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Game of May 5, 2011 at 14:01, 4 players
1. Sweetpea -449
2. tlhalifang -689
3. tsure -812

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeinnrt   H7    66    66   trannie
 2. cdeghos  13H    30    96   echoed
 3. aalopsy   M7    71   167   payloads
 4. ?abeeiq   8L    66   233   qadi
 5. degntvy  12L    36   269   davy
 6. fhortux  11C    40   309   foxhunt
 7. aaeglsw   E5    34   343   sealwax
 8. bdenoru   5E    72   415   suborned
 9. ?afilno   J3    70   485   nonfinal
10. elnstuv  O11    24   509   tynes
11. aeeptuv   L1    28   537   paved
12. cegiirs   8A    30   567   grislier
13. aceinoo   3G    32   599   connive
14. aegortz   1L    45   644   prez
15. aeiilrt   N3    24   668   raited
16. dejlotw  D10    47   715   jowled
17. gimortu  14J    33   748   mugs
18. bgimort   H1    36   784   bromo
19. aeikotu  F10    45   829   khat
20. egiootu  15D    24   853   degout

Remaining tiles: iio

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  FileSweetpea    0 25:51  -449  404     1.  -  Sweetpea    0 25:51  -449  404 
  2.  -  Filetlhalifang  0 19:19  -689  164     2.  -  tlhalifang  0 19:19  -689  164 
  3.  -  Filetsure       0  3:30  -812   41     3.  -  tsure       0  3:30  -812   41 
  4.  -  Filehayashiko   0  5:17  -825   28     4.  -  hayashiko   0  5:17  -825   28 

On 1st draw, TRANNIE H7 66 --- TRANNIE a transistor radio [n]
Other moves: ENTRAIN H5 64, TRANNIE H5 64, INANER H3 14, INANER H4 14, INANER H7 14
INNATE H7 14 Sweetpea
TRAIN H8 12 tlhalifang

On 2nd draw, ECHOED 13H 30 --- ECHO to produce an echo [v]
Other tops: CHEGOES 13C 30
Other moves: ECHOES 13H 28, CHEGOE 13C 26, CHIGOES 12F 26, CHOSEN 11C 22, ICHED 12H 22
CHASED 9F 17 Sweetpea
SHOT 7E 8 tlhalifang

On 3rd draw, PAYLOADS M7 71 --- PAYLOAD the part of a cargo producing income [n]
Other moves: POESY L11 28, AYELP L11 26, PANSY 10F 24, PLASHY J9 24, POLEYS L10 24
SPAY 9F 16 Sweetpea
PAALS 9G 11 tlhalifang

On 4th draw, QA(D)I 8L 66 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other tops: QAI(D) 8L 66
Other moves: QIBLA 10J 38, QIBLA(S) 10J 38, Q(I)BLA 10J 37, Q(U)ELEA 10J 36, QIBL(A) 10J 35
Q(U)EER 8D 23 Sweetpea

On 5th draw, DAVY 12L 36 --- DAVY a safety lamp [n]
Other moves: DEEV L12 32, NAVY 12L 32, YEED L12 32, YANG 12L 30, TYEE L11 28
ENVOY K10 22 Sweetpea
VOTE K12 7 tlhalifang

On 6th draw, FOXHUNT 11C 40 --- FOXHUNT to hunt with hounds for a fox [v]
Other moves: HOUFS 14I 36, YUFT O12 30, FOXHUNT 10C 28, NOX 10H 26, FAX 9G 25
THORAX 9D 25 Sweetpea
RUN 10F 5 tlhalifang

On 7th draw, SEALWAX E5 34 --- SEALWAX beeswax [n]
Other moves: WYLES O11 33, GAYALS O10 30, YAWL O12 30, YAWS O12 30, YEWS O12 30
WHALES F10 22 Sweetpea
SWEAR 8D 9 tlhalifang

On 8th draw, SUBORNED 5E 72 --- SUBORN to induce to commit perjury [v]
Other moves: FOXHUNTED 11C 46, FOXHUNTER 11C 44, BEYOND O10 36, DOUBLE 8A 36, BUNDLE 8A 33
DOUBLE 8A 36 Sweetpea
SOB 5E 5 tlhalifang

