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Game of May 2, 2011 at 04:15, 2 players
1. Klonimous -380
2. kobe_only -779

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ehkorrt   H3    26    26   rhetor
 2. ?biirtt   5D    86   112   libretti
 3. ?fknorx   I5    35   147   tax
 4. diinort   J1    26   173   dinitro
 5. adefgnv   1J    45   218   defang
 6. acoorst   D5    70   288   locators
 7. ceilpst  10C    70   358   toeclips
 8. bemoswy   8A    39   397   embays
 9. aeeelsu   D3    22   419   allocators
10. delouvy   N1    36   455   nudely
11. aadeorv   4L    24   479   deev
12. aeeklrv   3C    22   501   kava
13. ejlnoos   6B    29   530   jeon
14. finopuz   F2    31   561   za
15. deeilos  12A    61   622   oilseeds
16. aaegntw  A11    27   649   wonga
17. efhimuw  H12    30   679   shew
18. aegimnp  13H    28   707   heaping
19. aafmoor  N10    34   741   forgo
20. aeimnou   O4    37   778   voema
21. aaiintu  14F    20   798   taenia

Remaining tiles: iquuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  FileKlonimous   4 26:11  -380  418     1.  -  Klonimous   4 26:11  -380  418 
  2.  -  Filekobe_only   0  2:49  -779   19     2.  -  kobe_only   0  2:49  -779   19 

On 1st draw, RHETOR H3 26 --- RHETOR a teacher of rhetoric [n]
Other moves: HOKE H5 22, HOKE H6 22, HOKE H7 22, HOKE H8 22, KHET H5 22
HORE H8 14 Klonimous

On 2nd draw, (L)IBRETTI 5D 86 --- LIBRETTO the text of an opera [n]
Other moves: I(M)BITTER 5B 68, BIRETT(A) 5E 32, T(U)RBITH 4B 22, BHI(S)TI 4G 20, BIRTH 4D 20
BRITT(L)E 5B 16 Klonimous

On 3rd draw, T(A)X I5 35 --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other tops: T(E)X I5 35, T(I)X I5 35
Other moves: K(L)(A)XON D4 32, F(L)O(C)K D4 30, F(L)(A)NK D4 30, F(L)(E)XOR D4 30, F(L)(U)NK D4 30
T(A)X I5 35 Klonimous

On 4th draw, DINITRO J1 26 --- DINITRO containing two nitro groups [adj]
Other moves: INTROIT J3 23, DITTO J3 22, INTRO J3 21, NITRO J3 21, TROD J5 21
RID 8H 14 Klonimous

On 5th draw, DEFANG 1J 45 --- DEFANG to make harmless [v]
Other moves: FADGED 1H 39, FANDED 1G 39, FADED 1H 36, FADGED 1E 36, VADED 1H 36
FED 1H 21 Klonimous

On 6th draw, (L)OCATORS D5 70 --- LOCATOR one who locates [n]
Other moves: NOSTOC N1 28, CORANTOS 3F 24, CARO(L)S D1 20, CORA(L)S D1 20, CROO(L)S D1 20
RHETORS H3 10 Klonimous

On 7th draw, TOECLIPS 10C 70 --- TOECLIP a foot holder on a pedal [n]
Other moves: PILASTER 8A 30, PRINCES 3G 30, ASEPTIC M1 28, SPECTRIN 3C 28, PICAL 8A 27
SCLATE 8A 24 Klonimous

On 8th draw, EMBAYS 8A 39 --- EMBAY to enclose in a bay [v]
Other moves: EMBAY 8A 36, NEWSBOY N1 34, OOSY 6C 32, WEBBY F2 31, WOMBY F2 31
WOMBS F2 22 Klonimous

On 9th draw, AL(L)OCATORS D3 22 --- ALLOCATOR [n]
Other moves: LEEARS G1 18, LAERS G2 17, LEARS G2 17, LEAT 9A 17, LEERS G2 17
FEEL L1 14 Klonimous

On 10th draw, NUDELY N1 36 --- NUDE being without clothing or covering [adv] --- NUDELY in a nude manner [adv]
Other moves: RENVOY 3H 26, VERD 11B 24, YERD 11B 24, EYOT 9A 23, DAVY 3C 22
SOLVED 12D 11 Klonimous

On 11th draw, DEEV 4L 24 --- DEEV in Persian legend, an evil spirit [n]
Other tops: REATA 9A 24, VERD 11B 24
Other moves: EREV 4L 22, FAVA L1 20, FAVE L1 20, VARA 11B 20, VARE 11B 20
VEER 4L 16 Klonimous

On 12th draw, KAVA 3C 22 --- KAVA a tropical shrub [n]
Other tops: KAVA 3A 22, LARKER 3C 22, VERBALS F2 22
Other moves: CLEEK F10 21, CLERK F10 21, CREAK F10 21, CREEK F10 21, KAME B6 20
BATE C8 12 Klonimous

On 13th draw, JEON 6B 29 --- JEON a monetary unit of South Korea [n]
Other tops: JOMO B6 29
Other moves: JORS 11B 28, JA F2 25, POLJES I10 23, POLJE I10 22, INSOLE H10 21
JA F2 25 Klonimous

On 14th draw, ZA F2 31 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: PONZU I10 26, ZIPS 12A 25, ORF 11C 24, ZINS 12A 23, FIRN 11B 20
ZA F2 31 Klonimous

On 15th draw, OILSEEDS 12A 61 --- OILSEED a seed from which oil is pressed out [n]
Other moves: VIOLD O4 34, BETOILED C8 31, VIOLS O4 31, BETOILS C8 27, IODISE H10 27
TOILED C10 18 Klonimous

On 16th draw, WONGA A11 27 --- WONGA money [n]
Other tops: GOWAN A11 27
Other moves: SWAG H12 24, TALWEG C10 22, SAWN H12 21, SEWN H12 21, SNAW H12 21
SWAG H12 24 Klonimous

On 17th draw, SHEW H12 30 --- SHEW to show [v]
Other moves: WHILE 4A 28, SHIM H12 27, SMEW H12 27, SWIM H12 27, SWUM H12 27
SHEW H12 30 Klonimous
SHE J10 6 kobe_only

On 18th draw, HEAPING 13H 28 --- HEAP to pile up [v]
Other tops: GAMING 14A 28, GAPING 14A 28
Other moves: HAMING 13H 26, META 9B 25, EPIGEAN 14H 24, GAEING 14A 24, GAGMEN 14A 24
GAPING 14A 28 Klonimous
SIP J10 5 kobe_only

On 19th draw, FORGO N10 34 --- FORGO to refrain from [v]
Other moves: FERM 14G 27, FIRM L12 24, REAM 14G 24, FOOT 9A 23, MOOLA 4A 23
FERM 14G 27 Klonimous

On 20th draw, VOEMA O4 37 --- VOEMA (South Africa) vigour [n]
Other moves: GONIUM 14A 30, OMER 12K 26, META 9B 25, MARE 12L 24, MERI 12L 24
GAME 14A 14 Klonimous
FOND L1 8 kobe_only

On 21th draw, TAENIA 14F 20 --- TAENIA a headband worn in ancient Greece [n]
Other moves: NAIAD 3J 19, GITANA 14A 18, NALA 4B 17, TAIT 9A 17, TALA 4B 17
JAM B6 12 Klonimous

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