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Game of May 2, 2011 at 00:01, 1 player
1. moya -744

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deefpst   H4    26    26   feeds
 2. aeinptz   6G    36    62   peaze
 3. ?bcdiio   8A    95   157   biocides
 4. aegnrvy   B7    84   241   vinegary
 5. eefilot   C8    28   269   oolite
 6. ?aaeeko  12A    28   297   katana
 7. eegintw   J2    73   370   tweezing
 8. eimnrtw  A12    32   402   kent
 9. deorrtt   K3    26   428   erred
10. aalpstw   4F    26   454   wafters
11. aefinoy   3J    24   478   weeny
12. adilltx   E5    26   504   dixit
13. acnosst   N2    26   530   cytons
14. imoqsuu   H1    42   572   misfeeds
15. abeloor   3C    26   598   brools
16. eilmoou   D6    29   627   locum
17. aegijno   2F    58   685   jai
18. ehnoqru  F10    36   721   quare
19. ahioruv   D1    22   743   hori
20. aaeginp  14F    63   806   epigaean
21. fhioruv  K11    22   828   hiver

Remaining tiles: aflouu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filemoya        0 13:45  -744   84     1.  -  moya        0 13:45  -744   84 

On 1st draw, FEEDS H4 26 --- FEED to give food to [v]
Other tops: FETED H4 26
Other moves: FETES H4 24, FETED H8 22, PEDES H4 22, DEEPS H4 20, FEEDS H8 20

On 2nd draw, PEAZE 6G 36 --- PEAZE to weigh [v]
Other tops: PEIZE 6G 36
Other moves: PEZANT 5G 34, TEAZE 6G 34, PEAZE 5D 32, PEAZE 5G 32, PEIZE 5D 32
NEAT 6G 6 moya

On 3rd draw, BIOCID(E)S 8A 95 --- BIOCIDE a substance destructive to living organisms [n]
Other moves: CEBOID(S) K5 44, (K)IDDO 7F 30, IDIO(M) 7G 27, IDIO(T) 7G 27, (E)DDO 7G 26

On 4th draw, VINEGARY B7 84 --- VINEGAR a sour liquid used as a condiment or preservative [adj] --- VINEGARY sour like vinegar [adj]
Other moves: VINEGARY E7 80, VOYAGER C7 44, REVYING E4 28, VARYING E4 28, VAIRY B6 27

On 5th draw, OOLITE C8 28 --- OOLITE a variety of limestone [n]
Other moves: RELIEF 13B 26, FILFOT 4H 24, DIOL 7H 22, FAIL 12A 22, FATE 12A 22

On 6th draw, KATA(N)A 12A 28 --- KATANA a single edged samurai sword [n]
Other moves: KATA 12A 26, KATA(S) 12A 26, OAK(L)EAF 4B 26, (D)ECOKE D6 25, COKE D8 24

On 7th draw, TWEEZING J2 73 --- TWEEZE to pluck with a tweezer [v]
Other moves: WEETING K5 44, KING A12 35, KENT A12 32, KINE A12 32, WEFTING 4F 28

On 8th draw, KENT A12 32 --- KEN to know [v] --- KENT to steer by a punting pole [v]
Other tops: KINE A12 32
Other moves: EMETINE 5H 26, ENEW 5H 26, DWINE 7H 24, EMETIN 5H 24, EMETIN 5J 24

On 9th draw, ERRED K3 26 --- ERR to make a mistake [v]
Other moves: FRETTED 4H 22, FRETTER 4H 20, WOTTED 3J 20, DEET K4 19, ERED K4 19

On 10th draw, WAFTERS 4F 26 --- WAFTER one that wafts [n]
Other moves: SAWPIT E4 22, SWEPT 3I 22, AFTERS 4G 18, AWAITS E5 18, PASTA D11 18

On 11th draw, WEENY 3J 24 --- WEENY tiny [adj]
Other moves: FAYS L1 23, FEYS L1 23, FOYS L1 23, FA(N)NY E10 20, FELONY 10A 20
ANY F12 14 moya

On 12th draw, DIXIT E5 26 --- DIXIT a statement [n]
Other moves: DAYLIT N1 24, DIXI E5 24, TAXI E5 22, DITT I1 21, LA(N)X E10 20
DAY N1 14 moya

On 13th draw, CYTONS N2 26 --- CYTON the body of a nerve cell [n]
Other moves: CYANO N2 24, CYANS N2 24, CYSTS N2 24, CYTON N2 24, SYNCS N2 24

On 14th draw, MISFEEDS H1 42 --- MISFEED to feed incorrectly [v]
Other tops: QUOITS 2F 42
Other moves: QUAIS F10 36, QUASI F10 36, QUIST 2F 34, QUOIT 2F 34, QUAI F10 33
QUIT 2G 13 moya

On 15th draw, BROOLS 3C 26 --- BROOL a deep murmur [n]
Other tops: BORALS 3C 26
Other moves: GIBEL 11B 24, LABS 3E 21, LOBS 3E 21, ROBS 3E 21, ABS 3F 20
BLARE F10 15 moya

On 16th draw, LOCUM D6 29 --- LOCUM a temporary substitute [n]
Other moves: GIMEL 11B 24, IDEM F7 24, DEME 5E 21, MOC D6 20, RIEM D3 19
MAIL F11 8 moya

On 17th draw, JAI 2F 58 --- JAI onward to victory (Indian) [interj]
Other moves: GANJA F11 29, JOW F2 29, JEAN F10 27, JIAO F10 27, JEES L1 19
GAIN F11 7 moya

On 18th draw, QUARE F10 36 --- QUARE queer [adj]
Other moves: QUA F10 32, HERN D1 22, HERO D1 22, HORE D1 22, HORN D1 22
GONER 9J 7 moya

On 19th draw, HORI D1 22 --- HORI a Maori (derogatory term) [n]
Other tops: HARO D1 22, HORA D1 22
Other moves: HIC 2L 16, HOC 2L 16, QUARER F10 15, OUCH 2L 14, RACH 2L 14

On 20th draw, EPIGAEAN 14F 63 --- EPIGAEAN living close to the ground [adj]
Other moves: PEGH 1A 30, NIGH 1A 24, PACA 2L 15, PACE 2L 15, PE(E)P G6 15

On 21th draw, HIVER K11 22 --- HIVER someone who hives [n]
Other tops: FIVER K11 22, HOVER K11 22
Other moves: FIVE K11 20, FOHN M11 20, HIVE K11 20, HOVE K11 20, FIR H13 18

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