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Game of May 2, 2011 at 22:45, 3 players
1. borderboy -759
2. demijack -879
3. MORLAK -883

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aceijot   H8    22    22   jeat
 2. ?ceiiow  11B    22    44   cowiest
 3. aeorttv   C8    74   118   rotovate
 4. ?einrtz  15A   203   321   eternize
 5. fkopsuy   8A    60   381   forky
 6. abdlorv  10E    32   413   aboard
 7. ailnrss   D4    22   435   snarks
 8. egiloru  12C    32   467   vole
 9. deelnop  14C    20   487   teed
10. agimnps   6C    71   558   paganism
11. aabeirs   5D    28   586   nabis
12. dehiint   G9    27   613   host
13. cdeehlu   B7    20   633   codec
14. aadeinp   J1    65   698   pandemia
15. einoruu   1J    27   725   pourie
16. aeilmru   8J    33   758   aumail
17. elnoqru   N6    37   795   quinol
18. ehilnrw   N6    36   831   quinoline
19. eggowxy  13I    36   867   oxygen
20. girtuvw   O4    22   889   twirl

Remaining tiles: fghluv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Fileborderboy   0  8:31  -759  130     1.  -  borderboy   0  8:31  -759  130 
  2.  -  Filedemijack    0  2:19  -879   10     2.  -  demijack    0  2:19  -879   10 
  3.  -  FileMORLAK      0  1:57  -883    6     3.  -  MORLAK      0  1:57  -883    6 

On 1st draw, JEAT H8 22 --- JEAT a spout [n]
Other tops: JATO H5 22, JATO H6 22, JATO H7 22, JATO H8 22, JEAT H5 22, JEAT H6 22, JEAT H7 22, JIAO H5 22, JIAO H6 22, JIAO H7 22, JIAO H8 22, JOTA H5 22, JOTA H6 22, JOTA H7 22, JOTA H8 22
Other moves: COATE H4 20, COATI H4 20, JAI H6 20, JAI H7 20, JAI H8 20

On 2nd draw, COWIE(S)T 11B 22 --- COWY suggestive of a cow [adj]
Other tops: COW(R)ITE 11C 22
Other moves: TWICE 11H 20, TWICE(R) 11H 20, WIC(K)ET 11C 20, C(R)OWEA 10C 18, ICEWI(N)E 9F 18

On 3rd draw, ROTOVATE C8 74 --- ROTOVATE to till by means of a hand-operated machine [v]
Other moves: ROTATIVE E6 61, AVOWER D8 26, OCTAVE B10 26, VECTOR B9 26, WAVER D11 24

On 4th draw, ETERNIZ(E) 15A 203 --- ETERNIZE to make everlasting [v]
Other tops: (E)TERNIZE 15A 203
Other moves: ETERNIZ(E) 15C 101, ET(E)RNIZE 15C 101, (E)TERNIZE F4 88, ET(E)RNIZE F4 86, ATR(A)ZINE 13C 77

On 5th draw, FORKY 8A 60 --- FORKY resembling a fork [adj]
Other moves: PORKY 8A 57, FORKS 8A 51, YORKS 8A 51, FORK 8A 48, PORKS 8A 48

On 6th draw, ABOARD 10E 32 --- ABOARD into, in, or on a ship, train, or airplane [adv]
Other moves: BOARD 10F 29, BROADLY E2 26, DRABLY E3 24, VARDY E4 24, VOLARY E3 24

On 7th draw, SNARKS D4 22 --- SNARK an imaginary animal [n]
Other tops: SLINKS D4 22
Other moves: SARONIC B5 19, SLANK D4 18, SLINK D4 18, SNAILY E3 18, SNARK D4 18

On 8th draw, VOLE 12C 32 --- VOLE to win all the tricks in a card game [v]
Other moves: VOL 12C 25, VOR 12C 25, UROLOGIC B4 23, OGEE 9F 21, GOER I7 20

On 9th draw, TEED 14C 20 --- TEE to place a golf ball on a small peg [v]
Other tops: DOER I7 20, TOED 14C 20
Other moves: PEE 9G 19, ETERNIZ(E)D 15A 18, OPENED 5A 18, PENNED 5A 18, PENNED 5B 18
PEN 5B 5 demijack

On 10th draw, PAGANISM 6C 71 --- PAGANISM an irreligious attitude [n]
Other moves: PAGANISM 6A 67, SPASMING 4A 66, SPASMING 4D 66, GNOMIC B6 26, PST B13 26
PIN 5B 5 demijack

On 11th draw, NABIS 5D 28 --- NABIS a group of French artists [n]
Other tops: NABES 5D 28
Other moves: NABE 5D 24, BO(S)S G9 23, EST B13 20, NAB 5D 20, BEE 9G 19
BO(S)S G9 23 borderboy

On 12th draw, HO(S)T G9 27 --- HOST to entertain socially [v]
Other moves: DO(S)T G9 19, ETERNIZ(E)D 15A 18, HE 9G 18, HO(S) G9 18, IODIC B7 18
MINED J6 8 borderboy

On 13th draw, CODEC B7 20 --- CODEC an integrated circuit [n]
Other moves: ETERNIZ(E)D 15A 18, HEEDFUL A4 18, CUSH 4B 16, DEDUCE J10 16, CHEFED A5 15

On 14th draw, PANDEMIA J1 65 --- PANDEMIA a widespread epidemic [n]
Other moves: SNAP 4D 20, ETERNIZ(E)D 15A 18, FAP A8 18, JAPED 8H 17, SPA I6 17

On 15th draw, POURIE 1J 27 --- POURIE a cream jug [n]
Other tops: INPOUR 1H 27, ORPINE 1H 27, PERNIO 1J 27, PIONER 1J 27, PROINE 1J 27, PRUINE 1J 27, PUNIER 1J 27, PURINE 1J 27, UNPURE 1H 27
Other moves: ORPIN 1H 24, REPIN 1H 24, RIPEN 1H 24, UNRIPE 1F 24, UNROPE 1F 24
RIPEN 1H 24 borderboy

On 16th draw, AUMAIL 8J 33 --- AUMAIL to enamel [v]
Other moves: ALARUM 8J 27, AMELIA 8J 27, AERIAL 8J 21, DERMAL 4J 20, DUMELA 4J 20
ALARUM 8J 27 borderboy

On 17th draw, QUINOL N6 37 --- QUINOL a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: QUINE N6 36, QUINO N6 36, QUIRE N6 36, REQUIN N4 35, QUENA 2F 34
QUIRE N6 36 borderboy

On 18th draw, QUINOLINE N6 36 --- QUINOLINE [n]
Other moves: HEWN 9K 32, WHIRL O4 28, WHELM L4 26, MENHIR L8 22, WELSH 4A 22

On 19th draw, OXYGEN 13I 36 --- OXYGEN a gaseous element [n]
Other moves: DEOXY 4J 32, DEXY 4J 30, DOXY 4J 30, WOXEN 13J 30, GOWN 9K 28

On 20th draw, TWIRL O4 22 --- TWIRL to rotate rapidly [v]
Other moves: IGLU O6 21, VIRL O5 20, GAIT M7 18, GIRL O5 18, IVY K11 18
WIT 12M 12 borderboy

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