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Game of May 2, 2011 at 11:34, 2 players
1. yab -695
2. amin -1045

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aegrsty   H3    80    80   gyrates
 2. ?aeinpr   5D    86   166   pretrain
 3. ?ddestw   J3    68   234   twiddles
 4. aeghnns   7A    64   298   hangnest
 5. adorsux   A7    42   340   hoax
 6. abinort   3A    74   414   taboring
 7. deeilst   D7    72   486   gelidest
 8. abdeirz   8J    75   561   lazied
 9. gilnoot  14A    72   633   tootling
10. aeertuy  H12    36   669   yuga
11. aceruvw   6E    34   703   uvea
12. efhinop   A1    39   742   pith
13. aeflqrr   4J    40   782   waqf
14. beilorv   O1    95   877   lovebird
15. ceilnor   1A    95   972   percolin
16. acefikm   N5    40  1012   akee
17. cemotuw  13B    28  1040   owse
18. cfjmotu   B6    32  1072   jam
19. fiortuu   M1    30  1102   triff

Remaining tiles: cmouu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5846 Fileyab         0 22:01  -695  407     1.5846 yab         0 22:01  -695  407 
  2.  -  Fileamin        0  5:48 -1045   57            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  amin        0  5:48 -1045   57 

On 1st draw, GYRATES H3 80 --- GYRATE to revolve or rotate [v]
Other tops: STAGERY H6 80
Other moves: GRAYEST H4 76, GYRATES H4 76, GRAYEST H2 74, GRAYEST H3 74, GRAYEST H6 74
GYRATES H3 30 yab

On 2nd draw, PRE(T)RAIN 5D 86 --- PRETRAIN to train beforehand [v]
Other tops: (T)ERRAPIN 5E 86
Other moves: PIN(D)AREE 8A 77, PA(P)YRINE 4E 74, REPAYIN(G) 4D 74, (P)APYRINE 4E 74, E(M)PARING 3A 72
REPAYIN(G) 4D 24 yab

On 3rd draw, TWIDD(L)ES J3 68 --- TWIDDLE to play idly with something [v]
Other moves: D(O)WDIEST J1 64, ST(O)WNDED K1 62, DEAWS 6F 32, D(E)AWS 6F 30, DEADS 6F 28
SP(E)WED D4 24 yab

On 4th draw, HANGNEST 7A 64 --- HANGNEST a bird with a hanging nest [n]
Other moves: WASHEN 4J 28, (T)HANES G5 23, EPHAS D4 22, REHANGS E5 22, SHAPEN D2 22
THEGNS 3J 20 yab

On 5th draw, HOAX A7 42 --- HOAX to deceive [v]
Other moves: HOX A7 39, DOURAHS A2 36, HOARDS A7 33, EXEDRA F5 32, RESEAUX F4 32
TAXUS 3J 24 yab
(L)ORDS 8J 6 amin

On 6th draw, TABORING 3A 74 --- TABOR to beat on a small drum [v]
Other tops: ABORTING 3A 74, BORATING 3A 74
Other moves: ATABRIN B5 30, (L)IBANT 8J 30, ABRIN B7 26, ABRI B7 25, AARTI B6 24
TRAIN 3J 10 yab

On 7th draw, GELIDEST D7 72 --- GELID icy [adj]
Other moves: ENLISTED C6 70, AEDILES B7 26, WEISED 4J 26, WELTED 4J 26, WESTED 4J 26
SITED A1 21 yab
NESTLE E7 12 amin

On 8th draw, (L)AZIED 8J 75 --- LAZY to move or lie sluggishly [v]
Other tops: (L)IZARD 8J 75
Other moves: BARAZA B2 74, DITZ A1 72, (L)AZIER 8J 72, RITZ A1 69, ZAREBA B2 46
DAZE B2 28 yab

On 9th draw, TOOTLING 14A 72 --- TOOTLE to toot softly and repeatedly [v]
Other moves: STOOLING G7 66, TOOTLING 14D 63, STOOLING 13D 61, TANGI B6 26, WOOING 4J 26
LOOSING 13A 20 yab

On 10th draw, YUGA H12 36 --- YUGA an age of time in Hinduism [n]
Other tops: AZERTY L7 36
Other moves: YEARD 6F 35, WATERY 4J 34, ARTY A1 33, YATE A12 33, YETT A12 33
TARGE H11 21 yab

On 11th draw, UVEA 6E 34 --- UVEA a layer of the eye [n]
Other moves: VATU A12 33, WATE A12 33, WETA A12 33, CATE A12 27, CUTE A12 27
WAR 4J 14 yab

On 12th draw, PITH A1 39 --- PITH to sever the central nervous system of [v]
Other moves: PITH A12 36, HOTE A12 33, HOOF C12 29, HOOP C12 27, HOTEN A1 27
WIPE 4J 20 yab

On 13th draw, WAQF 4J 40 --- WAQF a donation for pious purposes [n]
Other moves: FATE A12 33, FETA A12 33, QI F2 31, FAQIR M5 28, FAA B2 27
QI M7 21 yab

On 14th draw, LOVEBIRD O1 95 --- LOVEBIRD a small parrot [n]
Other moves: VETO A12 33, VITE A12 33, VOTE A12 33, BYLIVE 12G 28, ZORIL L8 28
LOVEBIRD O1 45 yab
SOLVER 10J 11 amin

On 15th draw, PERCOLIN 1A 95 --- PERCOLIN a type of small bird [n]
Other moves: ACROLEIN 15H 83, ZIRCON L8 34, CARLINE B6 32, ZINCO L8 32, CARLIN B6 31
ZIRCON L8 34 yab
ZONER L8 28 amin

On 16th draw, AKEE N5 40 --- AKEE a tropical tree [n]
Other moves: KATI A12 39, KEEF N6 39, KETA A12 39, KITE A12 39, KAE N6 35
MIKE M7 18 yab

On 17th draw, OWSE 13B 28 --- OWSE an ox [n]
Other moves: COTE A12 27, COTT A12 27, CUTE A12 27, MOTE A12 27, MOTT A12 27
MODE 11B 14 yab

On 18th draw, JAM B6 32 --- JAM to force together tightly [v]
Other tops: COFF M2 32, CUFF M2 32, MUFF M2 32
Other moves: TOFF M2 28, TUFF M2 28, FICO M7 26, JOCO 2L 26, JOMO 2L 26

On 19th draw, TRIFF M1 30 --- TRIFF terrific [adj]
Other moves: FOREL E10 29, RIFF M2 28, RUFF M2 28, TIFF M2 28, TOFF M2 28
RIFT M2 19 yab

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