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Game of May 2, 2011 at 18:44, 3 players
1. apkruger -687
2. nutnutsmom -795
3. Mego -813

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?dinpsv   H4    30    30   vespid
 2. aejprtv   6F    33    63   jasper
 3. beelntu   9A    65   128   unbelted
 4. acehlnt   K5    48   176   trachle
 5. innostw   A8    33   209   outwins
 6. aemruwy   8K    48   257   cymae
 7. eeirtuy  14A    34   291   steery
 8. ailnors   N2    70   361   orinasal
 9. addeglr   D8    28   389   ledgered
10. agnortu  13C    27   416   orang
11. abeitvw   3I    32   448   wavier
12. acefgoz   L1    50   498   zoic
13. abimnou   7F    26   524   amp
14. ?adeort   M6    83   607   damewort
15. befknou   O7    23   630   kef
16. bginrtu  E11    21   651   urari
17. efiosux  12K    53   704   sorex
18. egiinnu  O11    39   743   exing
19. iinotuu   B8    20   763   inion
20. abhioqt   J2    32   795   qat
21. abfhiou  N11    24   819   beau

Remaining tiles: fhiou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Fileapkruger    0 21:19  -687  132     1.  -  apkruger    0 21:19  -687  132 
  2.  -  Filenutnutsmom  0  4:25  -795   24     2.  -  nutnutsmom  0  4:25  -795   24 
  3.  -  FileMego        0  1:17  -813    6     3.  -  Mego        0  1:17  -813    6 

On 1st draw, V(E)SPID H4 30 --- VESPID a wasp [n]
Other moves: V(A)PID H4 28, P(A)VID H4 26, P(A)VINS H4 26, SP(A)VIN H3 26, VI(A)NDS H4 26

On 2nd draw, JASPER 6F 33 --- JASPER a variety of quartz [n]
Other moves: JASPE 6F 32, EV(E)JAR 5F 30, (E)VEJAR 5H 30, JASP 6F 29, RAJES 6D 28

On 3rd draw, UNBELTED 9A 65 --- UNBELT to remove the belt of [v]
Other moves: TAUBE G5 23, PENE I6 19, REBLENT K6 18, VENULE 4H 18, BELTER K1 16
BED 9F 7 nutnutsmom

On 4th draw, TRACHLE K5 48 --- TRACHLE to draggle [v]
Other tops: ARCHLET K5 48, TRANCHE K5 48, TULCHAN A8 48
Other moves: LAUNCH A7 45, NAUTCH A7 45, LUACH A8 42, LUNCH A8 42, UNLATCH A9 39
CLAN E8 12 nutnutsmom

On 5th draw, OUTWINS A8 33 --- OUTWIN to get out of [v]
Other moves: STOWP 7D 32, SOWP 7E 31, OUTWIN A8 30, SOWL 10H 27, CIONS 8K 24
LOST E9 8 apkruger
STONE 11G 5 nutnutsmom

On 6th draw, CYMAE 8K 48 --- CYMA a curved moulding [n]
Other tops: CYMAR 8K 48
Other moves: SMEARY 14A 38, TYER 10A 34, YAWP 7E 34, TYE 10A 31, CRAME 8K 30
HAM 9K 11 apkruger

On 7th draw, STEERY 14A 34 --- STEERY commotion [n]
Other tops: SURETY 14A 34, TYEE 10A 34, TYER 10A 34
Other moves: EYRY L5 33, TYE 10A 31, THEY 9J 30, HEY 9K 29, AUREITY N8 24
NEE B9 14 apkruger

On 8th draw, ORINASAL N2 70 --- ORINASAL a sound pronounced through both the mouth and nose [n]
Other moves: ORINASAL N4 62, AILERONS O5 59, ALERIONS O6 59, ALIENORS O5 59, AILERONS 11H 58
SAILOR N7 8 apkruger

On 9th draw, LEDGERED D8 28 --- LEDGER to fish with a ledger-line [v]
Other moves: MALGRED M8 27, YEARD L8 27, MADDER M8 25, DEGRADE D3 24, DEGRADE D8 24
GO 2M 3 apkruger

On 10th draw, ORANG 13C 27 --- ORANG a large ape [n]
Other moves: NATRON 13A 25, ORANT 13C 23, TRONA 13C 23, WAGGON 11A 22, HAULT 9K 21
AGO 11C 8 apkruger

On 11th draw, WAVIER 3I 32 --- WAVY having waves [adj]
Other tops: WAIVER 3I 32
Other moves: WAITER 3I 26, ABASE 7K 22, BAITER 3I 22, TABES 7J 22, WAVER 3J 22

On 12th draw, ZOIC L1 50 --- ZOIC pertaining to animals or animal life [adj]
Other moves: GAZEBO C5 33, ZAG J2 33, ZA J2 31, FIZ 4M 30, FIZ L2 30
FOG G11 7 apkruger

On 13th draw, AMP 7F 26 --- AMP an ampere [n] --- AMP to get excited (Australian slang) [v]
Other tops: NAAMS 7J 26
Other moves: AMNION B7 25, HAULM 9K 25, BUNION B7 23, AMNIO B7 22, MANAS 7J 22
MOE C12 9 apkruger

On 14th draw, DAME(W)ORT M6 83 --- DAMEWORT a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: O(U)TRAVED 4C 80, MAT(A)DORE M8 75, MED(I)ATOR M8 75, TEARDO(W)N B2 75, RE(C)OATED 12C 73

On 15th draw, KEF O7 23 --- KEF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other moves: BONNE B6 21, BYE L7 21, OBE M1 21, KAF J2 20, KAB J2 19
KNEE 11H 8 apkruger

On 16th draw, URARI E11 21 --- URARI an arrow poison [n]
Other moves: GRUB 12L 20, BAGUET J2 19, ABASK 7K 18, BRIG 12L 18, BY L7 18
NUT 13K 3 apkruger

On 17th draw, SOREX 12K 53 --- SOREX the common shrew [n]
Other moves: SERIF 12K 37, FLE(W)S 10J 28, FLO(W)S 10J 28, SERF 12K 27, SURF 12K 27
TRACHLES K5 13 apkruger

On 18th draw, EXING O11 39 --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: DIEING 15D 30, INGINE B5 17, GIVEN 4F 16, VEG 4H 15, NIE B9 14
GOE L11 10 apkruger
GENIE 11G 6 Mego

On 19th draw, INION B8 20 --- INION a part of the skull [n]
Other tops: UNION B8 20
Other moves: ONE M1 17, TIL E7 13, NONI B7 12, OUIJA F3 12, UNI B8 11
TING 15L 6 apkruger

On 20th draw, QAT J2 32 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: OBE M1 21, CHIB 4L 19, ABASK 7K 18, BEHOTE 11J 18, BY L7 18
HAM G5 12 apkruger

On 21th draw, BEAU N11 24 --- BEAU a boyfriend [n]
Other moves: OBE M1 21, CHIB 4L 19, ABASK 7K 18, BY L7 18, CHIA 4L 15
HAM G5 12 apkruger

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