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Game of May 3, 2011 at 10:38, 2 players
1. YummyMummy -828
2. MORLAK -887

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ehilrtu   H8    72    72   luthier
 2. abdefim  13C    30   102   defame
 3. aehirtu  14F    36   138   hurter
 4. ?aailos  11F    70   208   acholias
 5. deeegnt   M8    22   230   egested
 6. acenosu   H8    33   263   luthiers
 7. alnoops   8A    83   346   planosol
 8. abdginr   D2    74   420   branding
 9. abeeort   F1    68   488   abortees
10. ?fioptz   8L    72   560   zeps
11. dejnoqr   1E    36   596   jade
12. aiilntw   L4    34   630   waltz
13. aennoru   B1    70   700   neuronal
14. ainoouv   2D    20   720   boba
15. efgituy  12K    39   759   fytte
16. egioqrs   9G    26   785   suq
17. emnnovx   N8    56   841   pox
18. cekorvy  O11    36   877   kerve
19. giiimnu   C7    22   899   maun
20. iiinovy  L10    22   921   yay
21. giiinvw   3F    25   946   owing
22. cciiiio   6J    21   967   colic

Remaining tiles: iiiiv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  FileYummyMummy  0 16:42  -828  139     1.  -  YummyMummy  0 16:42  -828  139 
  2.  -  FileMORLAK      0 12:11  -887   80     2.  -  MORLAK      0 12:11  -887   80 

On 1st draw, LUTHIER H8 72 --- LUTHIER one who makes stringed instruments [n]
Other tops: LUTHIER H2 72, LUTHIER H3 72, LUTHIER H4 72, LUTHIER H6 72, LUTHIER H7 72
Other moves: LUTHIER H5 70, HURTLE H4 26, HURTLE H3 20, HURTLE H7 20, HURTLE H8 20

On 2nd draw, DEFAME 13C 30 --- DEFAME to destroy the reputation of [v]
Other moves: BIMAH 11D 24, METIF 10F 24, FERBAM 14F 23, FARMED 14F 22, FIRMED 14F 22

On 3rd draw, HURTER 14F 36 --- HURTER one that hurts [n]
Other moves: HIRER 14F 35, HURRA 14F 35, HARE 14F 32, HART 14F 32, HIRE 14F 32

On 4th draw, A(C)HOLIAS 11F 70 --- ACHOLIA a lack of bile [n]
Other moves: AILA(N)TOS 10C 61, ALATIO(N)S 10E 61, OTAL(G)IAS 10G 61, SAIL(B)OAT 10A 61, A(B)OULIAS 9E 59

On 5th draw, EGESTED M8 22 --- EGEST to discharge from the body [v]
Other moves: TEENAGE L7 18, GEED D12 16, GESTE M9 16, NEESED M8 16, NEGATE L8 16
DUNG 9G 9 YummyMummy

On 6th draw, LUTHIERS H8 33 --- LUTHIER one who makes stringed instruments [n]
Other moves: OCEAN 8K 30, SCENA 8K 30, SCENE 8K 30, CEAS 8L 27, CEES 8L 27
CLOSE 8G 7 YummyMummy

On 7th draw, PLANOSOL 8A 83 --- PLANOSOL a type of soil [n]
Other moves: PLANOSOL J4 64, NAPAS L8 30, OPENS 8K 30, SPEAL 8K 30, SPEAN 8K 30
SPOOL 8D 8 YummyMummy

On 8th draw, BRANDING D2 74 --- BRAND to mark with a hot iron [v] --- BRANDING the promoting of a product by associating it with a brand name [n]
Other moves: BARDLING B4 66, BRIGANDS F1 66, BEAD 8L 30, BEND 8L 30, BERG 8L 30
BRAIN K8 7 YummyMummy

On 9th draw, ABORTEES F1 68 --- ABORTEE a woman who has had an abortion [n]
Other moves: REBATOES F1 64, EARBOB 2A 32, BEAR 8L 27, BEAT 8L 27, BEER 8L 27
BERET 2D 9 YummyMummy

On 10th draw, ZEP(S) 8L 72 --- ZEP a long zeppelin shaped sandwich [n]
Other moves: OZE(K)I 8K 69, ZEI(N) 8L 66, ZET(A) 8L 66, ZE(R)O 8L 66, ZE(S)T 8L 66

On 11th draw, JADE 1E 36 --- JADE to weary [v]
Other moves: JANE 1E 33, JOLED B6 33, JEED D12 28, JOLE B6 27, JOL B6 26
JANE 1E 33 YummyMummy

On 12th draw, WALTZ L4 34 --- WALTZ to dance in three-four time [v]
Other moves: WAIN L10 25, WAIT L10 25, DAW G1 24, TWAINS 15C 24, WAINS 15D 23
TWILL B5 16 YummyMummy

On 13th draw, NEURONAL B1 70 --- NEURON the basic cellular unit of the nervous system [adj] --- NEURONAL pertaining to a neuron [adj]
Other moves: NEURONAL J4 62, UNREA(S)ON O3 58, EARBOB 2A 29, NABOB 2B 27, AERO E5 21

On 14th draw, BOBA 2D 20 --- BOBA a skin disease, yaws [n]
Other moves: NAEVI D11 18, VANS 15E 18, VINS 15E 18, NEVI 10L 17, ANVIL 6H 16

On 15th draw, FYTTE 12K 39 --- FYTTE a division of a poem or song [n]
Other moves: FOY G7 35, FELTY 6J 27, FITTE 12K 27, FOG G7 27, YUFT 9G 27
WIFE 4L 11 YummyMummy

On 16th draw, SUQ 9G 26 --- SUQ a marketplace in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: GREES 10K 21, GRESE 10K 21, SIEGER O10 21, GREE 10K 20, REOS 3D 20
SWORE 4K 9 YummyMummy

On 17th draw, POX N8 56 --- POX to infect with syphilis [v]
Other moves: XENON O11 36, EXON O12 33, VOXEL 6H 31, VENOM O11 30, EXAM 5J 26

On 18th draw, KERVE O11 36 --- KERVE to form by cutting [v]
Other tops: REEKY O11 36, REKEY O11 36
Other moves: VEERY O11 33, CREEK D11 32, REEKY D11 32, YERK D12 32, CREAKY 5I 30
WORK 4L 16 YummyMummy

On 19th draw, MAUN C7 22 --- MAUN must -- MAUN is the only form of this verb; it cannot be conjugated [v]
Other moves: GEUM D12 20, AMINE 7B 19, MIGS 15E 19, NIMS 15E 19, GIMP A5 18
WIG 4L 7 YummyMummy

On 20th draw, YAY L10 22 --- YAY an affirmative vote [n]
Other tops: YEX 10L 22
Other moves: DAY G1 20, NAVY 5K 20, OY 3F 20, ENVOY 6F 19, ONY 1A 18

On 21th draw, OWING 3F 25 --- OWE to be under obligation to pay or repay [v]
Other moves: OWN 3F 21, DAW G1 20, OW 3F 20, VIEW D11 20, VIGS 15E 20
WIG 4L 7 YummyMummy

On 22th draw, COLIC 6J 21 --- COLIC severe abdominal pain [n]
Other moves: COCA 5I 16, DIV 14M 14, CIAO 5J 12, LOCI 6L 12, COL 6J 11

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