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Game of May 2, 2011 at 17:14, 3 players
1. TREBAOL -930
2. cheri123._ -1017
3. Elliott -1024

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeglnty   H3    28    28   lynage
 2. ?beinuw   3G    82   110   bluewing
 3. adeortu   N1    70   180   ragouted
 4. adegrsv   6C    69   249   savegard
 5. eillort   E5    40   289   overlit
 6. aeginrs   1H   140   429   grainers
 7. ehilnos  11A    61   490   holstein
 8. acnopuy   A6    63   553   paunchy
 9. addiotv   C9    26   579   valid
10. adenqtx   D3    32   611   qanat
11. ?abeltz   8K    72   683   azide
12. ceemort   O8    95   778   ectomere
13. deootux  F10    40   818   detox
14. aeiiilr   L8    28   846   zaire
15. bilmptu  15H   101   947   plumbite
16. efhiios   O1    35   982   sesh
17. fiikoow  14M    24  1006   kir
18. ffijoow   I6    24  1030   riff

Remaining tiles: jooow

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  FileTREBAOL     0  5:58  -930  100     1.  -  TREBAOL     0  5:58  -930  100 
  2.  -  Filecheri123._  0  1:21 -1017   13     2.  -  cheri123._  0  1:21 -1017   13 
  3.  -  FileElliott     0  1:59 -1024    6     3.  -  Elliott     0  1:59 -1024    6 

On 1st draw, LYNAGE H3 28 --- LYNAGE ancestry [n]
Other tops: GENTLY H7 28, TANGLY H7 28
Other moves: AGLEY H8 26, GENTY H8 26, NEATLY H7 26, TANGY H8 26, GENTLY H4 24

On 2nd draw, BLUEWIN(G) 3G 82 --- BLUEWING an American teal [n]
Other moves: B(L)UEWING 7A 65, BUNNIE(S) 5E 32, BLUEIN(G) 3G 24, BLUE(F)IN 3G 24, WEB(B)Y 4D 24

On 3rd draw, RA(G)OUTED N1 70 --- RAGOUT to make into a highly seasoned stew [v]
Other moves: RAGOUTED 7F 64, OUTRAGED 7C 63, DAUNTER 5E 32, TORNADE 5E 32, BOUTADE G3 28

On 4th draw, SAVEGARD 6C 69 --- SAVEGARD to guard [v]
Other moves: GRAVERS 1I 45, RAVERS 1J 39, AVERS 1K 36, VADE 8L 36, VERD 1L 36

On 5th draw, OVERLIT E5 40 --- OVERLIGHT to light excessively [v]
Other moves: RETOOL 4J 27, TRILLER 1H 24, TRIODE 8J 24, TROLLER 1H 24, TROLLEY 4B 24

On 6th draw, GRAINERS 1H 140 --- GRAINER one that grains [n]
Other moves: REASSIGN C3 74, REASSIGN C2 72, SEARINGS C6 72, SERINGAS C6 72, STEARING 11D 68

On 7th draw, HOLSTEIN 11A 61 --- HOLSTEIN a breed of cattle [n]
Other tops: HOTLINES 11C 61
Other moves: HIDE 8L 36, HODS 8L 36, WELSH K3 36, WHOSE K3 36, SESH O1 35

On 8th draw, PAUNCHY A6 63 --- PAUNCHY having a protruding belly [adj]
Other moves: POACHY A7 60, POUCHY A7 60, PUNCHY A7 60, POCHAY A8 51, ONYCHA A7 45

On 9th draw, VALID C9 26 --- VALID based on evidence that can be supported [adj]
Other moves: DADO 8L 24, DEVOID F10 24, DIDO 8L 24, VOLTA C9 24, VOLTI C9 24

On 10th draw, QANAT D3 32 --- QANAT a system of underground tunnels and wells in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: AXED J1 28, DENTEX F10 27, AXE J1 26, INDEX L3 26, QATS C3 26

On 11th draw, AZ(I)DE 8K 72 --- AZIDE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ALBIT(I)ZE G8 71, ZED(S) 8L 69, I(M)BLAZE L3 54, ZE(R)DA 8K 45, NAZE(S) H11 42

On 12th draw, ECTOMERE O8 95 --- ECTOMERE a cell that develops into ectoderm [n]
Other moves: ENCORE H10 33, METEOR 4J 33, STEEM D11 27, STORM D11 27, TOOM 4L 24

On 13th draw, DETOX F10 40 --- DETOX to remove a toxin from [v]
Other moves: AXED J1 28, TUXEDO 11J 28, TEXT 10L 27, AXE J1 26, EXED F4 26
TOE 13M 6 Elliott

On 14th draw, ZAIRE L8 28 --- ZAIRE a monetary unit of central Africa [n]
Other moves: INLIER H10 21, LAIRIER 14I 18, NERAL H11 18, AIRIER 14J 16, RAILER 14J 16

On 15th draw, PLUMBITE 15H 101 --- PLUMBITE a salt of plumbic acid [n]
Other moves: PABLUM K7 38, ALBUM K8 32, STILB D11 27, M(I)B M7 26, GUMP G6 21

On 16th draw, SESH O1 35 --- SESH a session [n]
Other moves: WOFS K3 34, HOSER 14K 33, CHA 10A 29, HO B10 29, SHOE 13L 29

On 17th draw, KIR 14M 24 --- KIR an alcoholic beverage [n]
Other moves: SOOK D11 23, FIRK 11J 22, FORK 11J 22, WORK 11J 22, NOOK 5H 21

On 18th draw, RIFF I6 24 --- RIFF to flip through hastily [v]
Other moves: IW(I) M6 20, JOR 11J 20, IFF L3 18, JOL I13 18, WOF K3 18
FIX 14D 13 cheri123._

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