 18, BEATIER M2 18, DRAT 5C 18

On 20th draw, ZIN J2 32 --- ZIN a dry, red table wine [n]
Other moves: ZINE 2B 30, ZITE 2B 30, ZITI 2B 30, SEIZE M3 28, UNITIES 2A 28

On 21th draw, CITIES 2B 30 --- CITY a large town [n]
Other moves: ZATIS 2J 28, ZETAS 2J 28, CASTING N2 27, CEASING N2 27, ACETINS N2 24
GATES A4 8 Alexandra

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