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Game of May 2, 2011 at 01:42, 4 players
1. amin -835
2. terry13z -921
3. Bonwithab -924

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeinno   H2    64    64   aeonian
 2. delmost   3B    78   142   molested
 3. ahioors   B2    38   180   omrahs
 4. adehrwy   D1    32   212   wyled
 5. dgoprsu   7E    64   276   podargus
 6. eimorty   L6    78   354   isometry
 7. aeikpru   6F    39   393   kaie
 8. aeinopw   8K    34   427   powin
 9. ?beeelr  11E    86   513   herbelet
10. aaegotu  H11    27   540   bouge
11. aeilsuv   O7    62   602   unvailes
12. adfltuv  10I    22   624   fade
13. bchinor  14A    86   710   broching
14. cegilnt  A12    27   737   gibe
15. aijortt   K5    28   765   jaup
16. aaoqrtz  F10    32   797   zea
17. innqttu  C10    28   825   quino
18. ailnttv   G9    21   846   var
19. acfiior  D12    32   878   foci
20. aeilntt  15C    26   904   lien
21. acirttx  13C    25   929   nott
22. acirttx   N5    22   951   taxi

Remaining tiles: cirt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Fileamin        0 10:43  -835  116     1.  -  amin        0 10:43  -835  116 
  2.  -  Fileterry13z    0  4:36  -921   30     2.  -  terry13z    0  4:36  -921   30 
  3.  -  FileBonwithab   1  1:12  -924   27     3.  -  Bonwithab   1  1:12  -924   27 
  4.  -  FileOradzi2     0  2:29  -929   22     4.  -  Oradzi2     0  2:29  -929   22 

On 1st draw, AEONI(A)N H2 64 --- AEONIAN eternal [adj]
Other tops: AEONI(A)N H3 64, AEONI(A)N H4 64, AEONI(A)N H6 64, AEONI(A)N H8 64, ENA(T)ION H2 64, ENA(T)ION H3 64, ENA(T)ION H4 64, ENA(T)ION H6 64, ENA(T)ION H7 64, ENA(T)ION H8 64, (A)EONIAN H2 64, (A)EONIAN H3 64, (A)EONIAN H6 64, (A)EONIAN H7 64, (A)EONIAN H8 64, (G)ANOINE H2 64, (G)ANOINE H3 64, (G)ANOINE H6 64, (G)ANOINE H7 64, (G)ANOINE H8 64
Other moves: AEONI(A)N H5 62, AEONI(A)N H7 62, ENA(T)ION H5 62, (A)EONIAN H4 62, (A)EONIAN H5 62
NINE H8 8 Oradzi2
O(V)EN H8 6 amin

On 2nd draw, MOLESTED 3B 78 --- MOLEST to touch or interfere with [v]
Other moves: MELODIST 6C 65, MODELIST 6C 65, MOLDIEST 6D 65, MOLESTED 3E 63, DEMOTES 3G 30
ALMOST 2H 14 Oradzi2
STONE 5E 10 amin

On 3rd draw, OMRAHS B2 38 --- OMRAH a Muslim lord [n]
Other moves: OMRAH B2 36, DHOORAS I3 26, DHOORA I3 24, HALOS D1 24, HILAR D1 24
H(A)IRS 7G 12 amin

On 4th draw, WYLED D1 32 --- WYLE to beguile [v]
Other moves: HYLA D1 28, HYLE D1 28, WALY D1 28, WYLE D1 28, HAIRY 6F 27
WHERE E1 22 amin

On 5th draw, POD(A)RGUS 7E 64 --- PODARGUS a type of bird [n]
Other moves: UPGIRDS 6E 21, UPGIRD 6E 20, EROS E3 16, PARDS 5A 16, PRIGS 6F 16
GR(A)SP 7F 9 amin

On 6th draw, ISOMETRY L6 78 --- ISOMETRY equality of measure [n]
Other moves: ENORMITY 5G 76, EMPTY E5 30, SMYTRIE L7 30, DEMONRY 5D 26, IMPORT E5 26
STORMY L7 24 amin

