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Game of May 6, 2011 at 00:28, 1 player
1. mamzehr -807

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?cdeinu   H8    74    74   induces
 2. abeegst  11E    40   114   baguets
 3. innostt  13B    70   184   tontines
 4. ehortwx  B10    38   222   wroth
 5. emoprtx   F6    37   259   xeroma
 6. ?eefkpt   8A    48   307   pecker
 7. aeghmpr   E1    95   402   grapheme
 8. acdilor   K4    72   474   cordials
 9. adfiotu  14F    34   508   fasti
10. aeeinrs   1A   140   648   anergies
11. beosuvy   6H    76   724   overbuys
12. aeflrvz   D6    40   764   zek
13. eiilnuy   O1    30   794   ulyies
14. agiilnu  12A    27   821   gonia
15. afilnot   2J    34   855   fontal
16. aaejotu   4D    30   885   upjet
17. adilloq   8K    24   909   idola
18. adilqrv   9J    24   933   qaid
19. ailorvw   G9    27   960   wig

Remaining tiles: alorv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filemamzehr     0 13:35  -807  153     1.  -  mamzehr     0 13:35  -807  153 

On 1st draw, INDUCE(S) H8 74 --- INDUCE to influence into doing something [v]
Other tops: CUNDIE(S) H4 74, INCUDE(S) H2 74, INCU(S)ED H2 74, INC(L)UDE H2 74, INDUCE(D) H8 74, INDUCE(R) H8 74, IN(D)UCED H8 74, NUC(L)IDE H2 74, UNCI(T)ED H2 74
Other moves: DEUCIN(G) H4 72, D(O)UCINE H4 72, EDUCIN(G) H3 72, INCUDE(S) H8 72, INCU(S)ED H6 72

On 2nd draw, BAGUETS 11E 40 --- BAGUET a rectangular gemstone [n]
Other moves: (S)EBATES 14H 28, SEBATE(S) 14B 20, TUBAGES 11G 20, BADGES 10F 18, BAGUET 11E 18

On 3rd draw, TONTINES 13B 70 --- TONTINE a form of collective life insurance [n]
Other moves: TINSTONE 13A 68, TONICS 12D 27, SONIC 12D 23, TONIC 12D 23, INTONES 13C 18

On 4th draw, WROTH B10 38 --- WROTH very angry [adj]
Other tops: WORTH B10 38
Other moves: EXHORTS K5 34, HOTTER B10 34, WROTE B10 32, TROWTH B9 28, TEXT J8 27

On 5th draw, XEROMA F6 37 --- XEROMA a dry lustreless condition of the conjunctiva [n]
Other moves: EXPORTS K5 32, MOPE 12A 30, POME 12A 30, POMO 12A 30, MOXA F8 29

On 6th draw, PE(C)KER 8A 48 --- PECKER one that pecks [n]
Other moves: KEEP(E)R 8A 42, KE(E)PER 8A 42, KE(L)PER 8A 42, KE(M)PER 8A 42, K(E)EPER 8A 42
PEEKS K7 11 mamzehr

On 7th draw, GRAPHEME E1 95 --- GRAPHEME a unit of a writing system [n]
Other moves: GRAPHEME B1 86, REHEM E5 38, PREGAME E2 37, HAREM E5 35, HOMA 12A 34
RAPE E5 25 mamzehr

On 8th draw, CORDIALS K4 72 --- CORDIAL a liqueur [n]
Other moves: RADICLE B2 32, CALIGO 1A 30, LORICAE B2 30, ORGIAC 1C 30, ALGOID 1C 27
RADIOS K6 7 mamzehr

On 9th draw, FA(S)TI 14F 34 --- FASTI in Rome, sanctioned trading days [n]
Other moves: FUGATO 1C 33, FA(S)T 14F 31, FU(S)T 14F 31, FACTOID 4I 30, FA(S) 14F 28

On 10th draw, ANERGIES 1A 140 --- ANERGY lack of energy [n]
Other moves: GESNERIA 1E 80, MADRILENES 10F 76, REARISEN 2B 70, RESIAN(C)E C2 68, REARISEN 2E 62
RINSER 2E 10 mamzehr

On 11th draw, OVERBUYS 6H 76 --- OVERBUY to buy in quantities exceeding need or demand [v]
Other moves: OVERBUSY 6H 70, COVEY 4K 34, BOYO 12A 33, REBUS D1 33, COSEY 4K 28
IVY 8K 13 mamzehr

On 12th draw, ZEK D6 40 --- ZEK a prisoner in a labour camp in USSR [n]
Other moves: SAZ O6 36, SEZ O6 36, VOLAE 12A 35, CRAZE 4K 34, RAZEE B4 34
SAVER O6 24 mamzehr

On 13th draw, ULYIES O1 30 --- ULYIE oil [n]
Other tops: LINSEY O3 30, LYSINE O4 30
Other moves: YINCE 4H 28, YONI 12A 28, LYSIN O4 27, VINY I6 26, DYNE 7K 24
ICY 4J 16 mamzehr

On 14th draw, GONIA 12A 27 --- GONION a part of the lower jaw [n] --- GONIUM an immature reproductive cell [n]
Other moves: LOGIA 12A 26, AILING 8J 24, LINGUA 8J 24, NILGAI 8J 24, NILGAU 8J 24

On 15th draw, FONTAL 2J 34 --- FONT a receptacle for the water used in baptism [adj] --- FONTAL pertaining to a font [adj]
Other moves: FALCON 4H 30, FINIAL 8J 30, FINITO 8J 30, FLACON 4H 30, FINCA 4H 28

On 16th draw, UPJET 4D 30 --- UPJET to spout up [v]
Other moves: AJEE B5 27, JAAP 4B 26, JAPE 4C 26, JATO J9 26, JAUP 4B 26
JUTE M5 12 mamzehr

On 17th draw, IDOLA 8K 24 --- IDOLUM a mental image [n]
Other moves: OILY 3L 22, ILIAD 8K 21, ILIAL 8K 18, QUOAD M5 18, ALLOD 10J 16
QUILL M5 16 mamzehr

On 18th draw, QAID 9J 24 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: AIRY 3L 22, NAVAID 9H 21, CLAVI 4K 20, DAD 7K 19, DID 7K 19
LAID N8 7 mamzehr

On 19th draw, WIG G9 27 --- WIG to provide with a wig (an artificial covering of hair for the head) [v]
Other tops: WAG G9 27, W*G G9 27
Other moves: AIRY 3L 22, OARY 3L 22, OILY 3L 22, CLAVI 4K 20, AL 10J 18
WAVE B5 12 mamzehr

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