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Game of May 3, 2011 at 22:02, 2 players
1. elmo -893
2. MORLAK -920

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abcdor   H4    78    78   brocade
 2. acikmrt   5F    28   106   karmic
 3. deilstz   J2    36   142   zitis
 4. ?aegprt  10B    67   209   pargeter
 5. aeinrsu   2H    84   293   suzerain
 6. deirstu   O1   140   433   intrudes
 7. eeinqrs   I1    43   476   suq
 8. aaelnny   1D    36   512   nyalas
 9. belnotw   C7    34   546   towable
10. aghnorw   8A    39   585   grown
11. agilmoy   6F    35   620   ygo
12. afilnox  12A    36   656   falx
13. dehmopt   K5    39   695   chomped
14. eiilnot  11C    30   725   bein
15. eehilnt   B2    38   763   neither
16. adeltuv   M1    76   839   valuated
17. ailnoov   4A    24   863   viola
18. eeijnoo   A1    30   893   nieve
19. efoooru  A11    33   926   offer
20. iijooou   G8    24   950   jot

Remaining tiles: iioou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Fileelmo        0  5:46  -893   57     1.  -  elmo        0  5:46  -893   57 
  2.3867 FileMORLAK      0  2:44  -920   30     2.3867 MORLAK      0  2:44  -920   30 

On 1st draw, BROCAD(E) H4 78 --- BROCADE to weave a silky fabric with a raised design [v]
Other tops: BROCA(R)D H4 78, B(R)OCARD H4 78, CORD(O)BA H4 78, CORD(O)BA H7 78, C(H)OBDAR H4 78, C(O)RDOBA H4 78, C(O)RDOBA H7 78
Other moves: BROCAD(E) H7 76, BROCA(R)D H6 76, B(R)OCARD H6 76, C(H)OBDAR H8 76, BROCAD(E) H2 74

On 2nd draw, KARMIC 5F 28 --- KARMA the force generated by a person's actions [adj] --- KARMIC pertaining to karma [adj]
Other moves: CROAK 6F 27, BRACK 4H 26, BRICK 4H 26, CR(E)AK 10F 26, TROCK 6F 23

On 3rd draw, ZITIS J2 36 --- ZITI a type of pasta like macaroni [n]
Other moves: SIZED J4 35, S(E)IZED 10G 35, SILOED 6E 34, SIZEL J4 34, SIZE J4 33
SIZED J4 35 elmo

On 4th draw, PARGET(E)(R) 10B 67 --- PARGETER a plasterer [n]
Other tops: PARGET(E)(D) 10B 67, PA(R)GET(E)R 10B 67
Other moves: PARG(E)TED 9A 63, PARG(E)TE(D) 10D 63, PARG(E)TE(R) 10D 63, P(O)RTAGED 9A 63, PARGET(E)D 9A 62
TAKE F3 10 elmo

On 5th draw, SUZERAIN 2H 84 --- SUZERAIN a feudal lord [n]
Other moves: UNPRAISE B8 70, DENARIUS 9H 63, UNEASIER F8 60, AZURINE 2I 32, AZINES 2I 30
(R)UINS I10 5 elmo

On 6th draw, INTRUDES O1 140 --- INTRUDE to thrust or force oneself in [v]
(R)USTED I10 7 elmo

On 7th draw, SUQ I1 43 --- SUQ a marketplace in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: QIS N1 25, NISEI 3I 23, RINES 3I 23, RISEN 3I 23, SIREE 3I 23

On 8th draw, NYALAS 1D 36 --- NYALA an antelope [n]
Other moves: LYNES 1E 30, YALES 1E 30, AYES 1F 27, EYAS 1F 27, LYES 1F 27

On 9th draw, TOWABLE C7 34 --- TOW to pull by means of a chain or rope [adj] --- TOWABLE able to be towed [adj]
Other moves: OWNABLE C7 28, TEABOWL C8 26, WORTLE D8 26, OBOES 6F 25, BOWGET E7 24

On 10th draw, GROWN 8A 39 --- GROW to cultivate [v] --- GROWN mature [adj]
Other moves: GNOW 8A 36, GROW 8A 36, ANOW 8A 33, AROW 8A 33, WHOA 8A 33

On 11th draw, YGO 6F 35 --- GO to move along [v]
Other moves: LOGILY 12C 28, RYAL D10 27, MOLLY 12A 26, ROILY D10 26, AMIDOL 9E 24

On 12th draw, FALX 12A 36 --- FALX a sickle-shaped structure [n]
Other moves: ENFIX F10 31, ANOXIA M2 28, AXONAL M2 28, FAIX M1 28, FALX M1 28

On 13th draw, CHOMPED K5 39 --- CHOMP to champ [v]
Other moves: FEHM A12 36, APOTHEM M2 30, COMPTED K5 30, APEDOM M2 28, TOPHI 1K 25

On 14th draw, BEIN 11C 30 --- BEIN comfortable [adj]
Other moves: OFTEN A11 24, FELT A12 21, FENI A12 21, FENT A12 21, FILE A12 21

On 15th draw, NEITHER B2 38 --- NEITHER not one or the other [adj]
Other moves: EECH 7F 29, HEI(R) I7 28, FEEL A12 21, FEEN A12 21, FEET A12 21

On 16th draw, VALUATED M1 76 --- VALUATE to appraise [v]
Other moves: FAVE A12 30, VAULTED M1 26, VELATED 3A 26, VILDE 4A 26, UNLEAD 2A 25

On 17th draw, VIOLA 4A 24 --- VIOLA a stringed instrument [n]
Other tops: VINAL 4A 24
Other moves: VIAL 4A 22, VINA 4A 22, VINO 4A 22, VIOL 4A 22, FAIL A12 21

On 18th draw, NIEVE A1 30 --- NIEVE the fist or hand [n]
Other moves: JET G8 24, JOT G8 24, FEEN A12 21, FENI A12 21, FINE A12 21

On 19th draw, OFFER A11 33 --- OFFER to present for acceptance or rejection [v]
Other moves: FORE A12 21, FOUR A12 21, FROE A12 21, AFRO B12 19, RE(R)OOF I8 19

On 20th draw, JOT G8 24 --- JOT to write down quickly [v]
Other moves: DOJO 11K 12, ROJI 15A 12, UDO 9G 11, (R)OJI I10 11, DOUP 9H 10

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