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Game of May 6, 2011 at 11:44, 3 players
1. yab -397
2. pattern -487
3. Pixi -721

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acelnou   H8    22    22   unlace
 2. elnopst  11G    70    92   lapstone
 3. eimnory   K5    76   168   enormity
 4. bdeioot  L10    33   201   doobie
 5. addlops  15G    33   234   paddles
 6. ?adeorw   N7    88   322   oarweeds
 7. bfginor   8J    30   352   brogan
 8. ceeinot   6F    64   416   neotenic
 9. ?eefjtu   5H    31   447   jefes
10. hirssty  13C    30   477   shyster
11. aeimuvx  12D    40   517   umiac
12. aaeknrw   F1    21   538   awaken
13. eilqttt  M13    20   558   its
14. eefhiir   1D    39   597   hearie
15. gilooru   J8    24   621   bugs
16. aeiorvx   G1    40   661   rex
17. agirttv   E7    26   687   trigamy
18. afilntz   8A    45   732   nazir
19. airtuvv   5B    22   754   varve
20. filootu   9B    21   775   loti

Remaining tiles: fioqu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5984 Fileyab         2 22:48  -397  378     1.5984 yab         2 22:48  -397  378 
  2.4864 Filepattern     0 24:24  -487  288            Group: not rated
  3.  -  FilePixi        1  6:38  -721   54     1.4864 pattern     0 24:24  -487  288 
                                             2.  -  Pixi        1  6:38  -721   54 

On 1st draw, UNLACE H8 22 --- UNLACE to unfasten the laces of [v]
Other tops: CUNEAL H4 22, LAUNCE H8 22
Other moves: CANOE H4 20, CLEAN H4 20, CLONE H4 20, CUNEAL H3 18, CUNEAL H7 18
UNLACE H8 22 yab
LACE H6 12 pattern

On 2nd draw, LAPSTONE 11G 70 --- LAPSTONE a stone for hammering leather held in the lap [n]
Other tops: PLEONAST 11C 70, POLENTAS 11B 70
Other moves: PLEUSTON 8E 61, ESPANOL 11E 36, NOPALES 11E 36, TOLANES 11E 28, LEPTONS 13G 26
POLENTAS 11B 20 yab
CLONES 12H 16 pattern

On 3rd draw, ENORMITY K5 76 --- ENORMITY a grave offense against decency [n]
Other moves: YEOMEN N10 38, MEINEY N10 34, MENYIE N10 34, MONEYER 13C 34, MEINY N10 32
MONEYER N8 28 yab
MONEY M9 26 pattern
MENTOR K8 8 Pixi

On 4th draw, DOOBIE L10 33 --- DOOBIE a marijuana cigarette [n]
Other tops: DOOBS J7 33
Other moves: BETIDE N10 30, YBET 12K 30, BEEDI N10 28, BETED N10 28, BETID N10 28
TRIODE 8J 24 yab
BED N10 12 pattern
RODE 8K 6 Pixi

On 5th draw, PADDLES 15G 33 --- PADDLE to propel with a broad-bladed implement [v]
Other tops: PODDLES 15G 33
Other moves: PADDLE 15G 30, PEDALO N10 30, PEDALS N10 30, PODDLE 15G 30, SPADED 15H 30
PADDLES 15G 33 Pixi
PLEADS 15J 27 pattern
SEPAL 15K 21 yab

On 6th draw, OARWEED(S) N7 88 --- OARWEED a type of seaweed [n]
Other moves: O(V)ERAWED 13B 84, REA(V)OWED 13B 84, OARWEED(S) 13C 78, O(V)ERAWED 5E 72, REA(V)OWED 5E 72
BOW 13L 16 yab
WED 13G 13 pattern

On 7th draw, BROGAN 8J 30 --- BROGAN a heavy shoe [n]
Other moves: IFS M13 29, OBS J9 27, BONFIRE 13B 26, BONFIRE 5E 24, FAB 8M 24
BONFIRE 5E 24 yab
FAG 8M 21 pattern
BONE 13E 7 Pixi