On 9th draw, NONFI(N)AL J3 70 --- NONFINAL not being the last [adj]
Other tops: (N)ONFINAL J3 70
Other moves: NAIFL(Y) 8A 36, FAYIN(G) O10 33, FLYIN(G) O10 33, FLY(M)AN O10 33, LAYOF(F) O10 33
FLAIL 8A 27 Sweetpea
FINAL J3 10 tlhalifang

On 10th draw, TYNES O11 24 --- TYNE to lose [v]
Other tops: LYNES O11 24, LYTES O11 24, NESTFUL C7 24
Other moves: NETFULS C8 22, NOVELS D10 22, VELA 10B 22, VELES 6B 22, VENA 10B 22
VALET 7D 9 Sweetpea

On 11th draw, PAVED L1 28 --- PAVE to cover with material that forms a firm, level surface [v]
Other moves: EPAULE 8A 27, UVEAL 8A 27, TEPA 6D 26, THEAVE F10 26, VEEP 6C 25
PA(D) N6 14 tsure
ALP 10L 11 Sweetpea
PEN 3H 6 hayashiko
TUNA 3H 5 tlhalifang

On 12th draw, GRISLIER 8A 30 --- GRISLY horrifying [adj]
Other moves: CRISP 1H 27, EPICS 1K 27, SCRIP 1H 27, SPICE 1K 27, SAC 10D 26
CRISP 1H 27 Sweetpea
SPICE 1K 27 tsure
SIN 3H 4 hayashiko

On 13th draw, CONNIVE 3G 32 --- CONNIVE to feign ignorance of wrongdoing [v]
Other moves: OCEANI(D) N2 24, PACE 1L 24, PACO 1L 24, PICA 1L 24, PICE 1L 24
PACE 1L 24 tlhalifang
OPINE 1K 21 Sweetpea
FACE C11 18 hayashiko

On 14th draw, PREZ 1L 45 --- PREZ a president [n]
Other moves: ZETA 10B 40, ZOOEA D10 39, GAZE(D) N4 38, RAZE(D) N4 37, TOZE(D) N4 37
ZOO H1 36 Sweetpea
PAGE 1L 21 tlhalifang

On 15th draw, RAITE(D) N3 24 --- RAIT to expose to moisture [v]
Other tops: RAILE(D) N3 24, RELAI(D) N3 24
Other moves: EARL N1 21, *L*Y* 9J 20, AILS 14J 19, ARES 14J 19, ARIS 14J 19
FRAIL C11 16 Sweetpea
FLIRT C11 16 tlhalifang

On 16th draw, JOWLED D10 47 --- JOWL the fleshy part under the lower jaw [adj] --- JOWL to bump [v]
Other moves: JOLTED D10 41, JOWED D10 41, JOWL D10 37, JODEL D10 35, JOLED D10 35
FLOW C11 20 Sweetpea
GOD A8 5 tlhalifang

On 17th draw, MUGS 14J 33 --- MUG to assault with intent to rob [v]
Other tops: MIGS 14J 33, MOGS 14J 33
Other moves: MHO F10 32, DIMOUT 15D 27, GHI F10 26, EMO 6E 25, DUOMI 15D 24
GRID 15A 18 Sweetpea
MORT B6 12 tlhalifang

On 18th draw, BROMO H1 36 --- BROMO a medicinal compound [n]
Other moves: RHOMBI F10 33, MHO F10 32, RHOMB F10 32, GHI F10 26, EMO 6E 25
GRIME 6A 10 Sweetpea
OUT K13 3 tlhalifang

On 19th draw, KHAT F10 45 --- KHAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: KHET F10 45
Other moves: KHI F10 44, DAKOIT 15D 33, AKED 15A 27, EEK G7 27, KAED 15A 27
TAKER B4 19 Sweetpea
ZA O1 11 tlhalifang

On 20th draw, DEGOUT 15D 24 --- DEGOUT distaste [n]
Other tops: DUGITE 15D 24, GOODIE 15A 24
Other moves: DOGIE 15D 21, FOE C11 21, GUIDE 15A 21, GOUTIER B2 20, OUTGOER B2 20
TIED 15A 15 Sweetpea

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