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Game of May 3, 2011 at 20:30, 2 players
1. mrcmlr -846
2. LadyRose -865

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?addotw   H4    28    28   woaded
 2. ahiimor   4H    26    54   whamo
 3. aenrrvw   K1    22    76   warmer
 4. adghluy   1K    39   115   waugh
 5. ?adiosv   8C    64   179   avoiders
 6. aegintu   J8    63   242   sauteing
 7. abelrsu   E4    90   332   rubeolas
 8. aeilpry   N1    40   372   gripey
 9. eeimnst  15D    92   464   meetings
10. eflorst  13F    76   540   floriest
11. egikort   J2    35   575   koa
12. cdinnoy  15A    42   617   nonmeetings
13. aceioot   I1    30   647   tache
14. eefjltv  12H    37   684   jee
15. deilnqy  K11    30   714   idees
16. ailopqt   1G    36   750   qat
17. eillnty   9G    23   773   ideally
18. cnooptt   C3    26   799   topcoat
19. beginvz  10D    38   837   gaze
20. biinruv  B10    38   875   vibrio

Remaining tiles: finnux

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filemrcmlr      0  5:30  -846   29     1.  -  mrcmlr      0  5:30  -846   29 
  2.  -  FileLadyRose    0  0:50  -865   10     2.  -  LadyRose    0  0:50  -865   10 

On 1st draw, WOAD(E)D H4 28 --- WOAD a blue dye [adj] --- WOADED dyed blue with woad [adj]
Other moves: WADD(S) H4 26, WADD(Y) H4 26, WAD(E)D H4 26, DAWT(E)D H4 24, DAWT(E)D H7 24
ADD H7 10 LadyRose

On 2nd draw, WHAMO 4H 26 --- WHAMO whammo [interj]
Other moves: MOHAIR 5G 22, MIAOW 4D 20, OMRAH 5H 20, HOMO 5E 18, IHRAM 6E 18

On 3rd draw, WARMER K1 22 --- WARMER something that warms [n]
Other tops: MARVER K4 22, WARMEN K1 22
Other moves: MAVEN K4 20, MAWN K4 18, MAWR K4 18, WAME K2 18, WHEN I3 18
DEN 9H 5 mrcmlr

On 4th draw, WAUGH 1K 39 --- WAUGH damp [adj] --- WAUGH to bark [v]
Other moves: HADAL 2J 34, HAULD 2J 34, YAULD 2J 34, LAUGHY 2J 30, GAUDY 2J 28
GLAD(E) 8D 8 mrcmlr

On 5th draw, AVOID(E)(R)S 8C 64 --- AVOIDER one that avoids [n]
Other moves: AVODI(R)(E)S 8B 61, VAI(V)OD(E)S 8B 61, (V)AIVOD(E)S 8B 61, (W)AIVOD(E)S 8B 61, VA(M)OOSED 5E 32
(R)ADIOS 9F 8 mrcmlr

On 6th draw, SAUTEING J8 63 --- SAUTE to fry in a small amount of fat [v]
Other moves: TANGIE 2J 34, AUTOING E5 32, TAENIA 2J 31, TANGI 2J 27, EARING 3I 26
SINGE J8 8 mrcmlr

On 7th draw, RUBEOLAS E4 90 --- RUBEOLA a virus disease [n]
Other tops: BALUSTER 11E 90
Other moves: BLAGUERS 15G 86, REUSABLE 12C 76, RUSTABLE 11G 70, AEROBUS E5 36, ALBERTS 11E 36

On 8th draw, GRIPEY N1 40 --- GRIPEY causing sharp pains in the bowels [adj]
Other tops: GILPEY N1 40, GRAPEY N1 40
Other moves: GILPEY 15J 39, GRAPEY 15J 39, GRIPEY 15J 39, GAPIER 15J 36, GLAIRY N1 36

On 9th draw, MEETINGS 15D 92 --- MEETING an assembly for a common purpose [n]
Other moves: STEEMING 15C 86, ENMITIES 13G 78, ETAMINES C6 78, MATINEES C7 78, EMETINES 12H 74

On 10th draw, FLORIEST 13F 76 --- FLORY showy [adj]
Other tops: FORESTAL C2 76, REFLOATS C3 76
Other moves: FORTLETS 11G 72, FORESTAL 2E 67, FLOATERS C5 63, TREFOILS 13E 63, FELON 14F 35

On 11th draw, KOA J2 35 --- KOA a timber tree [n]
Other tops: KEA J2 35
Other moves: KITERS L8 30, TROIKA C3 30, KEET 12H 28, KITER 4A 28, GRIKES L8 26

On 12th draw, NONMEETINGS 15A 42 --- NONMEETING [n]
Other moves: CORY 3I 27, UNCOINED 5E 27, CHID I3 26, OCH I2 26, YODH I1 26

On 13th draw, TACHE I1 30 --- TACHE a fastening or clasp [n]
Other tops: TACHO I1 30
Other moves: ACHE I2 29, OCHE I2 29, EACH I1 27, TACH I1 27, ACH I2 26

On 14th draw, JEE 12H 37 --- JEE to turn to the right [v]
Other moves: FEVER 4A 30, JEFES L9 30, JET 1G 30, JEED G5 29, JAVEL C7 27

On 15th draw, IDEES K11 30 --- IDEE an idea [n]
Other moves: NIDE K10 28, YIELDS L8 28, QADI C7 26, DEYS K12 25, QAID C7 25

On 16th draw, QAT 1G 36 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: TALAQ 10B 36
Other moves: TALIPOT 1C 30, TALAQ C5 25, PATIO F5 23, PODIAL G6 23, QAT C7 23

On 17th draw, IDEALLY 9G 23 --- IDEALLY perfectly [adv]
Other moves: TYED G5 21, NITERY 4A 20, TILERY 4A 20, INLAY 10B 18, TYLER 4A 18

On 18th draw, TOPCOAT C3 26 --- TOPCOAT a lightweight overcoat [n]
Other moves: PONCY M5 22, PONTY M5 20, POTTY M5 20, COAPT 10C 19, NETOP 14J 18

On 19th draw, GAZE 10D 38 --- GAZE to look intently [v]
Other moves: NAZE 10D 37, GINZO B11 30, BIZ 3M 28, ZEIN C12 26, ZIG 3M 26

On 20th draw, VIBRIO B10 38 --- VIBRIO any of a genus of bacteria shaped like a comma [n]
Other moves: VIRINO B10 34, BURY M6 17, BRIM D12 16, BRINY 6J 16, GUV D10 16

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