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Game of May 5, 2011 at 13:11, 3 players
1. sabs -457
2. Sweetpea -838
3. tlhalifang -884

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. einorvw   H8    32    32   inwove
 2. ?ahnort  13C    80   112   antihero
 3. ?adprtt  11B    70   182   tetrapod
 4. abiklot   C4    65   247   boatlike
 5. cegorrt   8A    30   277   telco
 6. adelosv   4B    80   357   absolved
 7. befinrs  10C    36   393   kief
 8. eegimnu   B1    29   422   menage
 9. adeiosx   H1    42   464   axseed
10. aijlors   F2    30   494   jills
11. belmnou   1A    30   524   umbel
12. cdeprwy   I8    30   554   dyed
13. aehituu   3H    24   578   saithe
14. aemosuz  J12    35   613   moze
15. acgopqr   J2    31   644   qi
16. agginrw  15G    92   736   wagering
17. aefnruu   2J    37   773   quare
18. innoopu  N10    30   803   pooing
19. inrsuuy   L1    28   831   yahs
20. acfiino   1K    40   871   cyano
21. fiirruu   O1    21   892   orf

Remaining tiles: iiruu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5297 Filesabs        2 23:06  -457  435     1.5297 sabs        2 23:06  -457  435 
  2.  -  FileSweetpea    0  5:55  -838   54            Group: not rated
  3.  -  Filetlhalifang  0  0:25  -884    8     1.  -  Sweetpea    0  5:55  -838   54 
                                             2.  -  tlhalifang  0  0:25  -884    8 

On 1st draw, INWOVE H8 32 --- INWEAVE to weave together [v]
Other tops: WIVERN H4 32
Other moves: VINEW H4 30, VINEW H8 30, VOWER H4 30, WIVER H4 30, WOVEN H4 30
WOVEN H4 30 sabs

On 2nd draw, ANT(I)HERO 13C 80 --- ANTIHERO a protagonist who is notably lacking in heroic qualities [n]
Other moves: AN(C)HORET 13B 74, HAWT(H)ORN 10F 71, (H)AWTHORN 10F 71, WAN(W)ORTH 10H 67, (W)ANWORTH 10E 67
THRON(E) 11E 16 sabs

On 3rd draw, T(E)TRAPOD 11B 70 --- TETRAPOD a four-footed animal [n]
Other moves: T(E)TRAPOD J7 66, PAROT(I)D 11E 36, VAP(I)D 12H 26, VAP(O)R 12H 24, PARD(O)N D8 22
PAW 10F 14 sabs

On 4th draw, BOATLIK(E) C4 65 --- BOATLIKE resembling a boat [adj]
Other moves: KOW 10F 40, BOWAT 10F 35, BOW 10F 28, BAT(I)K F10 26, KILOBAR E5 26
BLANK 9E 17 sabs

On 5th draw, TELCO 8A 30 --- TELCO a telecommunications company [n]
Other moves: COLTER 8A 27, TOWER 10F 23, VOTER 12H 22, CELT 8A 21, COLE 8A 21
GOLE 8A 18 sabs

On 6th draw, ABSOLVED 4B 80 --- ABSOLVE to free from the consequences of an action [v]
Other moves: SOLVATED A3 63, VOLVED 12H 32, DOWELS 10F 30, VOLVAE 12H 30, VOLVAS 12H 30
SOLVED 5B 20 sabs

On 7th draw, KIEF 10C 36 --- KIEF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other tops: FEEB B6 36
Other moves: BRIEFS H1 33, FIBERS H1 33, FEES B6 32, BRIEF H1 30, FIBER H1 30
FAB 6B 16 sabs

On 8th draw, MENAGE B1 29 --- MENAGE a household [n] --- MENAGE to manage [v]
Other moves: IMAGE B2 27, ANT(I)HEROINE 13C 26, MEANE B2 24, AIM B4 23, MEE B6 23
IMAGE B2 27 sabs

On 9th draw, AXSEED H1 42 --- AXSEED a European herb [n]
Other moves: DESEX H1 39, DEXES H1 39, SEXED H1 39, EXIES H1 36, LAXES F4 36
SEXED H1 39 sabs

On 10th draw, JILLS F2 30 --- JILL a unit of liquid measure [n]
Other tops: JOLLS F2 30
Other moves: JILL F2 27, JOLL F2 27, JOLS F2 27, ROJI J12 27, SOJA J12 27
JAILORS 1G 15 sabs

On 11th draw, UMBEL 1A 30 --- UMBEL a type of flower cluster [n]
Other tops: UMBLE 1A 30
Other moves: VOLUME 12H 28, OMBU 1A 27, UMBO 1A 27, ONIUM 9A 23, SOLEMN 3H 22
OMEN 1A 21 sabs

On 12th draw, DYED I8 30 --- DYE to treat with a dye (a coloring matter) [v]
Other moves: PYRO J10 29, COWY J12 20, WEY 10H 20, COWP J12 19, DEWY 6H 19
WARPED 1G 14 sabs

On 13th draw, SAITHE 3H 24 --- SAITHE a marine food fish [n]
Other moves: HOA E3 21, HOE E3 21, JAXIE 2F 21, HAJ 2D 20, EATHE 5H 19
VIE G4 13 sabs

On 14th draw, MOZE J12 35 --- MOZE to raise a nap on [v]
Other tops: DAZES 6H 35, DOZES 6H 35, MOZO J12 35
Other moves: DAZE 6H 34, DOZE 6H 34, HAZES L3 34, MATZOS K1 34, MOTZAS K1 34
SHAME L2 20 sabs

On 15th draw, QI J2 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: CAPER 15G 27, COPER 15G 27, CRAPE 15F 27, PACER 15G 27, CAGER 15G 24
QI J2 31 sabs

On 16th draw, WAGERING 15G 92 --- WAGER to risk on an uncertain outcome [v]
Other moves: GREWING 15H 39, WEARING 15I 36, AWEING 15H 33, EARWIG 15J 33, WAGGER 15F 33
WAGERING 15G 42 sabs

On 17th draw, QUARE 2J 37 --- QUARE queer [adj]
Other tops: QUEAN 2J 37, QUENA 2J 37, QUERN 2J 37
Other moves: FIRN 9B 22, HAUF L3 20, QUA 2J 19, MANURE 12J 18, MURENA 12J 18
FANG N12 16 Sweetpea
FERN M12 14 sabs

On 18th draw, POOING N10 30 --- POO to defecate -- usually considered vulgar [v]
Other moves: OOPING N10 22, OUPING N10 22, INION 9A 19, ONION 9A 19, MOOP 12J 16
POOING N10 30 sabs
ONION M11 10 Sweetpea

On 19th draw, YAHS L1 28 --- YAH an affirmative vote [n]
Other moves: RESINY N1 27, RAHUIS L1 20, RAHUI L1 18, WEYS 10H 18, SUDSY 6F 17
YIN 13M 12 sabs
YO 12M 5 Sweetpea

On 20th draw, CYANO 1K 40 --- CYANO pertaining to cyanogen [adj]
Other moves: COOF 12L 26, FUTON K1 26, MANIOC 12J 26, YONI 1L 26, CYAN 1K 19
COOF 12L 26 sabs
YON 1L 11 Sweetpea
ARE M1 8 tlhalifang

On 21th draw, ORF O1 21 --- ORF a viral infection of sheep [n]
Other moves: REIF 2A 18, FIR 9B 17, OR O1 17, QUARER 2J 17, FUROR 11K 16
FIR 13M 12 Sweetpea

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