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Game of May 1, 2011 at 20:06, 4 players
1. irishnight -854
2. aurelia123 -868
3. jyzyky123 -872

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abeosuu   H8    22    22   ausubo
 2. ?adhipr  12H    86   108   bardship
 3. eilnory  O10    33   141   ropily
 4. aeinotu  N10    26   167   unite
 5. aeeginr   K5    90   257   regained
 6. defijnw   8J    51   308   fawned
 7. adeiotv   5D    74   382   deviator
 8. ?begijm   H1    69   451   figjam
 9. aabeprt   6J    27   478   bepat
10. adeikos   D2    28   506   kiddoes
11. aceensu   L3    29   535   cusp
12. eeilnor  10A    62   597   eloiners
13. aefinrt   B7    72   669   inflater
14. aeqstvy   2B    28   697   tykes
15. aehlmqw  I11    30   727   mahwa
16. aegloot   3A    24   751   looie
17. aaenorx  C10    37   788   oxer
18. aglnoqt  15H    72   860   talaq
19. acginoz   3L    28   888   coz

Remaining tiles: acginv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Fileirishnight  0  3:27  -854   34     1.  -  irishnight  0  3:27  -854   34 
  2.  -  Fileaurelia123  0  2:36  -868   20     2.  -  aurelia123  0  2:36  -868   20 
  3.  -  Filejyzyky123   0  1:41  -872   16     3.  -  jyzyky123   0  1:41  -872   16 
  4.  -  Filejojo1234    0  2:27  -873   15     4.  -  jojo1234    0  2:27  -873   15 

On 1st draw, AUSUBO H8 22 --- AUSUBO a tropical tree [n]
Other moves: BEAUS H4 20, BOUSE H4 20, AUSUBO H3 18, AUSUBO H4 18, AUSUBO H7 18

On 2nd draw, BARD(S)HIP 12H 86 --- BARDSHIP the office of a bard [n]
Other moves: DI(G)RAPHS 10A 71, RAPHID(E)S 10A 69, HARDS(H)IP 10D 67, PARI(S)HAD 8G 67, P(A)RISHAD 10D 67
HIPS 10E 11 irishnight

On 3rd draw, ROPILY O10 33 --- ROPILY in a ropy manner [adv]
Other tops: RIPELY O10 33
Other moves: PILY O12 27, PINY O12 27, PIOY O12 27, PLOY O12 27, POLY O12 27
NOSEY 10F 18 irishnight

On 4th draw, UNITE N10 26 --- UNITE to bring together so as to form a whole [v]
Other moves: ANI 13M 18, ETHION M10 18, TOENAIL 14I 18, UNAI 11H 18, AHENT M11 16
NUT 9G 5 irishnight

On 5th draw, REGAINED K5 90 --- REGAIN to take possession once more [v]
Other moves: ANERGIES 10A 63, REGAINER J5 63, ANERGIE(S) L5 59, REGINAE I7 26, REGINA I7 21

On 6th draw, FAWNED 8J 51 --- FAWN to seek notice or favor by servile demeanor [v]
Other moves: WAIFED 8J 42, AWNED 8K 39, FADEIN 8J 36, J*W*D 6J 36, JOW 13G 34

On 7th draw, DEVIATOR 5D 74 --- DEVIATOR one that deviates [n]
Other moves: DEVIANT M3 26, DEVIATE N2 26, TOGAED 7I 26, DAFT J6 24, DATIVES 10B 23

On 8th draw, (F)IGJAM H1 69 --- FIGJAM a bighead (Forsooth I'm Good, Just Ask Me) [n]
Other moves: JIBED D1 46, JIB(E)D D1 44, J(I)BED D1 44, J(O)BED D1 44, JI(R)GA H1 42

On 9th draw, BEPAT 6J 27 --- BEPAT to pat often [v]
Other tops: REBOP J2 27
Other moves: BEATER 6J 26, BERATE 6J 26, MABE 6H 26, PERAEA 6J 26, PETARA 6J 26

On 10th draw, KIDDOES D2 28 --- KIDDO used as a form of familiar address [n]
Other tops: KIDDOES D3 28
Other moves: DIKED D1 26, KIDDOS D3 26, JAK 4H 25, KIDDOS D2 24, SKIDOO 13C 24

On 11th draw, CUSP L3 29 --- CUSP a pointed end [n]
Other moves: SUCKEN 2A 28, ACKEE 2B 26, CAKES 2B 26, CUKES 2B 26, CAUSEN 8A 24

On 12th draw, ELOINERS 10A 62 --- ELOINER one that eloins [n]
Other moves: LINKER 2A 24, EIKON 2B 22, INKER 2B 22, INKLE 2B 22, LIKEN 2B 22
LIES 8A 12 aurelia123

On 13th draw, INFLATER B7 72 --- INFLATER one that inflates [n]
Other moves: ENFIRE A10 39, TREIFA A8 39, TREIF A8 36, FEINTER A9 33, FENITAR A9 33
FLIRT B9 8 aurelia123

On 14th draw, TYKES 2B 28 --- TYKE a small child [n]
Other tops: SAVOY 13E 28
Other moves: OYES C10 25, ANTSY 8A 24, CAVY 3L 24, QIS 3C 24, SAVVY F2 24

On 15th draw, MAHWA I11 30 --- MAHWA a kind of butter-tree [n]
Other tops: HAWM I11 30
Other moves: HOWE 13G 29, LYME C1 29, HAW I11 27, HYLA C1 27, HYLE C1 27

On 16th draw, LOOIE 3A 24 --- LOOIE a lieutenant of the armed forces [n]
Other tops: GALOOT 15H 24
Other moves: GYTE C1 23, YGO C2 23, OLEUM 11E 22, ALGATE 15F 21, GALEA 15H 21

On 17th draw, OXER C10 37 --- OXER an ox-fence [n]
Other tops: OXEN C10 37
Other moves: XOANA 15E 36, XOANA 15G 36, XOANA E7 35, RAX 15H 30, COAX 3L 26

On 18th draw, TALAQ 15H 72 --- TALAQ a form of divorce [n]
Other moves: QANAT 15H 45, QANAT 15F 42, TALAQ 15F 42, QAT 15H 36, ANALOG 15G 27
CAN 3L 10 jojo1234

On 19th draw, COZ 3L 28 --- COZ a cousin [n]
Other tops: CAZ 3L 28
Other moves: NAZI E10 26, CEAZING F9 21, COCAIN 3J 20, JAG 4H 19, JIG 4H 19
(F)AZING 1H 16 jyzyky123
GIN 3H 5 jojo1234

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