On 8th draw, NEOTENIC 6F 64 --- NEOTENIC pertaining to neoteny [adj] --- NEOTENY attainment of sexual maturity in the larval stage [adj]
Other moves: COTING M3 23, ENTICE 12D 22, ENTICE 13C 22, NOTICE 12D 22, NOTICE 13C 22
NOTICE 13C 22 yab

On 9th draw, JEFE(S) 5H 31 --- JEFE a chief [n]
Other moves: JEFE 5H 30, EFS M13 29, JEU(N)E J2 28, JE(J)UNE F2 28, J(E)FE 5H 28
JET 13G 19 pattern
JUTE G3 19 yab

On 10th draw, SHYSTER 13C 30 --- SHYSTER an unscrupulous lawyer or politician [n]
Other tops: THYRSES 13C 30
Other moves: THYRSE 13C 26, HYP G13 24, THYR(S)I L1 24, YIP I9 23, HIP G13 21
THYRSES 13C 30 yab
HET 13G 11 pattern

On 11th draw, UMIAC 12D 40 --- UMIAC an open Eskimo boat [n]
Other moves: MIXY E10 32, BAMS J8 30, BUMS J8 30, AXEL 10E 29, AHEM D12 24
HEX D13 21 yab

On 12th draw, AWAKEN F1 21 --- AWAKEN to rouse from sleep [v]
Other tops: WAKANE F2 21
Other moves: ENRANK F5 20, ENS M13 20, REAMY E9 20, WAKEN F2 20, AWAKEN O3 19
KEET I3 13 yab
BAD 13L 12 pattern

On 13th draw, ITS M13 20 --- ITS the possessive form of the pronoun it [pron]
Other moves: BELS J8 18, BETS J8 18, ELMY E10 18, LIMY E10 18, TATTIE 1E 18
LATE 1E 12 pattern

On 14th draw, HEARIE 1D 39 --- HEARIE hairy [adj]
Other moves: FEARE 1D 36, HAIRIF 1E 36, HEARE 1D 36, FAERIE 1E 27, AFIRE 1F 24
FAERIE 1E 27 yab
FARE 1E 21 pattern

On 15th draw, BUGS J8 24 --- BUG to annoy [v]
Other tops: BOGS J8 24, GLOOMY E8 24
Other moves: GORMY E9 22, GRIMY E9 22, ROOMY E9 20, BORS J8 18, BURS J8 18
LOOK 4C 16 yab, pattern

On 16th draw, REX G1 40 --- REX a king [n] --- REX an animal with a single wavy layer of hair [n]
Other moves: HOAXER D1 32, HOAX D1 28, HAVIOR D1 24, IXORA 3B 24, ORIXA 3B 24
HOAXER D1 32 yab
AXE 3F 18 pattern

On 17th draw, TRIGAMY E7 26 --- TRIGAMY having three legal spouses [n]
Other moves: GRIMY E9 22, ATIMY E9 20, GAMY E10 20, GARVIE 5A 20, RIVAGE 5A 20
GRAVE 5B 18 pattern
TRAVE 5B 16 yab

On 18th draw, NAZIR 8A 45 --- NAZIR an Indian court official [n]
Other moves: HAFIZ D1 40, ZING 10B 34, FAZE 5C 32, AIZLE 5B 28, AZINE 5B 28
HALF D1 20 pattern

On 19th draw, VARVE 5B 22 --- VARVE a deposit of sedimentary material [n]
Other moves: VIVE 5C 20, EAR E1 19, EAT E1 19, VIRGA 10B 19, TRAIK 4B 18
HART D1 14 pattern
RAVE 5C 14 yab

On 20th draw, LOTI 9B 21 --- LOTI a monetary unit of Lesotho [n]
Other moves: TIFO(S)I L1 18, WEFT 2F 17, FLOAT C2 16, FLOG 10B 16, FOUAT C2 16
ZOO C8 13 yab

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