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Game of May 2, 2011 at 17:58, 2 players
1. cheri123._ -846
2. nutnutsmom -935

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eiissv   H4    76    76   visiers
 2. aeglors   4H    76   152   vorlages
 3. ?addntu   8A    80   232   denudate
 4. adeiqty   O1    39   271   qats
 5. aeilnnp   A1    86   357   pineland
 6. adgmoor   C7    80   437   ondogram
 7. aceeisu  14B    32   469   umiacs
 8. chootuy  12A    30   499   torchy
 9. adeijlt   N2    44   543   jeed
10. befirtv   E3    26   569   fervid
11. beknnou   J1    76   645   unbroken
12. eeiloty   M3    31   676   ygoe
13. aeilopr   K3    34   710   olpae
14. beilmtw   1H    30   740   blume
15. eegilor   3C    20   760   gofer
16. efhirtw   D1    38   798   frow
17. aeiilnr  10H    62   860   snailier
18. aeittuw   O6    27   887   tewart
19. hiituxz   F2    52   939   zex

Remaining tiles: hiitu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filecheri123._  0  6:56  -846   93     1.  -  cheri123._  0  6:56  -846   93 
  2.  -  Filenutnutsmom  0  1:18  -935    4     2.  -  nutnutsmom  0  1:18  -935    4 

On 1st draw, VISIE(R)S H4 76 --- VISIER a minister [n]
Other tops: VISI(L)ES H4 76, VISI(T)ES H4 76, (F)ISSIVE H7 76, (M)ISSIVE H7 76
Other moves: VISIE(R)S H2 70, VISIE(R)S H3 70, VISIE(R)S H6 70, VISIE(R)S H8 70, VISI(L)ES H2 70
VISES H8 18 cheri123._

On 2nd draw, VORLAGES 4H 76 --- VORLAGE a position in skiing [n]
GLOVERS 4E 11 cheri123._

On 3rd draw, D(E)NUDATE 8A 80 --- DENUDATE to strip of all covering [v]
Other moves: DRAUNT(E)D J3 65, UNTRAD(E)D J1 65, ADDU(C)ENT 8C 61, DENUDAT(E) N3 61, D(R)AUNT(E)D 9G 61
STUD(S) O4 15 cheri123._

On 4th draw, QATS O1 39 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QUYTED D7 38, QIS 10F 32, QIS 6F 32, QUITED D7 32, STAYED O4 30
DATES 10D 8 cheri123._

On 5th draw, PINELAND A1 86 --- PINELAND land forested with pine [n]
Other moves: PINELAND E1 72, PINNULAE D4 70, LINDANE E5 32, PENNIA 2J 28, (E)NPLANE B8 28
NAPES 10D 13 cheri123._

On 6th draw, ONDOGRAM C7 80 --- ONDOGRAM a graph of electric wave forms [n]
Other moves: GORMAND C3 28, GOODMAN C2 24, MADRONO C3 24, MART 3L 24, MO(E)R B6 23
POOR 1A 7 cheri123._

On 7th draw, UMIACS 14B 32 --- UMIAC an open Eskimo boat [n]
Other moves: UMIAC 14B 30, AMICES 14B 24, AMICUS 14B 24, CAMESE 14A 24, CAMISE 14A 24
MACES 14C 11 cheri123._

On 8th draw, TORCHY 12A 30 --- TORCHY characteristic of a torch song [adj]
Other moves: HO(E) B6 29, DUCHY E8 28, NOTCHY 3A 28, CUSHY 10F 27, CUSHY 6F 27
SHOOT 10H 10 cheri123._

On 9th draw, JEED N2 44 --- JEE to turn to the right [v]
Other moves: JEEL N2 42, JEE N2 40, JERID J2 33, JOLED 10B 33, JODEL 10B 31

On 10th draw, FERVID E3 26 --- FERVID fervent [adj]
Other moves: FIBRED E3 24, FILBERT K2 24, VERBID E3 24, BEATIFY F6 23, TREIF 5E 21

On 11th draw, UNBROKEN J1 76 --- BROKEN shattered [adj] --- UNBROKEN not broken [adj]
Other moves: (E)EK B8 35, UNBROKE J1 25, KEHUA E10 24, BE(R)KO 9F 23, KONBU 10B 23

On 12th draw, YGOE M3 31 --- GO to move along [v]
Other moves: EELY K2 30, LEFTY 3C 30, LOFTY 3C 30, OILY K2 30, YGO M3 29

On 13th draw, OLPAE K3 34 --- OLPE a Greek jug [n]
Other moves: PAOLI K1 28, PLEURA 1G 27, POURIE 1H 27, ILEAL K3 26, LEPTA G5 24

On 14th draw, BLUME 1H 30 --- BLUME to blossom [v]
Other moves: IMBUE 1G 27, WOMBIEST 10B 25, BLUET 1H 24, TELIUM 1F 24, BEFIT 3C 22

On 15th draw, GOFER 3C 20 --- GOFER an employee who runs errands [n]
Other moves: LIFER 3C 18, REFEL 3C 18, RIFLE 3C 18, GO(E) B6 17, GREIN 2F 16

On 16th draw, FROW D1 38 --- FROW a cleaving tool [n]
Other moves: WHORE D1 36, FEH 4D 33, HOWE D2 32, WHOT D1 32, FOWTH 10B 30

On 17th draw, SNAILIER 10H 62 --- SNAILY like a snail [adj]
Other moves: ARENE F1 15, FERVIDER E3 15, RHEA E11 14, AGEN C2 13, AGER C2 13

On 18th draw, TEWART O6 27 --- TEWART a eucalyptus [n]
Other moves: TAWER O6 24, TWIER O6 24, TWIRE O7 24, WATER O6 24, WHEAT E11 22

On 19th draw, ZEX F2 52 --- ZEX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other moves: HEX F2 34, CHIZ D12 33, ZO 10B 31, LUTZ L10 26, ZITI K9 26
IT 2A 4 nutnutsmom

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