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Game of May 1, 2011 at 23:15, 2 players
1. angel666 -828
2. moya -830

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?egijtt   H4    94    94   jetting
 2. aaddegr   6C    69   163   gradated
 3. aceirtu   9G    62   225   anuretic
 4. ?bllnnu   5E    24   249   leben
 5. adenosx   M8    82   331   dioxanes
 6. aeenort   L8    35   366   attone
 7. acemnot  15G    36   402   ancomes
 8. aeiimwy  11K    28   430   moxie
 9. aeefnrt  O10    30   460   terefa
10. abeloss   4H    35   495   jobless
11. giilnos   C1    20   515   oglings
12. deeorvw   1A    42   557   vrow
13. eiopruz   N2    74   631   upsize
14. adeiowy   D6    34   665   rodeway
15. epqrtvy  11B    26   691   peavy
16. ahikoor   4A    30   721   hoik
17. afiioru   A4    36   757   hairif
18. inoqrtu   H1    51   808   outjetting
19. hiinqru   3L    25   833   hip

Remaining tiles: ilnqru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Fileangel666    0  1:58  -828    5     1.  -  angel666    0  1:58  -828    5 
  2.  -  Filemoya        0  0:48  -830    3     2.  -  moya        0  0:48  -830    3 

On 1st draw, JETTI(N)G H4 94 --- JET to spurt forth in a stream [v]
Other moves: JETTI(N)G H6 82, JETTI(N)G H2 80, JETTI(N)G H3 80, JETTI(N)G H8 80, JETTI(N)G H5 78

On 2nd draw, GRADATED 6C 69 --- GRADATE to change by degrees [v]
Other moves: AGGRADED 10G 68, AGGRADED 10F 66, GRADATED 7C 65, JAGAED 4H 30, JADED 4H 28

On 3rd draw, A(N)URETIC 9G 62 --- ANURESIS inability to urinate [adj] --- ANURETIC pertaining to inability to urinate [adj]
Other moves: JUICER 4H 30, JUICE 4H 28, JURAT 4H 24, RECRUIT D6 24, ATRETIC 7G 23

On 4th draw, L(E)BEN 5E 24 --- LEBEN a type of liquid food [n]
Other moves: B(A)LE 5E 22, B(A)NE 5E 22, B(E)NE 5E 22, B(I)LE 5E 22, B(I)NE 5E 22

On 5th draw, DIOXANES M8 82 --- DIOXANE a toxic flammable solvent [n]
Other moves: COAXED N9 36, CAXONS N9 34, COAXES N9 34, OXIDASE M7 32, DIAXONS M8 30

On 6th draw, ATTONE L8 35 --- ATTONE at once [adv]
Other moves: RATTEN L7 33, RATTON L7 33, ROTTAN L7 33, ROTTEN L7 33, JANTEE 4H 29

On 7th draw, ANCOMES 15G 36 --- ANCOME sudden inflammation [n]
Other tops: CAMOTES 15G 36, COMATES 15G 36
Other moves: JACONET 4H 35, CAMEOS 15H 33, COMETS 15H 33, COMTES 15H 33, JACENT 4H 33

On 8th draw, MOXIE 11K 28 --- MOXIE spirit or courage [n]
Other moves: TWAY 7H 27, MOXA 11K 26, WOX 11K 26, TWAE 7H 24, TWA 7H 23

On 9th draw, TEREFA O10 30 --- TEREFA not kosher [adj]
Other tops: FEATER O10 30
Other moves: JANTEE 4H 29, FREEGAN C2 24, FANTEEG 10B 23, NEATER O10 21, RETENE O10 21

On 10th draw, JOBLESS 4H 35 --- JOBLESS having no job [adj]
Other moves: JELABS 4H 33, JELAB 4H 31, JOBES 4H 31, JOLES 4H 27, SOJAS 4F 23

On 11th draw, OGLINGS C1 20 --- OGLING the act of ogling [n]
Other tops: RIGLINS D6 20
Other moves: GNOSIS N1 18, GOINGS C2 18, LOSING N2 18, ROILING D6 18, GOSLING 10B 17

On 12th draw, VROW 1A 42 --- VROW a Dutch woman [n]
Other tops: OVERDO 1C 42, OVERED 1C 42
Other moves: DROVE 1A 39, DROW 1A 36, RESEW N2 32, RESOW N2 32, WOOD 1A 30

On 13th draw, UPSIZE N2 74 --- UPSIZE to increase in size [v]
Other moves: ZIG 10F 35, ORZO J12 33, OUZO J12 33, SIZE N4 33, SEZ N4 32

On 14th draw, RODEWAY D6 34 --- RODEWAY roadway [n]
Other moves: DOPY 3L 27, WIPE 3L 27, WOAD D1 27, YIPE 3L 27, WAP 3L 25
LADE 3C 5 angel666

On 15th draw, PEAVY 11B 26 --- PEAVY a lever used to move logs [n]
Other moves: YEP 3L 25, QAT 11C 24, PEP 3L 22, PETARY 11A 22, PLAYER E4 22

On 16th draw, HOIK 4A 30 --- HOIK to hitch up [v]
Other tops: HAIK 4A 30
Other moves: HAP 3L 25, HIP 3L 25, HOP 3L 25, GOOK 2C 24, HAE C9 24

On 17th draw, HAIRIF A4 36 --- HAIRIF the plant cleavers [n]
Other moves: FAG 10F 33, FIG 10F 33, FAP 3L 25, FOP 3L 25, FAE C9 24

On 18th draw, OUTJETTI(N)G H1 51 --- OUTJETTING
Other moves: QUILT K1 28, QUIET L1 24, QUIN H12 23, INUST M1 22, QUA G13 22

On 19th draw, HIP 3L 25 --- HIP aware of the most current styles and trends [adj] --- HIP to build a type of roof [v]
Other tops: HUP 3L 25
Other moves: NIGH 10F 24, QUIN H12 23, RUTH 3F 23, NTH 3G 22, QUA G13 22
RUN 2G 3 moya

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