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Game of May 4, 2011 at 13:25, 1 player
1. amin -570

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aaekoy   H4    34    34   kayoes
 2. dgmoosw   5D    20    54   dogmas
 3. efiptuv   D1    26    80   fetid
 4. ?aalnny   1D    33   113   fanny
 5. ?begiir   2B    28   141   grebe
 6. aeeejrt   I2    22   163   teaser
 7. adeiprs   9F    65   228   despairs
 8. adilloo   G3    28   256   domal
 9. aemotuv   L4    24   280   mauver
10. eiopruu   2I    20   300   troupe
11. aiorstt   M2    22   322   pratt
12. ?inqttu   J8    33   355   maqui
13. accelst  12F    76   431   calcites
14. aehilnw   K1    27   458   lowan
15. bdhiorz  F12    34   492   coz
16. dehiios  14B    34   526   iodizes
17. egjnruv  13E    24   550   gov
18. eehinrt   C7    82   632   hereinto
19. bfjlnou   8A    33   665   boeuf
20. hijnnow  12A    38   703   jinn
21. hiilnox  B10    29   732   hoi

Remaining tiles: iilnwx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.3070 Fileamin        0 16:07  -570  162     1.3070 amin        0 16:07  -570  162 

On 1st draw, KAYOE(S) H4 34 --- KAYO to knock out [v]
Other tops: KAYOE(D) H4 34, OKAYE(D) H3 34
Other moves: KAYA(K) H4 32, KAYO(S) H4 32, KAY(L)E H4 32, KY(L)OE H4 32, K(H)AYA H4 32
A(W)AKE H8 18 amin

On 2nd draw, DOGMAS 5D 20 --- DOGMA a principle or belief put forth as authoritative [n]
Other tops: GAWDS 5G 20, MOWAS 5E 20
Other moves: DOGMA 5D 18, MOWA 5E 18, YOWS 6H 18, WOODSY 6C 17, YOW 6H 17
GOOSE 8D 8 amin

On 3rd draw, FETID D1 26 --- FETID having an offensive odor [adj]
Other tops: UPDIVE D3 26
Other moves: SEPT I5 23, SUPE I5 23, PUTID D1 22, VISE I3 22, SEIF I5 21
VE(S)T 9F 8 amin

On 4th draw, FANNY 1D 33 --- FANNY the buttocks [n]
Other tops: FA(I)NLY 1D 33, FLY(M)AN 1D 33, NA(F)FLY 1A 33, NA(I)FLY 1A 33
Other moves: A(D)ENYL 2B 32, LANE(L)Y 2A 32, L(I)NENY 2A 32, NA(M)ELY 2A 32, NA(Y)SAY I2 32
FAN(C)Y 1D 30 amin

On 5th draw, GREBE 2B 28 --- GREBE a diving bird [n]
Other tops: KERBI(N)G 4H 28
Other moves: B(A)REGE 2A 27, (A)BREGE 2A 27, G(L)EBE 2B 26, G(R)EBE 2B 26, BIGE(Y)E 2A 25

On 6th draw, TEASER I2 22 --- TEASER one that teases [n]
Other moves: EASER I3 21, TASER I3 21, ETAT 3C 20, JOTA 7G 20, JOE 7G 19
JE(S)TER 9F 14 amin

On 7th draw, DE(S)PAIRS 9F 65 --- DESPAIR to lose all hope [v]
Other moves: DESPAIR(S) 9A 62, MADRES G5 28, MADRE G5 27, DAMP G3 26, PIETA 3A 26
GRASPED B2 17 amin

On 8th draw, DOMAL G3 28 --- DOMAL shaped like a dome [adj]
Other moves: LOMA G3 20, MAD G5 20, MOD G5 20, DOLLAR L4 16, DRAIL L8 16
SILL M9 4 amin

On 9th draw, MAUVER L4 24 --- MAUVE of a mauve colour [adj]
Other moves: MOTIVE K6 22, OUTRAVE L6 22, EMOVE 3I 20, MOUTER L4 18, OUTVIE K5 18
MOTIVE K6 22 amin

On 10th draw, TROUPE 2I 20 --- TROUPE to tour with a theatrical company [v]
Other moves: PIET 3A 19, POET 3A 19, REP C2 18, RIP C2 18, SOUPIER M9 18
GROUP B2 14 amin

On 11th draw, PRATT M2 22 --- PRATT to beat on the buttocks [v]
Other tops: PAIRS M2 22, PRATS M2 22, PROAS M2 22, PROST M2 22
Other moves: SPAIT M1 20, SPRAT M1 20, SPRIT M1 20, TEARS 8K 19, TEATS 8K 19
STAIRS M9 12 amin

On 12th draw, (M)AQUI J8 33 --- MAQUI a thick underbrush [n]
Other moves: AQU(A) J9 32, (A)SQUINT M8 31, INQUI(E)T K9 30, SQUINT M9 30, SQUINT(S) M9 30
QUIT 4B 15 amin

On 13th draw, CALCITES 12F 76 --- CALCITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: COCAS K1 29, ACCITES 12G 28, ACCITE 12G 26, COAST K1 25, COLAS K1 25

On 14th draw, LOWAN K1 27 --- LOWAN an Australian mound-bird [n]
Other tops: LOHAN K1 27
Other moves: SWASH M9 22, SWISH M9 22, LAWN H12 21, LWEI H12 21, RAH C2 21

On 15th draw, COZ F12 34 --- COZ a cousin [n]
Other moves: BIZ 4C 25, RIZ 4C 23, ZORI 4A 23, AZO G12 22, CHIZ I12 22

On 16th draw, IODIZES 14B 34 --- IODIZE to treat with iodine [v]
Other moves: IODIZE 14B 32, DIETS 3A 24, ADOS G12 23, EISH 8L 23, SADO G11 23

On 17th draw, GOV 13E 24 --- GOV a regulator, short for governor [n]
Other tops: REJON C11 24
Other moves: EEVN 8L 23, JEON C12 22, JOG C13 22, JUD D12 22, JIG E13 20

On 18th draw, HEREINTO C7 82 --- HEREINTO into this place [adv]
Other moves: ETHERION C8 74, HERETO C9 26, HETERO C9 26, THEREON C9 22, REH C2 21

On 19th draw, BOEUF 8A 33 --- BOEUF as in boeuf bourguignon, a casserole of beef, herbs etc cooked in red wine. [adj]
Other moves: JOE 8A 30, JEON 10B 27, JEU 10B 26, FOEN 8A 24, FUEL 8A 24

On 20th draw, JINN 12A 38 --- JINN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: J*W 10B 29, OOH B8 29, JEON 10B 27, JINN 11B 22, SIJO M12 22

On 21th draw, HOI B10 29 --- HOI used to attract attention [interj]
Other tops: OOH B8 29
Other moves: OXEN 10A 27, HELIO 10B 23, HELIX L11 23, HEX 10B 21, HIOI 11B 21

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