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Game of May 2, 2011 at 06:42, 2 players
1. gamer5556 -697
2. noam49 -718

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeknnrt   H7    30    30   enrank
 2. abeiins   9D    62    92   binaries
 3. ?aclmoz   E5    68   160   coalize
 4. ?aeisux   J6    82   242   eutexias
 5. aehlnop   F6    50   292   phonal
 6. egimrwy   8J    35   327   tigery
 7. ademoor   K4    24   351   dermis
 8. bceersy   4G    30   381   scryde
 9. eegrstw   N2    36   417   strewer
10. adiiott   H1    24   441   diact
11. aadeioq   2J    35   476   qaids
12. eijnort   M7    25   501   rejoin
13. befhilo   G1    25   526   elfs
14. aenoptt   1A    36   562   pattened
15. abgilot  10B    26   588   baiza
16. defgouv   M7    32   620   rejoined
17. ilmntuw   B1    20   640   alumni
18. efghotw   A1    30   670   pegh
19. footuvw   O5    23   693   towy
20. fgoootu   D9    31   724   bigfoot

Remaining tiles: oouuvv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filegamer5556   0  3:44  -697   27     1.  -  gamer5556   0  3:44  -697   27 
  2.  -  Filenoam49      0  1:03  -718    6     2.  -  noam49      0  1:03  -718    6 

On 1st draw, ENRANK H7 30 --- ENRANK to place in order [v]
Other tops: KANTEN H4 30
Other moves: TRANK H8 28, ENRANK H3 22, ENRANK H4 22, ENRANK H8 22, KANTEN H3 22

On 2nd draw, BINARIES 9D 62 --- BINARY a combination of two things [n]
Other moves: BAININS 11E 36, BIENNIA 11E 36, ASININE 11E 28, KIBEIS 12H 24, KIBEI 12H 22

On 3rd draw, COALIZ(E) E5 68 --- COALIZE to bring into coalition [v]
Other moves: MOC(H)ILA E5 40, M(U)COSAL K5 40, MEZCAL J8 39, MEZCAL(S) J8 39, COBZA(S) D7 38

On 4th draw, EU(T)EXIAS J6 82 --- EUTEXIA the property of being easily melted [n]
Other moves: EU(T)AXIES J3 68, EU(T)AXIES 7H 66, EU(T)EXIAS 7H 66, AUXESIS K5 56, AUXESI(S) K5 52

On 5th draw, PHONAL F6 50 --- PHONAL pertaining to speech sounds [adj]
Other moves: ENHALO 8A 37, PHON F6 32, HONAN F7 31, AHEAP G6 29, NOPAL 8A 29

On 6th draw, (T)IGERY 8J 35 --- TIGERY like a tiger [adj]
Other moves: AWMRY 12J 26, AWMRIE 12J 24, AWRY 12J 20, SWEY 13J 20, MERIS K5 19

On 7th draw, DERMIS K4 24 --- DERMIS a layer of the skin [n]
Other tops: DROOME M3 24, EMEROD M8 24, RADOME M3 24
Other moves: REMADE M3 22, ARMORED N4 20, DSOMO 13I 20, M(E)LANOID 11D 20, RAMIS K5 20

On 8th draw, SCRYDE 4G 30 --- SCRY to engage in crystal gazing [v]
Other tops: DECRY 4K 30, DERBY 4K 30
Other moves: SKEARY 12G 26, YEEDS 4H 26, YERDS 4H 26, BEDYES 4I 24, BERRY N6 24

On 9th draw, STREWER N2 36 --- STREWER one that strews [n]
Other moves: GRECE H1 24, REGRETS N8 24, WRESTER N2 24, WRESTS 13E 22, ERECT H1 21

On 10th draw, DIACT H1 24 --- DIACT in zoology, two-rayed [adj]
Other moves: ODIC H1 21, COALIZ(E)D E5 19, TOTED M5 19, ATOC H1 18, DOTY O5 18

On 11th draw, QAIDS 2J 35 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other tops: QADIS 2J 35
Other moves: QAID 2F 34, COALIZ(E)D E5 19, ODEA M6 18, ODE M6 16, QADI 2E 16

On 12th draw, REJOIN M7 25 --- JOIN to unite [v] --- REJOIN to join again [v]
Other moves: EEJIT M7 24, REJON M7 24, SIJO 13J 22, SJOE 13J 22, JERID 1D 21

On 13th draw, ELFS G1 25 --- ELF to entangle (hair) [v]
Other moves: OBELIA 3C 21, OHS G2 21, ETH 3M 18, BOHO 10L 17, BRO I3 17

On 14th draw, PATTENED 1A 36 --- PATTEN a shoe having a thick wooden sole [adj] --- PATTEN to go on pattens (wooden shoes) [v]
Other tops: PATENTED 1A 36
Other moves: PRE I3 21, PRO I3 21, TRAP I3 21, TROP I3 21, TOEY O5 17

On 15th draw, BAIZA 10B 26 --- BAIZA a monetary unit of Oman [n]
Other moves: BRA I3 21, BRO I3 21, TOBY O5 21, LOGY O5 19, ALOGIA B1 18
NOT 12M 4 gamer5556

On 16th draw, REJOINED M7 32 --- REJOIN to join again [v]
Other moves: DEFY O5 25, FOGY O5 25, FODG(E)L 11A 23, BEFOG B10 22, ENUF 12L 22

On 17th draw, ALUMNI B1 20 --- ALUMNUS a male graduate [n]
Other tops: ALUMIN B1 20
Other moves: MOWN 10L 17, ALUMIN C10 16, ALUMNI C10 16, INWIT 11J 16, LINT(E)L 11A 16
LET 13L 3 gamer5556

On 18th draw, PEGH A1 30 --- PEGH to pant [v]
Other moves: BIGHT D9 25, FOGY O5 25, AWHETO C10 24, BOWGET B10 24, GNOW 12L 24
DEW 14M 14 gamer5556

On 19th draw, TOWY O5 23 --- TOWY resembling coarse hemp or flax fiber [adj]
Other moves: AVOW C10 20, VODOU 14K 18, VOW 10L 17, WOF 10L 17, AFOOT C10 16
BOOT B10 6 gamer5556

On 20th draw, BIGFOOT D9 31 --- BIGFOOT a large hairy humanlike creature [n] --- BIGFOOT to apply one's influence as a bigfoot [v]
Other moves: BIGOT D9 19, AFOOT C10 16, BITOU D9 16, TOFU 10L 15, BITO D9 14
BOOT B10 6 noam49

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