On 7th draw, KAIE 6F 39 --- KAIE a wharf [n]
Other moves: POAKE 8K 37, POKER 8K 37, POKIE 8K 37, POUKE 8K 37, KAI 6F 36
POKER F6 19 amin

On 8th draw, POWIN 8K 34 --- POWIN a peacock [n]
Other tops: POWAN 8K 34
Other moves: WEAPON 8C 29, PIOYE 13I 26, PINON 8D 25, YAWP 13L 24, PONE 8F 22
POINT 11H 14 amin

On 9th draw, (H)ERBELET 11E 86 --- HERBELET a small herb [n]
Other moves: BERLEYE(D) 13G 82, BEL(L)ETER 11G 68, BE(L)LETER 11G 68, BELIE(V)ER N5 61, REBEL(L)ER 12E 60

On 10th draw, BOUGE H11 27 --- BOUGE to budge [v]
Other tops: BEGAT H11 27, BEGOT H11 27
Other moves: BEAUT H11 24, BUTEO H11 24, TAUPE K5 20, GETUP K4 18, GUYOT 13J 18
BEGOT H11 27 Bonwithab

On 11th draw, UNVAILES O7 62 --- UNVAILE to remove one's veil [v]
Other moves: WAES M8 25, SYLVA 13K 22, SILVA 6K 21, VAGILE 14F 20, VAGUES 14F 20

On 12th draw, FADE 10I 22 --- FADE to lose colour or brightness [v]
Other tops: FATED 10I 22
Other moves: DEAF K10 21, FATE 10I 20, FEUDAL F10 20, VEDUTA F10 20, FUGAL 14F 19

On 13th draw, BROCHING 14A 86 --- BROCH to broach, to pierce [v]
Other moves: CHORING 14B 30, OCHRING 14B 30, BENCH F10 26, BANDH 5A 22, HEROIC F10 21

On 14th draw, GIBE A12 27 --- GIBE to jeer [v]
Other moves: LECTION C9 20, LYCEE 13K 20, OGLER 12H 20, GETUP K4 18, GYNIE 13K 18

On 15th draw, JAUP K5 28 --- JAUP to splash [v]
Other moves: JET F10 26, JA 10N 25, GAJO 12A 24, JATO C11 22, JIAO C11 22

On 16th draw, ZEA F10 32 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: ZA 10N 31, RAZOO C10 28, RAZOO C11 28, TROOZ C11 28, OOZY 2A 27

On 17th draw, QUINO C10 28 --- QUINO a game of chance [n]
Other moves: QIS 14M 24, NOUN C2 17, ZEATIN F10 15, QAID 5A 14, QIS F1 14

On 18th draw, VAR G9 21 --- VAR a unit of reactive power [n]
Other moves: TACT D12 20, VANDA 5A 18, LAR G9 15, QUINOA C10 15, QUINOL C10 15
LAID 5A 5 terry13z

On 19th draw, FOCI D12 32 --- FOCUS a point at which rays converge or from which they diverge [n]
Other moves: AERO E2 21, WAR M8 21, DEAF K10 18, ORF 12H 18, AFRO 12J 17
PI E7 4 terry13z

On 20th draw, LIEN 15C 26 --- LIEN a legal right to hold or sell a debtor's property [n]
Other moves: LIE 15C 23, OTTER 12H 18, AEON 12F 17, AI 15C 17, LI 15C 17
AIDE 5B 10 terry13z

On 21th draw, NOTT 13C 25 --- NOTT with short cropped hair [adj]
Other moves: TAUT 13F 24, TAU 13F 22, TAXI N5 22, WAR M8 21, XIS 14M 20
EXIT 15H 11 terry13z

On 22th draw, TAXI N5 22 --- TAXI to travel in a taxicab [v]
Other moves: WAR M8 21, XIS 14M 20, EX 4D 18, EX E3 18, XI N7 18

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