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Game of May 2, 2011 at 05:06, 1 player
1. Klonimous -767

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abdginv   H4    30    30   vading
 2. adnoort   7A    61    91   tandoori
 3. aenpstt   B2    82   173   antepast
 4. ?aegijs   9F    69   242   jaggiest
 5. adfloor   K5    44   286   alfredo
 6. iilntuw   6F    30   316   wud
 7. ?fghilr   M5    65   381   rightful
 8. aerssvw   D7    36   417   dwarves
 9. adeilmo   C2    35   452   maiden
10. eeklotu   A7    32   484   touk
11. eiinoqs  13B    24   508   qis
12. einostz   I9    27   535   genizot
13. eenorru   M3    30   565   unrightful
14. aceilmt  15D    42   607   climate
15. elnoors  11A    27   634   solver
16. eioptuy  14F    45   679   tepoy
17. beehoru   8M    27   706   heh
18. bbinory   4L    26   732   inby
19. ainortu   O1    27   759   aroynt
20. bceeoux  15A    48   807   ecoclimate

Remaining tiles: beeiux

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5218 FileKlonimous   0  1:56  -767   40     1.5218 Klonimous   0  1:56  -767   40 

On 1st draw, VADING H4 30 --- VADE to pass away [v]
Other moves: BAVIN H4 26, VADING H7 26, VIAND H4 26, VADING H3 24, VADING H8 24
BANG H8 14 Klonimous

On 2nd draw, TANDOORI 7A 61 --- TANDOOR a clay oven [n] --- TANDOORI a type of Indian cooking [n]
Other moves: DONATOR 5E 32, ONDATRA 5E 32, OVATOR 4G 18, VORANT 4H 18, ODORANT 5D 16
TANDOORI 7A 11 Klonimous

On 3rd draw, ANTEPAST B2 82 --- ANTEPAST an appetizer [n]
Other moves: ANTEPAST B7 74, ANTEPAST 5C 70, ANTEPAST 5H 70, PATTENS A4 36, TEOPANS E5 36
PASTE B6 15 Klonimous

On 4th draw, JAGGIES(T) 9F 69 --- JAGGY jagged, rough-edged [adj]
Other tops: JAGGIES(T) 9E 69
Other moves: JADES 6F 58, JADIS(H) 6F 58, JEDIS 6F 58, J(U)DGES 6F 58, JADI(N)G 6F 57

On 5th draw, ALFREDO K5 44 --- ALFREDO cooked wiht a cheese and egg sauce [adj]
Other moves: DOOLAN C2 29, FLOODS L4 24, ROTA A5 24, ROTO A5 24, TOAD A7 23

On 6th draw, WUD 6F 30 --- WUD insane [adj] --- WUD to cover with trees [v]
Other moves: TUI A7 17, INWIT 3A 16, TWILT 4B 16, UNLAW 5E 16, UNWIT 3A 16

On 7th draw, RIGH(T)F(U)L M5 65 --- RIGHTFUL just and proper [adj]
Other moves: FLIGH(T) 6J 28, FR(E)IGH(T) M3 28, R(E)FIGH(T) M3 28, FRIDG(E) D4 24, DRI(E)GH D7 22

On 8th draw, DWARVES D7 36 --- DWARF an extremely small person [n]
Other moves: SWARVED D1 30, TASERS A7 29, HAW 8M 27, HEW 8M 27, NAVEWS 3B 26

On 9th draw, MAIDEN C2 35 --- MAIDEN a young unmarried woman [n]
Other tops: DAEMON C2 35, DAIMEN C2 35, DAIMON C2 35, TAILED A7 35, TOILED A7 35
Other moves: RAHED 8K 33, MOTE A5 32, MOTI A5 32, LOADEN C2 29, DOTE A5 28

On 10th draw, TOUK A7 32 --- TOUK to tap or beat [v]
Other tops: TEEK A7 32
Other moves: LOTE A5 27, TOTE A5 27, EVOKE 11C 24, KEVEL 11B 24, VOLK 11D 22

On 11th draw, QIS 13B 24 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: SEGNI I7 20, SEGNO I7 20, REOS 10D 19, SEGO I7 19, ENVOIS 11B 18

On 12th draw, GENIZOT I9 27 --- GENIZAH a room in a synagogue [n]
Other tops: IONIZES J9 27
Other moves: IONIZE J9 26, STIVE 11A 25, STOVE 11A 25, QIS B13 24, L*Z 12M 22

On 13th draw, UNRIGH(T)F(U)L M3 30 --- UNRIGHTFUL
Other moves: ROQUE B11 28, REROUTE 15D 24, RERENT 15D 21, RETORE 15G 21, RETORN 15G 21

On 14th draw, CLIMATE 15D 42 --- CLIMATE the weather conditions characteristic of an area [n] --- CLIMATE to remain in a certain place [v]
Other moves: CAMLET 15D 39, LATTICE 15G 36, METICAL 15G 36, COMITAL 14H 34, ACMITE 15E 30

On 15th draw, SOLVER 11A 27 --- SOLVER one that solves [n]
Other tops: SLOVEN 11A 27
Other moves: SERVO 11A 25, SLOVE 11A 25, SOLVE 11A 25, NOSE J12 23, OOSE J12 23

On 16th draw, TEPOY 14F 45 --- TEPOY a small table used in serving tea [n]
Other moves: OYE J13 38, POYOU 14H 35, TOPE J12 35, HYP 8M 33, OPE J13 32

On 17th draw, HEH 8M 27 --- HEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: HOH 8M 27, HUH 8M 27
Other moves: RHO 10D 25, HOB 8M 24, HUB 8M 24, ZHO 13I 24, ZEBU 13I 21

On 18th draw, INBY 4L 26 --- INBY inward [adv]
Other moves: BLOB 12L 22, QI B13 22, AMBRY 2B 20, HOBBY O8 19, ZORI 13I 19

On 19th draw, AROYNT O1 27 --- AROYNT to frighten away [v]
Other moves: QAT B13 24, QUA B13 24, QI B13 22, ROAN 10D 22, ROAR 10D 22

On 20th draw, ECOCLIMATE 15A 48 --- ECOCLIMATE
Other moves: ULEX 12L 38, ZEX 13I 25, EXEC 12D 24, BLOC 12L 22, CLUB 12L 22

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