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Game of May 2, 2011 at 21:13, 1 player
1. amin -701

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aabeloo   H4    20    20   baloo
 2. adfhkno   5C    28    48   khanda
 3. ?cenpsy   E4    78   126   sapiency
 4. afilntt   8A    30   156   fatten
 5. aegiino   4G    75   231   ibogaine
 6. ?ijlnou   6B    38   269   jimp
 7. aeinorx   K4   110   379   anorexia
 8. aenopsz   J4    72   451   gazon
 9. adelrtv  11G    62   513   larvated
10. eggistt  H11    27   540   aggie
11. aceottv   M2    32   572   centavo
12. defmort   2J    40   612   forced
13. aehilrr   F8    31   643   nah
14. dellotu   N9    20   663   toddle
15. beerstu  14C    64   727   uberties
16. eimqswy   6B    37   764   jimpy
17. eimpsuw   O1    31   795   ides
18. elmpqru  C10    34   829   pulque
19. imrrsuw  15A    34   863   sweir
20. iimruuw   G9    24   887   mil

Remaining tiles: imruuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.3145 Fileamin        0 24:01  -701  186     1.3145 amin        0 24:01  -701  186 

On 1st draw, BALOO H4 20 --- BALOO a bear [n]
Other moves: BALOO H8 16, OBOLE H4 16, OBOLE H8 16, BALOO H5 14, BALOO H6 14
LOBE H8 12 amin

On 2nd draw, KHANDA 5C 28 --- KHANDA a double-edged Sikh sword [n]
Other tops: KHANDA 5F 28
Other moves: NAKFA 5D 24, NAKFA 5G 24, ANKH 5H 22, BANDH 4H 22, HAKA 5E 22
HALF 6F 18 amin

On 3rd draw, SAP(I)ENCY E4 78 --- SAPIENCY sapience [n]
Other moves: SYNCOPE(S) 7D 70, (S)YNCOPES 7D 70, NEC(R)OPSY 7D 67, PYCNOSE(S) 8D 67, PYCNO(S)ES 8D 67
SH(I)NY D4 28 amin

On 4th draw, FATTEN 8A 30 --- FATTEN to make fat [v]
Other moves: FAINE 8A 27, FITTE 8A 27, FLITE 8A 27, FITNA F2 26, FLANK C1 24
FOIL 7G 12 amin

On 5th draw, IBOGAINE 4G 75 --- IBOGAINE an alkaloid used as an antidepressant [n]
Other moves: OBIING 4G 21, PEALING 6E 21, BEGONIA 4H 20, INGINE F1 19, AGONE F2 18
CAGE 10E 9 amin

On 6th draw, JI(M)P 6B 38 --- JIMP natty [adj]
Other moves: INKJ(E)T C3 32, JIN(G)KO C1 32, JUNCO 10B 32, JUNCO(S) 10B 32, J(E)HU D3 32
(Z)ONE N1 6 amin

On 7th draw, ANOREXIA K4 110 --- ANOREXIA lack of appetite [n]
Other moves: ANOREXIA B8 84, ANNEX M3 40, AXION 9A 32, TRIAXON C8 30, LAXER 6H 28
OXEN 7H 19 amin

On 8th draw, GAZON J4 72 --- GAZON a sod in fortification [n]
Other moves: GAZE J4 69, PEAZES 8J 54, AZIONES 10I 38, TOPAZES C8 38, AZINES 10I 37
SEX 9I 11 amin

On 9th draw, LARVATED 11G 62 --- LARVATED larvate [adj]
Other moves: VIALED L3 36, NERVED 8J 33, NERVAL 8J 30, AVERTED N2 26, RAVELED N1 26
FAVER A8 12 amin

On 10th draw, AGGIE H11 27 --- AGGIE a type of playing marble [n]
Other moves: AGIST H11 24, EGGIEST M7 24, GAITTS H10 24, GIST L8 24, AEGIS H11 21
SIDE N9 7 amin

On 11th draw, CENTAVO M2 32 --- CENTAVO a coin of various Spanish-American nations [n]
Other moves: ADVECT N10 28, CAVETTI 14B 28, CAVETTO N1 28, CAVETTO M8 26, VITAE L3 26
VETO 15G 7 amin

On 12th draw, FORCED 2J 40 --- FORCE to overcome resistance by the exertion of strength [v]
Other moves: FORCE 2J 36, DEEM N3 28, FEED N3 26, FEOD N3 26, FODDER N9 26
FORM A8 9 amin

On 13th draw, NAH F8 31 --- NAH no [adv]
Other tops: HARDIER N8 31
Other moves: GHARRI 13H 28, THALER C8 26, REHEAR N1 22, REHEEL N1 22, EDH O1 21

On 14th draw, TODDLE N9 20 --- TODDLE to walk unsteadily [v]
Other tops: GLOUTED 13H 20
Other moves: DOUCHE 10B 18, GULLED 13H 18, LOIDED G2 18, ROUTE I11 17, TIDED G3 17

On 15th draw, UBERTIES 14C 64 --- UBERTY fruitfulness [n]
Other moves: SEED 12K 32, ARBUTES B8 30, BEL G9 24, UTTERS L9 23, DESERT O2 21
BEST 15G 6 amin

On 16th draw, JI(M)PY 6B 37 --- JIMPY jimp [adj]
Other tops: NY F5 37
Other moves: IDES O1 31, XYSTI 9K 30, XYST 9K 29, STYMIE L10 26, MEL G9 24
TIMES C8 8 amin

On 17th draw, IDES O1 31 --- IDE a European freshwater fish [n] --- IDES a certain day in the ancient Roman calendar [n]
Other moves: PUBERTIES 14B 26, MEL G9 24, MIL G9 24, DISME O2 22, IMPELS 13J 22
MILE 13L 12 amin

On 18th draw, PULQUE C10 34 --- PULQUE a fermented Mexican beverage [n]
Other moves: QUELL 13K 28, PUBERTIES 14B 26, MEL G9 24, TRUMP L11 24, QUELCH 10A 22

On 19th draw, SWEIR 15A 34 --- SWEIR [v] --- SWEIR slothful [adj]
Other moves: MIL G9 24, TUISM L11 20, ARUM B8 18, MILS 12A 18, CENTAVOS M2 17

On 20th draw, MIL G9 24 --- MIL a unit of length [n]
Other moves: WILI 12A 22, ARUM B8 18, WILI 13L 14, AMU B8 13, AW 6M 13
TUM L11 10 amin

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