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Game of May 3, 2011 at 11:31, 2 players
1. yab -517
2. YummyMummy -686

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ackntu   H7    84    84   untacks
 2. aeeginr  13F    70   154   gesneria
 3. dilortv  11H    24   178   corvid
 4. eillntz  F10    38   216   zingel
 5. ?hoosst   J5    65   281   posthorse
 6. ahilrsv   8J    39   320   tahsil
 7. aceeemu  15D    30   350   melee
 8. adeflst   N6    32   382   flites
 9. definoy  L10    34   416   nidify
10. adinoot   8A    80   496   donation
11. aegloux   G6    35   531   exo
12. abeiinr   M1    80   611   binaries
13. elopruw   B8    80   691   owerloup
14. agjortu   2J    58   749   jagir
15. bdgoruw   L4    42   791   burgh
16. aeemtvw  15L    30   821   yeve
17. aacimtt   1L    33   854   abac
18. adimowy   D4    30   884   midway
19. aiooptu   C2    37   921   utopian

Remaining tiles: oqt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5850 Fileyab         2 23:25  -517  404     1.5850 yab         2 23:25  -517  404 
  2.  -  FileYummyMummy  0 20:48  -686  235            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  YummyMummy  0 20:48  -686  235 

On 1st draw, UNTACK(S) H7 84 --- UNTACK to remove a tack from [v]
Other tops: CUT(B)ANK H6 84, UNT(R)ACK H6 84, UN(S)TACK H6 84
Other moves: CUT(B)ANK H4 80, UNTACK(S) H8 80, UNT(R)ACK H7 80, UN(S)TACK H7 80, CUT(B)ANK H2 76
UN(S)TACK H6 34 yab
T(R)ACK H8 30 YummyMummy

On 2nd draw, GE(S)NERIA 13F 70 --- GESNERIA a flowering plant [n] --- GESNERIA designating a type of flowering plant [adj]
Other moves: ANERGIE(S) 13A 68, INTERAGE 9F 62, GRATINEE 9E 61, GRECIAN 11E 40, KAEING 12H 22
TEARING 9H 10 YummyMummy

On 3rd draw, CORVID 11H 24 --- CORVID any of a family of passerine birds [n]
Other moves: VICTOR 11F 22, VITRIOL L9 22, VIRED J10 21, VOLED J10 21, VOTED J10 21
LIVID L10 18 yab
LOVE J10 9 YummyMummy

On 4th draw, ZINGEL F10 38 --- ZINGEL a fish [n]
Other moves: ZEAL 10F 35, ZING F10 34, ZEA 10F 32, LAZE 10G 30, NAZE 10G 30
ZIG F11 13 yab

On 5th draw, (P)OSTHORSE J5 65 --- POSTHORSE
Other moves: OUTSHO(T)S 7G 62, OU(T)SHOTS 7G 62, U(N)SHOOTS 7H 61, U(P)SHOOTS 7H 61, (U)NSHOOTS 8G 61
SOOTHL(Y) 15A 30 yab
HOUS(E)S 7F 10 YummyMummy

On 6th draw, TAHSIL 8J 39 --- TAHSIL a district in India [n]
Other tops: SHALLI 15C 39, VILLAR 15D 39, VILLAS 15D 39
Other moves: HALLS 15D 36, HILAR 15D 36, HILLS 15D 36, LAVISH 15F 36, VALIS 15D 36
TAHSIL 8J 39 yab
SHARD M7 11 YummyMummy

On 7th draw, MELEE 15D 30 --- MELEE a confused struggle [n]
Other tops: ALMUCE 15E 30
Other moves: CLAME 15E 27, CLAM 15E 24, CLEM 15E 24, ACUMEN 12A 22, EMCEES M3 22
CLAME 15E 27 YummyMummy
EMCEES M3 22 yab

On 8th draw, FLITES N6 32 --- FLITE to quarrel [v]
Other moves: LIEFS N7 29, FETIALS N5 27, ELIADS N6 26, FASTEN 12A 26, FALSEST M3 24
FALSEST M3 24 yab
FELLS O5 8 YummyMummy

On 9th draw, NIDIFY L10 34 --- NIDIFY to nest [v]
Other moves: DYNEIN 12A 24, DOYEN 14C 21, FEY 14E 20, EYEN 14D 19, HYE 9J 19
RYE K13 6 YummyMummy

On 10th draw, DONATION 8A 80 --- DONATION something donated [n]
Other tops: NODATION 8A 80
Other moves: AYONT 15K 24, YOND 15L 24, YONI 15L 21, YONT 15L 21, DITONE 14A 20
DOOM D12 14 yab
(P)AIN 5J 6 YummyMummy

On 11th draw, EXO G6 35 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other tops: OXO G6 35
Other moves: FALX 14L 30, FAUX 14L 30, FLAX 14L 30, FLEX 14L 30, FLUX 14L 30
YOGA 15L 24 YummyMummy, yab

On 12th draw, BINARIES M1 80 --- BINARY a combination of two things [n]
Other moves: BRINIES M2 28, ERBIAS M3 26, RABIES M3 26, AYRIE 15K 24, BAININ 12A 22
BRAIDE A4 12 YummyMummy
BAIT E5 12 yab

On 13th draw, OWERLOUP B8 80 --- OWERLOUP to leap over [v]
Other moves: OWERLOUP B3 71, UPBOW 1K 45, PLOWER 14B 34, ELBOW 1K 33, PUEBLO 1J 33
ELBOW 1K 33 yab
PROUD A4 11 YummyMummy

On 14th draw, JAGIR 2J 58 --- JAGIR a land tax [n]
Other moves: JABOT 1K 45, JUGATE 6B 32, JARGON C3 30, JARTA K4 30, GAUJE 6C 29
JABOT 1K 45 yab
YOGA 15L 24 YummyMummy

On 15th draw, BURGH L4 42 --- BURGH a Scottish borough [n]
Other moves: RUBDOWN C2 34, BOW 1M 26, BUGWORT E2 26, BAWD 4L 24, BLOW 12A 24
WORT E5 14 yab
WARD D7 8 YummyMummy

On 16th draw, YEVE 15L 30 --- YEVE to give [v]
Other moves: ABET 1L 27, VATMEN C3 24, BAM 1M 23, AWAVE D8 22, FAVE 14L 22
WAVE 6D 18 YummyMummy
WAN 12D 12 yab

On 17th draw, ABAC 1L 33 --- ABAC a diagram which aids computation [n]
Other moves: BAC 1M 23, BAM 1M 23, CAIMAN C3 22, CLAM 12A 22, ALMAIN 12A 18
CLAM 12A 22 yab
CAME 6D 14 YummyMummy

On 18th draw, MIDWAY D4 30 --- MIDWAY an avenue at a fair or carnival for concessions and amusements [n]
Other moves: DAIMYO D7 24, DIV N13 24, YOMIM D11 24, MIDDAY A5 23, AMITY E5 20
MIDWAY D4 30 yab

On 19th draw, UTOPIAN C2 37 --- UTOPIAN one who believes in the perfectibility of human society [n]
Other moves: POTION C3 33, PLUTON 12A 22, PIAN C5 20, PION C5 20, POON C5 20
PLOT 12A 18 yab
MOP 4D 7 YummyMummy

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