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Game of May 4, 2011 at 06:05, 3 players
1. alesha970 -635
2. Woodys1 -639
3. Dmon -648

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aekoyz   H4    52    52   zooey
 2. abgirst   4H    28    80   zatis
 3. ?eeinoy   5G    25   105   doyen
 4. abijnor   7G    24   129   jerboa
 5. acdhtux   I7    23   152   rax
 6. cefimno   J7    23   175   bein
 7. ceiilrs   L6    20   195   laicise
 8. eeglnpu  11F    28   223   plunges
 9. aeinopt  H11    30   253   uptie
10. aehlnov  13C    24   277   volante
11. denortu  15D    61   338   deuteron
12. demosuw  14F    25   363   moi
13. efhnruu  11D    24   387   replunges
14. abdiinr   D8    22   409   barrio
15. dimotuw   8A    33   442   woubit
16. aaegkns   C7    27   469   nuke
17. aefhrtv   B8    35   504   oaf
18. acdeghl   8L    21   525   iced
19. ghilotu   N2    38   563   toughie
20. ehilrtv   3K    24   587   helot
21. addorrs   O1    23   610   dots
22. adimqrv   E5    28   638   qadi
23. agimrsv  12J    20   658   smear
24. afgirvw  N10    34   692   virga

Remaining tiles: frw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filealesha970   0  9:42  -635   57     1.  -  alesha970   0  9:42  -635   57 
  2.  -  FileWoodys1     1  5:14  -639   53     2.  -  Woodys1     1  5:14  -639   53 
  3.  -  FileDmon        0  2:29  -648   44     3.  -  Dmon        0  2:29  -648   44 

On 1st draw, ZO(O)EY H4 52 --- ZOOEY resembling a zoo [adj]
Other tops: Z(O)OEY H4 52
Other moves: KA(R)ZY H4 50, KA(R)ZY H8 48, ZOAE(A) H4 46, ZOEA(E) H4 46, ZOEA(L) H4 46

On 2nd draw, ZATIS 4H 28 --- ZATI the bonnet-monkey [n]
Other moves: BOGARTS 5G 20, BIGOTS 5E 18, BIOGAS 5F 18, BOGART 5G 18, GARBOS 5D 18

On 3rd draw, (D)OYEN 5G 25 --- DOYEN the senior member of a group [n]
Other tops: (T)OYON 5G 25
Other moves: NOYE(D) 5G 23, NOYE(S) 5G 23, YEO(M)EN 5F 23, OYE(S) 5H 21, YO(G)IN 5G 21

On 4th draw, JERBOA 7G 24 --- JERBOA a small rodent [n]
Other moves: INJERA 7E 22, REJOIN 7G 22, JABS L1 21, JAY I3 21, JIBS L1 21
JAY I3 21 Dmon

On 5th draw, RAX I7 23 --- RAX to stretch out [v]
Other moves: CHAY 8E 21, OUCHT K7 20, BACH J7 19, TAXA L6 19, BATCH J7 18

On 6th draw, BEIN J7 23 --- BEIN comfortable [adj]
Other moves: ANCOME L7 22, ANEMIC L7 22, ANOMIC L7 22, ONCOME K7 20, AEONIC L7 18
FINS L1 11 alesha970

On 7th draw, LAICISE L6 20 --- LAICISE to free from clerical control [v]
Other moves: CRESS L1 18, JERBOAS 7G 17, LAIRISE L6 16, ARIELS L7 14, CESS L2 14
ACERS L7 10 Dmon
LIES L1 5 alesha970

On 8th draw, PLUNGES 11F 28 --- PLUNGE to throw or thrust suddenly or forcibly into something [v]
Other moves: LUNGES 11G 22, GUSLE 11J 20, LEGES 11H 20, LUGES 11H 20, NEGUS 11H 20
UNPAY I1 13 alesha970
GLUE 12I 5 Dmon

