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Game of May 3, 2011 at 18:05, 2 players
1. susie1og -817
2. mrcmlr -838

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?deimox   H3    44    44   exomis
 2. aeelmsu   3G    26    70   aemules
 3. aeefist   8A    83   153   safeties
 4. ?einott   A8    74   227   snotties
 5. enoopqr   J2    36   263   quern
 6. aegiopz   L1    48   311   zoeae
 7. eilnpru   D1    76   387   perilune
 8. eeilnty   1L    39   426   zine
 9. adeegno   1D    30   456   panged
10. ahijrst   G7    39   495   hejiras
11. abdnotu  11E    40   535   turband
12. cghipsy  F10    33   568   hup
13. cfilort  H11    32   600   broil
14. agiorst   K8    60   660   gorditas
15. egkorvw  14J    40   700   waker
16. abfootv   8K    30   730   gavot
17. acdefoy  15K    44   774   safed
18. dloowyy   2C    37   811   dewy
19. cgloouy  14A    36   847   eulogy

Remaining tiles: bcciov

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filesusie1og    0  3:27  -817   30     1.  -  susie1og    0  3:27  -817   30 
  2.  -  Filemrcmlr      0  0:59  -838    9     2.  -  mrcmlr      0  0:59  -838    9 

On 1st draw, EXOMI(S) H3 44 --- EXOMIS a Roman sleeveless garment [n]
Other tops: OXIME(S) H3 44, (A)DMIX H8 44
Other moves: EM(B)OX H8 42, EXODI(C) H3 42, EXOD(O)I H3 42, EX(O)DOI H3 42, MI(R)EX H8 42

On 2nd draw, AEMULES 3G 26 --- AEMULE to emulate [v]
Other moves: AEMULES 3C 22, EMULES 3H 22, AEMULE 3C 18, MAMEES 6F 18, MEASLE 3C 18
MEALS 6H 9 mrcmlr

On 3rd draw, SAFETIE(S) 8A 83 --- SAFETY to protect against failure, breakage, or accident [v]
Other tops: (S)AFETIES 8H 83
Other moves: LEAFIEST K3 72, SAFETIES M3 63, FIESTA L1 26, FEESE L1 24, FIEST L1 24

On 4th draw, SNOTTIE(S) A8 74 --- SNOTTIE a midshipman [n]
Other tops: SNOTTIE(R) A8 74, STENOTI(C) A8 74, STONIE(S)T A8 74, TENTI(G)OS A1 74, TONETI(C)S A1 74, TONTI(N)ES A1 74, TOTIEN(T)S A1 74, TO(N)TINES A1 74, TO(T)IENTS A1 74, T(R)ITONES A1 74, (B)OTTINES A1 74, (S)NOTTIES A1 74, (T)OTIENTS A1 74
Other moves: FET(A)TION C8 72, FI(S)TNOTE C8 72, ANTI(D)OTE B8 68, NOTIT(I)AE B2 68, NOT(I)TIAE B2 68

On 5th draw, QUERN J2 36 --- QUERN a hand operated stone mill for grinding corn [n]
Other moves: QUEP J2 35, QUOP J2 35, NEPER G5 24, OPENER G6 23, OPERON G6 23

On 6th draw, ZOEAE L1 48 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other moves: ZOEA L1 46, APOZEM 6C 39, EPIZOA 14A 38, PIEZO L1 38, EPIZOA B3 37

On 7th draw, PERILUNE D1 76 --- PERILUNE the point in the orbit of a celestial body which is nearest to the moon [n]
Other moves: PERILUNE G7 72, PERILUNE D7 70, ZEIN 1L 39, ZINE 1L 39, LUREX 4D 26

On 8th draw, ZINE 1L 39 --- ZINE a magazine for specialist interests, especially a Web-based one [n]
Other tops: ZEIN 1L 39, ZITE 1L 39
Other moves: INEPTLY 1A 36, PENTYL 1D 33, PLENTY 1D 33, TEENY 2B 32, PIETY 1D 30

On 9th draw, PANGED 1D 30 --- PANG to inflict a violent but brief pain [v]
Other tops: PONGED 1D 30
Other moves: DOGATE E4 28, APOGEE 1C 27, NEAPED 1A 27, OPENED 1C 27, PAGED 1D 27

On 10th draw, HEJIRAS G7 39 --- HEJIRA an exodus [n]
Other moves: HEJIRA G7 37, HEJRAS G7 37, HEJRA G7 36, HITS 7G 36, HAIRST 7F 34

On 11th draw, TURBAND 11E 40 --- TURBAND a head covering [n]
Other tops: TURBOND 11E 40
Other moves: DAUB B7 25, ABOUND 12G 24, DONUT E4 23, FANTOD C8 22, BAUD B7 20

On 12th draw, HUP F10 33 --- HUP to go faster (by shouting hup to a horse) [v] --- HUP used to mark a marching cadence [interj]
Other moves: HAYS 12F 32, PHYLIC 5A 32, CHAYS B6 30, PAYS 12F 30, HAY 12F 29

On 13th draw, BROIL H11 32 --- BROIL to cook by direct heat [v]
Other moves: EROTIC 14A 28, FILFOT C8 26, FICTOR C8 24, FROLIC C8 24, FROLIC 5A 22

On 14th draw, GORDITAS K8 60 --- GORDITA a stuffed and fried pocket of cornmeal dough [n]
Other moves: THIGS 7F 28, OHIAS 7F 26, TROPARIA 12C 26, FRIGOTS C8 24, HITS 7G 23

On 15th draw, WAKER 14J 40 --- WAKER one that wakens [n]
Other moves: WAVER 14J 38, KREWE 2B 37, GAWKER 14J 36, SWORE 15K 36, WAGER 14J 34

On 16th draw, GAVOT 8K 30 --- GAVOT a French dance [n]
Other tops: OBOVATE M8 30
Other moves: BOVATE M9 28, TOKO L12 27, FOVEA 2A 24, FOVEA M11 22, ABOVE M10 20

On 17th draw, SAFED 15K 44 --- SAFE to make secure [v]
Other moves: FADY I10 32, YAFFED C6 29, FOODY N6 28, CAAED B6 27, FARCED 10I 27
EF 14A 10 susie1og

On 18th draw, DEWY 2C 37 --- DEWY covered with dew [adj]
Other moves: ODYL 2L 32, WADY I10 32, LADY I10 29, TOD 13K 29, WOODY N6 28
(S)LOW 15A 10 susie1og

On 19th draw, EULOGY 14A 36 --- EULOGY a formal expression of high praise [n]
Other moves: UFOLOGY C7 35, COOLY N6 24, COOLLY 5A 22, GOOLY N6 21, CLAY B6 20
CLOUT O4 10 susie1og

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