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Game sheet of foxterrier (file), Game of May 3, 2011 at 05:05

Word find
Word played
1 ABIOSTU             BIOTAS H4 22 22  
2 GHORTUW             WROTH 6F 27 49  
3 ?DEFGRU             ARGUF(I)ED 8H 98 147  
4 AABEINO             BANTER I3 21 168  
5 ACDEMSU             ASSUMED 9G 40 208  
6 ACEELOR             RECOALED O1 86 294  
7 AEIMRSV             V(I)DAMES M7 32 326  
8 ?EGJKNS             JE(R)K 12L 38 364  
9 AFLOOTX             FOOTLE 2J 34 398  
10 ILNRSWY KILN O12 24 -6 24 1/1 YOWLS L1 30 428 1/1
11 EIOPRRT ARTIER G9 7 -32 31 1/1 TRIPY 1H 39 467 1/1
12 AHIINNT AKIN O11 8 -25 39 1/1 KHAN O12 33 500 1/1
13 CEGNOTU EGOS 13J 14 -14 53 1/1 NUGAE 10J 28 528 1/1
14 DEIORTU             TOIT M2 22 550 1/1
15 AGIINNZ AZAN G9 13 -23 66 1/1 ZINNIAS 13G 36 586 1/1
16 DEGLPTU             PIED H12 30 616 1/1
17 GILOORV             VOE 14F 25 641 1/1
18 AEILRTX             TRAPE 12E 21 662 1/1
19 CEEINOR RIOT E9 8 -15 74 1/1 INCEST 5H 23 685 1/1
20 AGNOQUY             QUOTA E9 28 713 1/1
21 IILNORX DIXI 15H 12 -18 86 1/1 LINUX 10B 30 743 1/1
22 DEGIIRY             RIDGY C9 22 765 1/1

Total: 86/765 or -679 for 11.24%
Rank: 4043

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