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Game sheet of MORLAK (file), Game of May 3, 2011 at 00:22

Word find
Word played
1 AEGINXY GAIN H8 10 -32 10 1/1 YEXING H4 42 42 1/1
2 AAEIMNZ AMAZING 9B 23 -50 33 1/1 MAGAZINE 9F 73 115 1/1
3 DIILORS             IDOLISER M3 70 185 1/1
4 ?INQTTW Q(U)IZ J6 41 -5 74 1/1 Q(U)AINT G7 46 231 1/1
5 ?GGNOTW             G(R)OWING K5 44 275 1/2
6 EELOSTV             WESTS 8K 30 305 1/2
7 AADEINU             DAN 10I 22 327 1/2
8 CEIRSTV             VICTRESS O1 92 419 1/2
9 ADEHOSY             DEATHY 12D 34 453 1/2
10 AAEHOOT             HOHA H12 30 483 1/2
11 BDEIJLN             DJEBEL E10 32 515 1/2
12 AEILRTU             HAULIER 14H 24 539 1/2
13 AIIMOPS             APIOLS 15A 27 566 1/2
14 CELNOPU             OPULENCY 4A 82 648 1/2
15 BEKORTT             TOPEK B2 42 690 1/2
16 AENORRT             RETORE 5A 24 714 1/2
17 BFMNOTU             FUTON C3 34 748 1/2
18 BEMRTUU             BRIM L12 22 770 1/2
19 AEFITVW             FLOW D3 29 799 1/2
20 AEEITUV             VIBE 13C 23 822 1/2

Total: 74/822 or -748 for 9.002%
Rank: -

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