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Game of May 2, 2011 at 02:35, 1 player
1. terry13z -725

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eilnty   H6    76    76   inertly
 2. acikntv  12C    28   104   cavity
 3. abbfosu   C8    26   130   bobacs
 4. ceortuu   E6    76   206   outcurve
 5. ?aailow   8A    24   230   wab
 6. deilmor   B2    28   258   melodia
 7. adeefgn   4A    32   290   flanged
 8. ?ahinnr   A1    36   326   khaf
 9. ailmrtx  10C    29   355   brux
10. iiknors   F2    25   380   kiers
11. ainquvy   D1    24   404   quina
12. adefopr  11G    24   428   alfredo
13. aehnnrv   L8    28   456   hander
14. aeeilms   J4    64   520   measlier
15. deeinoo   8L    24   544   heed
16. einnnps   M2    77   621   pennines
17. egglopr   2J    32   653   propel
18. gijotwz   O1    48   701   glitz
19. giootuw   K1    24   725   wroot
20. gijotuy  13J    28   753   jury

Remaining tiles: giotv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Fileterry13z    1  1:27  -725   28     1.  -  terry13z    1  1:27  -725   28 

On 1st draw, INE(R)TLY H6 76 --- INERTLY in an inert manner [adv]
Other tops: ET(H)INYL H7 76, INE(P)TLY H6 76
Other moves: ET(H)INYL H3 70, ET(H)INYL H4 70, ET(H)INYL H6 70, ET(H)INYL H8 70, INE(P)TLY H2 70

On 2nd draw, CAVITY 12C 28 --- CAVITY an unfilled space within a mass [n]
Other tops: NICKY 12D 28, TACKY 12D 28, TICKY 12D 28
Other moves: TINTACK 10H 25, ANTICK 6E 24, CALKIN 11F 24, TANKY 12D 24, VAKIL 11D 24
TICKY 12D 28 terry13z

On 3rd draw, BOBACS C8 26 --- BOBAC a type of marmot [n]
Other moves: FAVOUS E10 24, BASUCO C8 22, FAVUS E10 22, FOUATS G8 22, COBB C12 20

On 4th draw, OUTCURVE E6 76 --- OUTCURVE a type of pitch in baseball [n]
Other moves: CUBER 8A 30, CUBE 8A 27, RUBOUT 8A 27, COUVERT E9 24, CUTOVER E8 24

On 5th draw, WAB 8A 24 --- WAB a web [n]
Other tops: ALBAT(A) 8A 24, ALBIT(E) 8A 24, LIBAT(E) 8A 24, LOBAT(E) 8A 24, O(R)BITA 8A 24, (A)LBATA 8A 24, (R)ABATO 8A 24
Other moves: RAILWA(Y) 11E 22, ALB(A)TA 8A 21, A(B)BOT 8A 21, A(M)BIT 8A 21, O(O)BIT 8A 21

On 6th draw, MELODIA B2 28 --- MELODIA a type of organ stop [n]
Other moves: ALOD B8 18, ERBIUM 10A 18, IMBRUE 10A 18, REALO B6 17, ALOE B8 16

On 7th draw, FLANGED 4A 32 --- FLANGE to provide with a protecting rim [v]
Other moves: FLEDGE 4A 30, FLANGE 4A 28, FLAG 4A 24, FLED 4A 24, FLEG 4A 24

On 8th draw, (K)HAF A1 36 --- KHAF a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: (V)IHARA C1 35, HA(A)F A1 32, HA(F)F A1 32, H(A)AF A1 32, H(E)IR F10 30

On 9th draw, BRUX 10C 29 --- BRUX to grind teeth together [v]
Other moves: LIMAX 11H 28, AXLE F1 27, TAXI 10H 27, LOX 6D 26, TAX 10H 26

On 10th draw, KIERS F2 25 --- KIER a vat for boiling and dyeing fabrics [n]
Other moves: DROOK 6B 20, INKS F12 20, IRKS F12 20, LIKINS 11H 20, SLINK 11G 20

On 11th draw, QUINA D1 24 --- QUINA tree bark [n]
Other moves: QUIN D1 23, CAI(R)NY 9E 21, TIVY 10H 18, CAI(R)N 9E 17, IVY 6H 17

On 12th draw, ALFREDO 11G 24 --- ALFREDO cooked wiht a cheese and egg sauce [adj]
Other moves: COP(R)A 9E 21, COR(R)ADE 9E 20, LEOPARD 11H 20, LOAFED 11H 20, CAD(R)E 9E 19

On 13th draw, HANDER L8 28 --- HANDER someone who hands [n]
Other tops: HARDEN L8 28
Other moves: HOVEA M10 22, HOVEN M10 22, HOVER M10 22, DAVEN L11 20, DRAVE L11 20

On 14th draw, MEASLIER J4 64 --- MEASLY meager [adj]
Other tops: ALMERIES J7 64
Other moves: LEHAIM 8J 33, SHALM 8K 30, SHAME 8K 30, HAEM 8L 27, HALM 8L 27

On 15th draw, HEED 8L 24 --- HEED to pay attention to [v]
Other tops: HEID 8L 24, HEND 8L 24, HIDE 8L 24, HIED 8L 24, HIND 8L 24, HOED 8L 24, HOND 8L 24, HOOD 8L 24
Other moves: MEINED 4J 22, MONIED 4J 22, MOONED 4J 22, ODEON M8 22, HONE 8L 21

On 16th draw, PENNINES M2 77 --- PENNINE a mineral [n]
Other moves: PENNINES N2 74, PENNIES M3 25, PINENES M3 25, MISPEN 4J 22, PENNINE N2 22

On 17th draw, PROPEL 2J 32 --- PROPEL to cause to move forward or onward [v]
Other moves: GOLPE 2J 24, GROPE 2J 24, LOPPER 2J 24, PRORE 13I 20, REPEG K10 17

On 18th draw, GLITZ O1 48 --- GLITZ gaudy showiness [n] --- GLITZ to make flashy in appearance [v]
Other moves: JIZ 6L 39, GLOW O1 36, WIZ 6L 35, J*W*NG 5I 34, J*W 5I 26

On 19th draw, WROOT K1 24 --- WROOT to turn up with the snout [v]
Other moves: GRIOT K1 20, GROUT K1 20, OUTROW 13I 20, MOWN 4J 18, WOOD G1 18

On 20th draw, JURY 13J 28 --- JURY to select material for exhibition [v]
Other moves: TOWY 1I 27, YOURT 13I 24, ROJI 13L 22, YOD G2 20, GLITZY O1 19

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