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Game of May 3, 2011 at 14:44, 2 players
1. Alexandra -905
2. mag2003mag -909

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acdeiir   H3    76    76   acidier
 2. enoorss   5D    82   158   erosions
 3. deehmuy   D4    32   190   heedy
 4. ?aadgsu   K4    68   258   assuaged
 5. ?aaeist  11D    66   324   agatised
 6. eglortx  H11    60   384   ixtle
 7. aegilnr  15A    80   464   algerine
 8. eennorv  B10    34   498   vennel
 9. aeooprz   8J    54   552   zarape
10. emmoopr   M7    38   590   mampoer
11. efiinqt  F10    32   622   qat
12. adfnotw  J10    33   655   fetwa
13. gikltuy   8A    42   697   yuky
14. acilnot  G10    24   721   ita
15. egijnor   J2    36   757   jinne
16. bcdelov   2J    30   787   jobed
17. bcfloot  14E    26   813   obol
18. ghiortt   6F    30   843   hid
19. filnovw   L2    28   871   bow
20. cfortuv   M1    22   893   tef
21. cgiilou  13A    20   913   incog
22. illrtuv   N8    20   933   puir

Remaining tiles: llntuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  FileAlexandra   0  2:47  -905   28     1.  -  Alexandra   0  2:47  -905   28 
  2.  -  Filemag2003mag  0  4:17  -909   24     2.  -  mag2003mag  0  4:17  -909   24 

On 1st draw, ACIDIER H3 76 --- ACIDY sour [adj]
Other moves: ACIDIER H2 72, ACIDIER H4 72, ACIDIER H6 72, ACIDIER H7 72, ACIDIER H8 72
RACED H8 20 Alexandra
ACID H8 14 mag2003mag

On 2nd draw, EROSIONS 5D 82 --- EROSION the act of eroding [n]
Other moves: EROSIONS 7D 60, ORNISES 5E 28, SENIORS 5E 28, CENSORS 4H 18, CEROONS 4H 18
SOONER 9C 8 Alexandra

On 3rd draw, HEEDY D4 32 --- HEEDY careful [adj]
Other moves: DEY 6H 30, UNHEEDY J4 30, HEYED D4 28, RHEUMED E5 26, HOED I4 25

On 4th draw, ASSUAG(E)D K4 68 --- ASSUAGE to make less severe [v]
Other moves: GRADUA(L)S 9G 62, ASSUAG(E)D K3 59, ADAYS 8A 27, S(P)AYAD 8A 27, ADAY(S) 8A 24
SAY 8B 6 mag2003mag

On 5th draw, A(G)ATISED 11D 66 --- AGATISE to cause to resemble agate [v]
Other tops: ASTA(T)IDE 11E 66, AS(T)ATIDE 11E 66, SATIA(T)ED 11D 66, SA(T)IATED 11D 66
Other moves: AI(R)DATES 11H 58, *l*Y*S 8A 24, A(R)AYSE 8A 24, A(W)AYES 8A 24, SATY(R)A 8A 24

On 6th draw, IXTLE H11 60 --- IXTLE a strong fibre [n]
Other moves: SEXTO G5 46, SEXT G5 41, SEX G5 38, SOX G5 38, TELEX J10 33

On 7th draw, ALGERINE 15A 80 --- ALGERINE a woollen fabric [n]
Other moves: GNARLIER E2 74, ALLERGIN 14G 72, ALTERING 13F 72, INTEGRAL 13F 72, TANGLIER 13H 70
AN(G)ER E9 4 mag2003mag

On 8th draw, VENNEL B10 34 --- VENNEL a lane [n]
Other moves: ENVY 8A 30, VANNER 8J 30, VERY 8A 30, ONEYER 8A 27, ONEYRE 8A 27

On 9th draw, ZARAPE 8J 54 --- ZARAPE a woollen riding blanket [n]
Other moves: OOZY 8A 48, SPAZ 6K 35, POZ F4 34, ZAP F10 34, ZARAPE D10 34

On 10th draw, MAMPOER M7 38 --- MAMPOER (Afrikaans) home-made distilled brandy made from peaches, prickly pear etc [n]
Other moves: POMELO 14D 34, EMMY 8A 33, MOPY 8A 33, MEROME J10 31, M(E)ROME 10J 31

On 11th draw, QAT F10 32 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QI F14 31, FEINT J10 30, FID 6F 30, FEEN J10 27, FEET J10 27

On 12th draw, FETWA J10 33 --- FETWA a religious decree of death [n]
Other tops: FADY 8A 33, WADY 8A 33, W(E)APON 10J 33
Other moves: AWNY 8A 30, NOWY 8A 30, *F*Y 8A 30, TOWY 8A 30, TWAY 8A 30

On 13th draw, YUKY 8A 42 --- YUKY itchy [adj]
Other moves: INKY 12A 34, YELK 12L 32, YEUK 12L 32, KNIT 12A 30, KNUT 12A 30

On 14th draw, ITA G10 24 --- ITA the miriti palm [n]
Other tops: CATHOLIC 4A 24, CLOACA 4H 24
Other moves: PAINT N8 23, POINT N8 23, CAPI N6 22, CAPO N6 22, TAIT G8 21

On 15th draw, JINNE J2 36 --- JINNE (Afrikaans) an exclamation expressive of surprise, admiration, shock, etc [interj]
Other moves: JINN J2 29, ROJI F4 27, JEE 6B 26, JEU B6 26, JOE 6B 26

On 16th draw, JOBED 2J 30 --- JOBE to reprimand tediously [v]
Other moves: BLEED 6B 27, JODEL 2J 26, JOLED 2J 26, BOD 6F 24, DEEV 12L 24

On 17th draw, OBOL 14E 26 --- OBOL a coin of ancient Greece [n]
Other tops: P**F N8 26
Other moves: BOB L2 24, BOD 6F 24, OOF I5 24, BOKO C6 20, FOP N6 20

On 18th draw, HID 6F 30 --- HIDE to conceal [v]
Other tops: HOD 6F 30
Other moves: BOH L2 28, SIGH G5 23, HOKI C6 22, NOH 12B 22, NTH 12B 22

On 19th draw, BOW L2 28 --- BOW to bend forward [v]
Other moves: NEIF 12L 22, NOW 12B 22, FIL 7G 21, FIN 7G 21, FAWN D10 20

On 20th draw, TEF M1 22 --- TEF a cereal grass [n]
Other tops: REF M1 22, TERF 12L 22
Other moves: FIR 7G 21, FIT 7G 21, EF M2 20, FOP N6 20, OF 3L 20

On 21th draw, INCOG 13A 20 --- INCOG a disguised person [n]
Other moves: CIG 7G 19, TIC 1M 18, TOC 1M 18, UNCI 12A 18, COP N6 17

On 22th draw, PUIR N8 20 --- PUIR poor [adj]
Other moves: VEIL 12L 16, VELL 12L 16, VERT 12L 16, VIE 6B 14, TULIP N4 13

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