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Game of May 1, 2011 at 17:04, 4 players
1. lilly49p -672
2. Alexandra -802
3. Elliott -804

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeoqst   H8    26    26   qats
 2. ?emootx  11E    60    86   oxysome
 3. deilnor  10C    24   110   rodent
 4. aceintu   C7    74   184   anuretic
 5. agkllty   8A    54   238   lankly
 6. ?aeelnp   B3    81   319   seaplane
 7. ceoortv   4A    30   349   vector
 8. aghnors  12C    28   377   thro
 9. afilmst   K6    63   440   flamiest
10. efnrstu   8J    39   479   safter
11. aeeinrv  13I    28   507   veteran
12. aegnrtu   N1    72   579   gauntree
13. eiiosuy   1L    36   615   yogi
14. abeggsz  O11    45   660   senza
15. adgghiu  12K    33   693   shade
16. bdegiou  14M    41   734   bez
17. bdeiopu   4J    26   760   upbind
18. eijnouw   C1    32   792   juice
19. dgiinow   1C    54   846   jowing
20. dgiiiow   E1    24   870   widow

Remaining tiles: giio

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filelilly49p    0 14:15  -672  198     1.  -  lilly49p    0 14:15  -672  198 
  2.  -  FileAlexandra   0  5:58  -802   68     2.  -  Alexandra   0  5:58  -802   68 
  3.  -  FileElliott     0 10:46  -804   66     3.  -  Elliott     0 10:46  -804   66 
  4.  -  Filedmoneybagz  0  3:19  -850   20     4.  -  dmoneybagz  0  3:19  -850   20 

On 1st draw, QATS H8 26 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: QATS H5 26, QATS H6 26, QATS H7 26
Other moves: QAT H6 24, QAT H7 24, QAT H8 24, DATES H4 16, DATOS H4 16
DATES H8 14 Alexandra, lilly49p

On 2nd draw, OX(Y)SOME 11E 60 --- OXYSOME a structural unit of cellular cristae [n]
Other moves: M(Y)OSOTE 11E 32, TO(Y)SOME 11E 32, T(W)OSOME 11E 32, EXOT(I)SM 11C 30, (H)OMOSEX 11D 30
MAX(I) 9G 23 lilly49p
EX(I)TS 11D 22 Alexandra
MA(N) 9G 7 Elliott

On 3rd draw, RODENT 10C 24 --- RODENT a gnawing mammal [n]
Other tops: RIDENT 10C 24
Other moves: DOLENT 10C 23, IDENT 10D 23, LENTI 10E 23, LENTO 10E 23, DENT 10E 22
OX F10 11 Elliott
DEMON J9 10 lilly49p
(Y)IELD G11 6 Alexandra

On 4th draw, ANURETIC C7 74 --- ANURESIS inability to urinate [adj] --- ANURETIC pertaining to inability to urinate [adj]
Other moves: NEUMATIC J8 66, NACRITE C7 26, TACRINE C7 26, UNCRATE C7 26, CREATIN C9 24
EXACT F10 16 Alexandra
DONATE E10 7 Elliott

On 5th draw, LANKLY 8A 54 --- LANK long and slender [adv] --- LANKLY in a land manner [adv]
Other moves: LANKY 8A 51, TANKY 8A 51, YANK 8A 48, LANK 8A 39, TANK 8A 39
LANKY 8A 51 lilly49p
TANG 8A 21 Elliott
ACT 14B 10 Alexandra

On 6th draw, (S)EAPLANE B3 81 --- SEAPLANE an airplane designed to take off from or land on the water [n]
Other moves: (S)PELAEAN B2 76, PANE(T)ELA B1 74, PLA(C)EMEN J6 69, PLA(T)EMEN J6 69, CAPEL(I)NE 14C 65
PAC 14A 14 Elliott

On 7th draw, VECTOR 4A 30 --- VECTOR to guide in flight by means of radioed directions [v]
Other moves: TOCO 12C 28, VOTER 12A 28, TRECK D4 27, TROCK D4 27, VECTOR 14A 26
AT 9H 3 Elliott

On 8th draw, THRO 12C 28 --- THRO through [prep]
Other tops: ANCHORS 14A 28, ARCHONS 14A 28
Other moves: ANCHOR 14A 26, ANCHOS 14A 26, ARCHON 14A 26, GATHS 12A 26, GOTHS 12A 26
GO E3 3 Elliott

On 9th draw, FLAMIEST K6 63 --- FLAMY flaming [adj]
Other moves: SCLIM 14B 30, FACTIS 14A 26, FLICS C1 24, FIRSTLY F2 23, FLIMS 13A 22
MAST D1 9 lilly49p

On 10th draw, SAFTER 8J 39 --- SAFT soft (Scots) [adj]
Other moves: AFTER 8K 36, SCURF 14B 36, FASTEN 8J 30, FASTER 8J 30, FUNSTER 13G 30

On 11th draw, VETERAN 13I 28 --- VETERAN a former member of the armed forces [n]
Other moves: NAEVE A1 27, NAIVE A1 27, NEIVE A1 27, NIEVE A1 27, REAVE A1 27
VENEER N5 13 lilly49p

On 12th draw, GAUNTREE N1 72 --- GAUNTREE a stand for barrels [n]
Other tops: GAUNTREE N2 72
Other moves: GRAVE A1 30, TRAVE A1 27, GRAV A1 25, GANNET O10 24, GARNET O10 24
GARNET O10 24 lilly49p

On 13th draw, YOGI 1L 36 --- YOGI a person who practices yoga [n]
Other tops: YUGS 1L 36
Other moves: YONIS O11 27, SNYE O12 24, SYE 12K 24, ICY C3 23, YGO 1M 21

On 14th draw, SENZA O11 45 --- SENZA without [prep]
Other moves: REZ F4 32, ZEBUS 3K 32, AGAZE N11 30, ZEBU 3K 30, GAZE N12 28
BANGS O11 27 lilly49p

On 15th draw, SHADE 12K 33 --- SHADE to screen from light or heat [v]
Other moves: HEAD L12 30, HEID L12 30, HID 10J 30, HAUDING 4I 28, HI 10J 28

On 16th draw, BEZ 14M 41 --- BEZ the second tine of a deer's horn [n]
Other moves: OGIVE A1 30, BODGIES J2 28, BUDGIES J2 28, BOUGIES J2 27, BEDOUIN 4H 26

On 17th draw, UPBIND 4J 26 --- UPBIND to bind completely [v]
Other tops: BEDOUIN 4H 26
Other moves: BICEP 14A 22, OBOE M1 22, OPTED M6 21, BICE C2 20, BIPOD E1 20

On 18th draw, JUICE C1 32 --- JUICE to extract the juice (the liquid part of a fruit or vegetable) from [v]
Other moves: JOY F6 29, JURE F2 27, JEU J2 26, JOLE 7I 26, JOR F2 26
WIRE F2 15 lilly49p
OWE E4 12 dmoneybagz

On 19th draw, JOWING 1C 54 --- JOW to ring or toll (a bell) [v]
Other moves: DICING 14A 28, ICING 14B 24, GODOWN E1 22, GOWAN 2K 21, OWT M6 21
JOIN 1C 12 lilly49p
COIN 14C 8 dmoneybagz

On 20th draw, WIDOW E1 24 --- WIDOW to deprive of a husband [v]
Other moves: OWT M6 21, ROWDY F4 20, DOWF 6H 19, GOWF 6H 19, GOWD E3 18

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