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Game sheet of foxterrier (file), Game of May 7, 2011 at 01:33

Word find
Word played
1 ?ADORTY TRAD(E) H6 10 -68 10 1/1 TARDYO(N) H8 78 78 1/1
2 AEEINRV DRIVE 11H 18 -56 28 1/1 REINVADE 11B 74 152 1/1
3 ?DLLPUW PLOD 13F 10 -72 38 1/1 UPWELL(E)D C8 82 234 1/1
4 GIORSST TO(N)S 14F 5 -57 43 1/1 AGISTORS 9H 62 296 1/1
5 AEGNOUW ROUE N9 6 -36 49 1/1 WAGONS O4 42 338 1/1
6 EFIMNSX MI(N)XES 14F 22 -41 71 1/1 DENIMS 15C 63 401 1/1
7 AEHLNNT THEN L9 14 -21 85 1/1 HA(N)TLE 14F 35 436 1/1
8 AAEEMOS MOUSE 8A 24 -3 109 1/1 AREAE B10 27 463 1/1
9 CEHKNOY CHEEK K11 28 -29 137 1/1 CHUNKY 8A 57 520 1/1
10 ADEMORU             ARMOURED N8 86 606 1/1
11 EIJNORT             JOINTERS K2 80 686 1/1
12 DEIOOPU             DIODE 15K 27 713 1/1
13 ABEFIOU             RIF 10H 31 744 1/1
14 BFILNOQ             FIBRO 13K 27 771 1/1
15 AEEISTU             EEJITS 2I 30 801 1/1
16 ENOQTVX             VEXT 6H 30 831 1/1
17 ACINORT             NARCOTIC A1 95 926 1/2
18 ABLPUUZ             ZUPAN D4 32 958 1/2

Total: 137/958 or -821 for 14.30%
Rank: 3161

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