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Game of May 4, 2011 at 01:11, 2 players
1. homebodybp -777
2. KiarnnaFab -822

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. goostwy   H8    30    30   towsy
 2. ?egnoru   8H    80   110   trudgeon
 3. aiiklnt   M1    76   186   kalinite
 4. adeiost   O1    80   266   sedation
 5. ceeistv   2H    30   296   vesicate
 6. abdeimn   K5    36   332   abidden
 7. ainoopr   L2    29   361   capi
 8. ?flnoru  11A    70   431   fleurons
 9. acghiln   A8    51   482   chafing
10. ahmorux  10J    37   519   xeroma
11. adeijms   E5    86   605   jemidars
12. adeeort   H1    36   641   evader
13. eeflrvw  L10    34   675   reflew
14. aeilorz  14J    68   743   zoeae
15. benootv   G9    29   772   bonnet
16. hopqrty   C7    36   808   pothery
17. egiqruv   1D    30   838   quiver

Remaining tiles: eglu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filehomebodybp  0  5:10  -777   61     1.  -  homebodybp  0  5:10  -777   61 
  2.  -  FileKiarnnaFab  0  3:31  -822   16     2.  -  KiarnnaFab  0  3:31  -822   16 

On 1st draw, TOWSY H8 30 --- TOWSY shaggy [adj]
Other moves: GOOSY H8 26, STOGY H8 26, SOOTY H8 24, TOWSY H4 24, GOOSY H4 22

On 2nd draw, TRU(D)GEON 8H 80 --- TRUDGEON a swimming stroke [n]
Other tops: (B)URGONET 8A 80
Other moves: YOUNGER(S) 12H 72, ENROUG(H)S 11A 66, GEN(E)ROUS 11A 66, GUER(D)ONS 11A 66, G(E)NEROUS 11A 66

On 3rd draw, KALINITE M1 76 --- KALINITE native potash alum [n]
Other moves: ANTLIKE M2 32, TINLIKE M2 32, INTAKE M3 30, TINKLY 12C 26, GLAIKIT L8 24

On 4th draw, SEDATION O1 80 --- SEDATION the reduction of stress or excitement by the use of sedatives [n]
Other moves: GODETIAS L8 72, SEDATION 5F 68, DIASTOLE 3G 62, ASTONIED O4 60, SOAKED 1J 36
SOAKED 1J 36 homebodybp

On 5th draw, VESICATE 2H 30 --- VESICATE to blister [v]
Other moves: CIVETS 11C 22, EVICTE(D) K2 22, EVICTS 11C 22, SCREET I6 22, STIVY 12D 22
CITY 12E 9 homebodybp

On 6th draw, ABI(D)DEN K5 36 --- ABIDE to accept without objection [v]
Other tops: BAN(D)IED K5 36
Other moves: CEBID L2 35, DEBAG L4 32, AVID H1 30, CAME L2 28, AVINE H1 27
MAIDS 11D 16 homebodybp

On 7th draw, CAPI L2 29 --- CAPO a pitch-raising device for fretted instruments [n]
Other moves: AVION H1 27, CAP L2 24, PIONY 12D 20, PORNY 12D 20, ROOPY 12D 20

On 8th draw, FL(E)URONS 11A 70 --- FLEURON a flowerlike ornament [n]
Other tops: FLUOR(I)NS 11A 70, FURLON(G)S 11A 70, (H)ORNFULS 11A 70
Other moves: OVUL(A)R H1 27, GOF(E)R L8 25, FLOUN(C)Y 12B 24, FLOURY 12C 24, FOUN(D)RY 12B 24

On 9th draw, CHAFING A8 51 --- CHAFE to warm by rubbing [v]
Other moves: FILCH A11 42, FINCH A11 42, FINCA A11 33, HAW 10F 32, CALIF A7 30

On 10th draw, XEROMA 10J 37 --- XEROMA a dry lustreless condition of the conjunctiva [n]
Other moves: HOAX N7 36, OVUM H1 36, HAWM 10F 35, HAW 10F 32, HOW 10F 32

On 11th draw, JEMIDARS E5 86 --- JEMIDAR an Indian army officer [n]
Other moves: JAW 10F 56, J*W 10F 56, MUSJID D10 36, GADJES 14A 34, JEMIDAR E5 34

On 12th draw, EVADER H1 36 --- EVADER one that evades [n]
Other moves: EVADE H1 33, OVATED H1 33, OVERED H1 33, AVERT H1 27, EVERT H1 27
MEAT N10 6 KiarnnaFab

On 13th draw, REFLEW L10 34 --- REFLY to fly again [v]
Other tops: FEWER I1 34
Other moves: WE(E)VER C9 30, FUELER D10 29, FEW I1 27, AW 10E 26, WO F10 26
REEL L10 10 KiarnnaFab

On 14th draw, ZOEAE 14J 68 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other tops: ZOEAL 14J 68
Other moves: ZONAE G9 56, ZONAL G9 56, ZONA G9 54, ZILLA 13I 48, ZO(E)AE C9 46

On 15th draw, BONNET G9 29 --- BONNET to put on a head covering tied with ribbon [v]
Other moves: BONNE G9 28, BOTONE F10 28, WENT 15L 25, BLENT 13K 24, BOON F10 24

On 16th draw, POTH(E)RY C7 36 --- POTHERY in a turmoil [adj]
Other moves: PLY 13K 30, HEY I1 27, PRY I7 27, PO(E)TRY C9 26, QAT 3G 26

On 17th draw, QUIVER 1D 30 --- QUIVER to shake with a slight but rapid motion [v]
Other moves: WIRE 15L 25, QUIRE 1D 24, REGIE I1 20, EGER I2 17, QUEER 1E 16

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