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Game of May 4, 2011 at 12:35, 5 players
1. yab -477
2. Dtara -584
3. tlhalifang -669

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adeirw   H4    78    78   wearied
 2. acinqrt   6F    36   114   tranq
 3. adehmnt   9D    70   184   anthemed
 4. belnrtu   D5    72   256   turnable
 5. efgopsw  10H    39   295   defogs
 6. ?aaaity  L10    26   321   gaiety
 7. eeimort  15G    33   354   moiety
 8. alsuwyz  14J    39   393   yutz
 9. aainopt  11K    28   421   patin
10. aceloru  O10    33   454   uncoer
11. aciklns   4H    28   482   wicks
12. aeiloos   K2    33   515   alkos
13. adeiior   D3    24   539   returnable
14. aeeflos   2J    32   571   false
15. aaeglou   3B    27   598   aureola
16. dehjnor   8A    42   640   john
17. eiioprw   7B    28   668   worrier
18. abdegnn   E2    21   689   bede
19. aadenpv  13G    26   715   pavane
20. adegiio   3K    20   735   loid
21. aegginv  11A    22   757   vealing

Remaining tiles: gix

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5922 Fileyab         4 13:56  -477  280     1.5922 yab         4 13:56  -477  280 
  2.  -  FileDtara       1 13:25  -584  173            Group: not rated
  3.  -  Filetlhalifang  0 11:16  -669   88     1.  -  Dtara       1 13:25  -584  173 
  4.3070 Fileamin        0  3:16  -732   25     2.  -  tlhalifang  0 11:16  -669   88 
  5.  -  Filerobinson    0  1:48  -735   22     3.3070 amin        0  3:16  -732   25 
                                             4.  -  robinson    0  1:48  -735   22 

On 1st draw, WEARI(E)D H4 78 --- WEARY to make or become weary [v]
Other tops: RAW(H)IDE H2 78, W(E)ARIED H4 78, (B)AWDIER H2 78
Other moves: RAW(H)IDE H7 74, WEARI(E)D H6 74, W(E)ARIED H6 74, RAW(H)IDE H3 72, RAW(H)IDE H4 72

On 2nd draw, TRANQ 6F 36 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: QADI 10F 34, QINTAR 7C 26, QINDAR 10E 20, CANTIER 5C 18, CERATIN 5G 18

On 3rd draw, ANTH(E)MED 9D 70 --- ANTHEM to praise in a national song [v]
Other moves: ANTHEM(E)D 9B 69, RATHE G6 29, HATRED G3 28, DREAM G5 26, MANRED G3 26

On 4th draw, TURNABLE D5 72 --- TURN to move around a central point [adj] --- TURNABLE able to be turned [adj]
Other moves: BANTER D8 22, BARNET D8 22, BATLER D8 22, ABLUENT D9 20, BALER D8 20
BANTER D8 22 robinson

On 5th draw, DEFOGS 10H 39 --- DEFOG to remove fog from [v]
Other moves: DEFOG 10H 38, DEF 10H 32, DOF 10H 32, PRESHOW G5 28, POWN 8A 27

On 6th draw, GAI(E)TY L10 26 --- GAIETY festive activity [n]
Other tops: NYA(L)A E9 26
Other moves: RAIYAT 7H 25, RAIYAT(S) 7H 25, NYA(S) E9 24, RAIY(A)T 7H 24, RAIYA(T) 7H 23

On 7th draw, MOIETY 15G 33 --- MOIETY a half [n]
Other moves: EMERY 15H 30, EMITTER 14I 30, MOTEY 15H 30, OMITTER 14I 30, EMOTER 14I 28

On 8th draw, YUTZ 14J 39 --- YUTZ a stupid, foolish, or ineffectual person [n]
Other moves: SL(E)AZY 13J 34, WALTZ 5A 34, LAZE J12 33, LAZY 11D 32, SWAT 14I 32
Z(E)AL 13K 24 Dtara
YES 12C 6 tlhalifang

On 9th draw, PATIN 11K 28 --- PATIN a plate [n]
Other tops: PAINT 11K 28, PATIO 11K 28
Other moves: ADOPT K8 26, PAIN 11K 26, ANOINT E8 24, DOPA K9 24, PAT 11K 24
PAIN 8A 18 yab, Dtara
TONE 12A 5 tlhalifang

