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Game of May 4, 2011 at 22:38, 1 player
1. ynot4now -1031

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aklors   H4    28    28   koras
 2. eglouuz   6F    33    61   zero
 3. belmnou   8A    89   150   nelumbos
 4. ?efioru   A1    83   233   refusion
 5. adeiity   C4    64   297   ideality
 6. ?ainnpt   5G    74   371   poignant
 7. abcehlr   M2    90   461   blancher
 8. adeflor   2H    82   543   fordable
 9. aeiprsu   K4    70   613   unpraise
10. eglsuvy   8J    42   655   gavels
11. degiist   E8    74   729   midgiest
12. aenoqtu  15A    45   774   quant
13. acdemot  D11    35   809   admen
14. acinrtt  11H    60   869   interact
15. eehotww  O11    45   914   theow
16. ginovwx  15A    54   968   quantong
17. eiotwxy   O1    45  1013   wexe
18. eijotvy   L4    31  1044   vae

Remaining tiles: ijoty

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Fileynot4now    0  1:38 -1031   13     1.  -  ynot4now    0  1:38 -1031   13 

On 1st draw, KORAS H4 28 --- KORA an African musical instrument like the harp [n]
Other tops: KAROS(S) H4 28, KARO(O)S H4 28, KARO(S)S H4 28, KAR(O)OS H4 28, KOAL(A)S H4 28, KOLAS H4 28, KORA(T)S H4 28, KOR(M)AS H4 28, KO(A)LAS H4 28, KO(K)RAS H4 28, KRA(A)LS H4 28, KR(A)ALS H4 28, K(N)ARLS H4 28, RO(J)AKS H8 28, R(E)SOAK H7 28, SKA(T)OL H3 28, SKOAL(S) H3 28, SKOL(I)A H3 28, S(T)ALKO H8 28, (B)ORAKS H8 28, (C)LOAKS H8 28, (C)ROAKS H8 28, (S)KOALS H3 28, (T)AROKS H8 28, (T)ROAKS H8 28
Other moves: A(W)ORK H8 26, KAL(E)S H4 26, KAL(I)S H4 26, KAO(N)S H4 26, KARO(O) H4 26

On 2nd draw, ZERO 6F 33 --- ZERO to aim at the exact center of a target [v]
Other moves: REZ 6H 32, OUZEL 5H 28, GAZE 7G 26, GLAZE 7F 26, OOZE 5H 26

On 3rd draw, NELUMBOS 8A 89 --- NELUMBO an aquatic herb [n]
Other moves: BOMA 7E 29, MABE 7G 28, LOMA 7E 27, MONAUL 7E 27, NOMA 7E 27

On 4th draw, REFU(S)ION A1 83 --- REFUSION the act of fusing again [n]
Other moves: FLOURIE(R) C7 80, FLOU(R)IER C7 80, FLUORI(D)E C7 80, FLUORI(N)E C7 80, FLUORI(T)E C7 80

On 5th draw, IDEALITY C4 64 --- IDEALITY the state of being perfect; something idealized [n]
Other moves: YIDAKI 4D 28, TOYED 5G 25, FAYED 3A 24, DOY I5 23, DYE B6 23

On 6th draw, POI(G)NANT 5G 74 --- POIGNANT emotionally distressing [adj]
Other tops: POINT(M)AN 5G 74
Other moves: ENT(R)AP 2A 26, (S)TIPA 9A 26, (R)EPIN B7 23, AN(T)IPOT I1 22, KATIP(O) 4H 22

On 7th draw, BLANCHER M2 90 --- BLANCHER a whitener [n]
Other moves: BLANCHER K2 65, BLATHER N2 40, BERTHA N2 38, BREATH N1 38, BEATH N2 36

On 8th draw, FORDABLE 2H 82 --- FORD to cross by wading [adj] --- FORDABLE able to be forded [adj]
Other moves: FORBAD 2J 40, FEED 8L 36, FEOD 8L 36, FEAL 8L 33, FEAR 8L 33

On 9th draw, UNPRAISE K4 70 --- UNPRAISE to deprive of praise [v]
Other moves: RUPEES 8J 33, APERS 8K 30, SPEAR 8K 30, SPEER 8K 30, SPEIR 8K 30

On 10th draw, GAVELS 8J 42 --- GAVEL to signal for attention or order by use of a gavel (a small mallet) [v]
Other tops: LEVY O1 42
Other moves: AVELS 8K 36, SAGELY 8J 36, GUYSES 10H 34, EELY O1 33, YEVE O1 33

On 11th draw, MIDGIEST E8 74 --- MIDGY full of midges [adj]
Other moves: DESIST 10I 27, DIGESTS 10G 27, DUTIES D7 26, DEISTS 10H 25, DIESIS 10H 25

On 12th draw, QUANT 15A 45 --- QUANT to propel through water with a pole [v]
Other tops: TOQUET 15E 45
Other moves: TOQUE 15E 42, EQUANT B8 37, EQUATE B8 37, EQUANT 2A 34, EQUATE 2A 34

On 13th draw, ADMEN D11 35 --- ADMAN a man employed in the advertising business [n]
Other moves: DEEM O1 30, MEAD O1 27, MEED O1 27, TEAM O1 27, TEEM O1 27

On 14th draw, INTERACT 11H 60 --- INTERACT to act on one another [v]
Other moves: NACRE B4 33, ACRE B5 29, ENATIC 2A 28, CENT O1 21, CERT O1 21

On 15th draw, THEOW O11 45 --- THEOW a slave [n]
Other moves: THOLE N5 38, THETE O11 36, TWEET O11 36, ETH N4 31, REWTH L11 30

On 16th draw, QUANTONG 15A 54 --- QUANTONG an Australian tree [n]
Other tops: QUANTING 15A 54
Other moves: WIVING H10 51, VEX O1 39, WEX O1 39, OXIME 13A 28, VEX B7 28

On 17th draw, WEXE O1 45 --- WEXE to wax [v]
Other moves: COWY N11 44, WEX O1 39, YEX O1 39, TWIXT J11 31, ORYX L10 30

On 18th draw, VAE L4 31 --- VAE a bay or creek [n]
Other moves: JIVE 13L 28, OJIME 13A 28, JONTY I9 27, JEST 14C 26, VETO F12 26
J*W 15M 13 ynot4now

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