On 9th draw, UPTIE H11 30 --- UPTIE to tie up [v]
Other moves: UNAPT H11 24, AUNTIE H10 21, APPOINT F9 19, UNITE H11 18, UNTIE H11 18
UPON H11 9 alesha970
PAIN F11 8 Dmon

On 10th draw, VOLANTE 13C 24 --- VOLANTE a two-wheeled horse vehicle [n] --- VOLANTE moving with light rapidity -- used as a musical direction [adj]
Other moves: LEVANT 13C 20, VOLANT 13C 20, VEINAL 14F 19, VOILA 14F 18, VOILE 14F 18
COVE 9L 10 alesha970

On 11th draw, DEUTERON 15D 61 --- DEUTERON the nucleus of heavy hydrogen [n]
Other moves: DEUTERON 15G 60, REPLUNGES 11D 24, INTRUDE 14H 22, DOIT 14F 20, DUIT 14F 20
DEVON C11 9 alesha970

On 12th draw, MOI 14F 25 --- MOI used to express surprise [interj]
Other moves: SMEW 12J 22, IDEM 8L 21, SMEE 12J 19, DOWD D12 18, DOWP F8 18

On 13th draw, REPLUNGES 11D 24 --- REPLUNGE to plunge again [v]
Other moves: FROND D11 18, CHEF 9L 16, FLUE 6K 16, FOND D12 16, FORD D12 16

On 14th draw, BARRIO D8 22 --- BARRIO a Spanish-speaking district [n]
Other moves: BARDO D9 16, IRID 8L 15, BARRO D9 14, BATE J2 12, BITE J2 12

On 15th draw, WOUBIT 8A 33 --- WOUBIT a hairy caterpillar [n]
Other tops: WOMB 8A 33
Other moves: DUMBO 8A 30, DUMB 8A 27, OUTBID 8A 27, TIMBO 8A 27, DOUBT 8A 24

On 16th draw, NUKE C7 27 --- NUKE to attack with nuclear weapons [v]
Other moves: NEUK C6 25, UKE C8 25, AUK C7 24, EUK C7 24, GASKIN E4 24

On 17th draw, OAF B8 35 --- OAF a clumsy, stupid person [n]
Other moves: TREIF E5 26, AFRIT E5 23, FREIT E5 23, REFIT E5 23, WHARVE A8 19

On 18th draw, ICED 8L 21 --- ICE to cover with ice (frozen water) [v]
Other moves: ELCHI E4 20, GLACE 6K 19, NEIGH 10J 19, CHAI E5 18, IGAD 8L 18
CAD 9L 7 Woodys1

On 19th draw, TOUGHIE N2 38 --- TOUGHIE a tough person [n]
Other moves: GHOULIE N2 26, CH 9L 22, CH M8 22, THOLI E4 16, DOUGHT O8 15

On 20th draw, HELOT 3K 24 --- HELOT a slave or serf [n]
Other moves: CH 9L 22, CH M8 22, HELO 3K 22, HERO 3K 22, VETO 3K 22
HOT 3M 12 Woodys1

On 21th draw, DOTS O1 23 --- DOT to cover with dots (tiny round marks) [v]
Other moves: OATS O1 20, RATS O1 20, ROTS O1 20, PAS 12H 17, ADDS O6 14
DOTS O1 23 Woodys1

On 22th draw, QADI E5 28 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: DIVI E5 16, IMARI E4 14, MIDI E5 14, TAMP F8 14, ADD O6 13
MEAD 12K 11 Woodys1

On 23th draw, SMEAR 12J 20 --- SMEAR to spread with a sticky, greasy, or dirty substance [v]
Other moves: PAS 12H 17, PIS 12H 17, GAMAY I1 14, SAE 12J 14, SAV 6D 14

On 24th draw, VIRGA N10 34 --- VIRGA wisps of precipitation evaporating before reaching ground [n]
Other moves: WIRRA N10 32, FAW 6D 17, VAW 6D 17, FRAG N11 16, FRIAR N11 16

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