On 10th draw, UNCOER O10 33 --- UNCO strange [adj]
Other tops: LAUNCE O8 33, ROUNCE O8 33
Other moves: CORNEAL O8 30, CORNUAL O8 30, LUCARNE O6 30, CORNEA 8A 28, CORNUA 8A 28
CLONE O8 24 Dtara
CLEAN O7 21 yab

On 11th draw, WICKS 4H 28 --- WICK a bundle of loosely twisted fibers in a candle or oil lamp [n] --- WICK to draw up liquid with twisted threads [v]
Other tops: WACKS 4H 28
Other moves: AKIN 8A 24, CALKIN 11B 24, IKAN 8A 24, KAIN 8A 24, KILN 8A 24
WACKS 4H 28 yab
NAILS 11A 10 tlhalifang

On 12th draw, ALKOS K2 33 --- ALKO an alcoholic [n]
Other tops: LAKES K2 33, LIKES K2 33, LOKES K2 33
Other moves: AKES K3 31, OKAS K3 31, OKES K3 31, KAS K4 29, KIS K4 29
LIKES K2 33 yab

On 13th draw, RETURNABLE D3 24 --- RETURNABLE [n]
Other moves: DAINE 8A 20, DRONE 8A 20, ARRIERO 7C 18, NEAR E9 18, NOIR E9 18
DRONE 8A 20 yab
LIED 3K 12 Dtara
DELI 11B 10 tlhalifang

On 14th draw, FALSE 2J 32 --- FALSE contrary to truth or fact [adj] --- FALSE to deceive [v]
Other moves: FLANES 8A 31, NEAFES E9 31, NEAFE E9 29, FRESH G5 22, FROSH G5 22
FALSE 2J 32 Dtara
LOAFS 3K 18 yab

On 15th draw, AUREOLA 3B 27 --- AUREOLA a halo [n]
Other moves: AREOLA 3C 25, AGONE 8A 20, GUANA 8A 20, GUANO 8A 20, ANOA E8 18
GLARE 3A 12 yab, Dtara
GEL 12C 4 tlhalifang

On 16th draw, JOHN 8A 42 --- JOHN a toilet [n]
Other moves: JEON 8A 33, JOBE 10B 31, HADJ B2 30, LEHR 3K 29, HOARED B1 28
JOHN 8A 42 yab
NORM G12 7 tlhalifang

On 17th draw, WORRIER 7B 28 --- WORRIER one that worries [n]
Other moves: PAWER B2 24, POWR(E) 13H 22, REPLOW 11A 22, WIPER 4A 22, WOOPIE B6 21
PLEW 11C 18 yab
PAW B2 16 Dtara
RAP B2 10 tlhalifang

On 18th draw, BEDE E2 21 --- BEDE a prayer [n]
Other moves: BADG(E) 13H 20, BEGLAD 11A 20, GABLED 11A 20, DEB(E) 13I 19, AGENE E1 18
BLADE 11C 16 yab, Dtara

On 19th draw, PAVAN(E) 13G 26 --- PAVANE a slow formal dance [n]
Other moves: ADVEN(E) 13G 23, AVALED 11A 20, VAN(E) 13I 19, NAAN E9 18, PAVE B2 18
PAVE B2 18 yab, tlhalifang
DEEP N1 7 amin

On 20th draw, LOID 3K 20 --- LOID to open a spring lock by using a piece of celluloid [v]
Other tops: LAID 3K 20
Other moves: DIALOG 11A 16, GAOLED 11A 16, GOALED 11A 16, EDGED 4A 15, ADAGE B1 14
GLADE 11C 14 yab
EDGE 12A 7 amin
PAM G13 7 tlhalifang

On 21th draw, VEALING 11A 22 --- VEAL to kill and prepare a calf for food [v]
Other moves: VIBE 10B 19, AGAVE B1 18, EAGLING 11A 18, GEALING 11A 18, NAIN E9 18
VEALING 11A 22 yab
VIBE 10B 19 Dtara
GIVEN 12A 11 amin
JAG A8 11 tlhalifang

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