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Game of May 5, 2011 at 21:59, 1 player
1. tammy -871

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. fimnopt   H8    28    28   motif
 2. ?eehost  11H    70    98   isothere
 3. ?acinnt   O8   158   256   insectan
 4. beeiilr  12H    32   288   firie
 5. aehimru  13L    23   311   heat
 6. abginpt   I9    22   333   basing
 7. aaeiost  14K    26   359   ostia
 8. ddeginw  J10    31   390   wore
 9. acegrrs   8H    21   411   macers
10. aadekos   K4    22   433   soaked
11. deglouw   M3    24   457   woulds
12. aegiprz   6H    33   490   riza
13. aeegnpt   H1    27   517   paneer
14. abdirty   4D    28   545   drybeats
15. degiopr   E1    74   619   porridge
16. eortuvy   8A    36   655   trove
17. aelnovx   D8    30   685   voxel
18. aegilnv   B8    90   775   raveling
19. aefilqu   1A    51   826   equip
20. aflmnuy   B1    56   882   qualmy

Remaining tiles: fjnu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filetammy       0  1:03  -871   11     1.  -  tammy       0  1:03  -871   11 

On 1st draw, MOTIF H8 28 --- MOTIF a recurring thematic element in an artistic work [n]
Other moves: MOTIF H4 26, IMPOT H4 20, IMPOT H8 20, MOTIF H5 20, MOTIF H6 20

On 2nd draw, ISOTHE(R)E 11H 70 --- ISOTHERE a type of isotherm [n]
Other tops: ETHO(X)IES 11C 70, HO(M)ESITE 11C 70, THEO(R)IES 11C 70, THEO(R)ISE 11C 70, (G)HETTOES 10E 70
Other moves: TOESHOE(S) 9C 66, TOE(S)HOES 9C 66, (G)HETTOES 10D 64, HOMES(I)TE 8F 63, THEO(R)EMS 8B 63

On 3rd draw, IN(S)ECTAN O8 158 --- INSECTAN pertaining to insects [adj]
Other moves: MANNIT(I)C 8H 86, MANN(I)TIC 8H 83, ANCIENT(S) O7 80, ANTI(A)CNE O4 80, IN(S)TANCE O4 80

On 4th draw, FIRIE 12H 32 --- FIRIE (Australian slang) a firefighter [n]
Other moves: RIBES I7 24, BISE I9 23, BELIEF 12C 22, BELIE(R) N6 22, IBIS I8 22

On 5th draw, HEAT 13L 23 --- HEAT to make hot [v]
Other tops: HAET 13L 23, HART 13L 23, HAUT 13L 23, HURT 13L 23
Other moves: URAEMIA 14I 22, HERMA 14K 20, HORME J10 20, MAHUA 14K 20, MART 13L 20

On 6th draw, BASING I9 22 --- BASE to found [v]
Other moves: ABA 14M 20, ABA N13 20, BASIN I9 20, TABORING J8 19, BORING J10 17

On 7th draw, OSTIA 14K 26 --- OSTIUM an opening in a bodily organ [n]
Other moves: SETA 14L 24, AGEIST 14H 21, EGOIST 14H 21, GEIST 14I 20, AMATES 8G 19

On 8th draw, WORE J10 31 --- WEAR to be dressed in clothing [v]
Other moves: NIDOR J8 23, WITAN 10F 23, DEWING 14D 19, DORE J10 19, GORE J10 19

On 9th draw, MACERS 8H 21 --- MACER an official who carries a ceremonial staff [n]
Other moves: MACER 8H 20, MACES 8H 20, MARCS 8H 20, MARGES 8H 20, CAROBS 9E 19

On 10th draw, SOAKED K4 22 --- SOAK to saturate thoroughly in liquid [v]
Other tops: DAKERS L4 22
Other moves: ASKED K5 20, DAKER L4 20, DEKES K5 20, KADES K5 20, KEASAR L3 20

On 11th draw, WOULDS M3 24 --- WOULD the desired or intended [n]
Other tops: WODGES M3 24
Other moves: DOWELS M3 22, DOWLES M3 22, DOWSE 4H 22, LOWSED 4H 22, SOWED 4K 22

On 12th draw, RIZA 6H 33 --- RIZA an ornamental plate [n]
Other moves: ZA 6J 31, GAZERS 4F 26, ZAPS 4H 25, ZEPS 4H 25, ZIPS 4H 25

On 13th draw, PANEER H1 27 --- PANEER a soft white cheese used in Indian cookery [n]
Other tops: PANTER H1 27
Other moves: NEATER H1 21, SNOEP 4K 20, STOEP 4K 20, STONG 4K 16, STOPE 4K 16

On 14th draw, DRYBEATS 4D 28 --- DRYBEAT to beat without drawing blood [v]
Other moves: BAYTED 5D 27, BRAYED 5D 27, BAYED 5E 25, BAYTED 4D 24, BRAYED 4D 24

On 15th draw, PORRIDGE E1 74 --- PORRIDGE a soft meal of oatmeal [n]
Other tops: PORRIDGE E2 74
Other moves: GORPED E2 20, GRIPED E3 20, GROPED E3 20, PORGED E2 20, DORPER E2 18

On 16th draw, TROVE 8A 36 --- TROVE a valuable discovery [n]
Other moves: VETOER 8A 30, REVUE 8A 27, TROUPE 1A 27, ONY 3G 25, NYE 3H 21

On 17th draw, VOXEL D8 30 --- VOXEL a three dimensional equivalent to a pixel (a point in a computer image) [n]
Other moves: AXLED 6A 29, VOX 2D 29, LAXER B4 28, LANX 2G 27, LAXER 3A 27

On 18th draw, RAVELING B8 90 --- RAVELING a loose thread [n]
Other moves: GAVELING 14B 80, VALETING A4 66, RAVELIN B8 36, VINEGAR B2 30, GENIP 1A 27

On 19th draw, EQUIP 1A 51 --- EQUIP to provide with whatever is needed [v]
Other moves: FAQIR 3A 37, EQUID 6A 35, QAID 6B 34, QUAD 6B 34, QUAG 14F 34

On 20th draw, QUALMY B1 56 --- QUALMY having misgiving [adj]
Other moves: AGLY 15A 36, UGLY 15A 36, QUALM B1 32, QUAY B1 32, FARM 3C 28
GUY 15B 11 tammy

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