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Game of May 7, 2011 at 15:07, 5 players
1. yab -380
2. gingerblob -579
3. rosenature -644

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. hilnnoo   H4    24    24   holon
 2. aceilno   4H    24    48   helicon
 3. aiknprs   N1    28    76   pranks
 4. ?agmquv   1K    36   112   vamps
 5. abcfirt   5D    24   136   factor
 6. ailpsst   7F    65   201   apostils
 7. aeenorw   6F    23   224   awl
 8. inotvyz   M1    54   278   mozo
 9. bdeioqt   D3    20   298   befit
10. ?deeeiu   5M    21   319   ski
11. aegiotu   3B    20   339   tubage
12. adnoors   L7    70   409   lardoons
13. abegior  13E    63   472   aborigen
14. dehntux  14J    35   507   unsex
15. adeglru  H10    27   534   garred
16. ilmotuy  14E    38   572   lyme
17. dehituw  K11    35   607   when
18. deinrtv   8K    28   635   naive
19. eefinru  10B    21   656   freeing
20. ddeeitu   B1    24   680   dutied
21. eijotty   E8    28   708   joey
22. eeiqttu  B10    34   742   fique

Remaining tiles: ett

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6028 Fileyab         1 24:09  -380  362     1.6028 yab         1 24:09  -380  362 
  2.  -  Filegingerblob  0 13:45  -579  163            Group: not rated
  3.  -  Filerosenature  0  6:37  -644   98     1.  -  gingerblob  0 13:45  -579  163 
  4.  -  FileFaeythe     1  3:54  -684   58     2.  -  rosenature  0  6:37  -644   98 
  5.  -  FileOFFSIDE     0  2:47  -713   29     3.  -  Faeythe     1  3:54  -684   58 
                                             4.  -  OFFSIDE     0  2:47  -713   29 

On 1st draw, HOLON H4 24 --- HOLON an autonomous self-reliant unit, esp in manufacturing [n]
Other moves: HOLON H8 18, HOLON H5 16, HOLON H6 16, HOLON H7 16, HOON H5 14

On 2nd draw, HELICON 4H 24 --- HELICON a large brass tuba [n]
Other tops: CHALONE 4G 24, CHOLINE 4G 24
Other moves: CHAINE 4G 22, HELIAC 4H 22, CANEH 4D 20, HANCE 4H 20, LAICH 4D 20

On 3rd draw, PRANKS N1 28 --- PRANK to adorn gaudily [v]
Other tops: PANISK N2 28, PRINKS N1 28
Other moves: KEPIS I3 26, KIRPANS K3 26, KORAS 5G 26, PINKOS 5D 26, PINKS N2 26
PINKS N2 26 yab

On 4th draw, VAMP(S) 1K 36 --- VAMP to repair or patch [v]
Other tops: VAMP(Y) 1K 36
Other moves: QUAGS 6J 35, QU(I)MS 6J 35, QU(A)GS 6J 34, Q(U)AGS 6J 34, QUA(D)S 6J 33
MAP(S) 1L 30 yab

On 5th draw, FACTOR 5D 24 --- FACTOR to express as a product of two or more quantities [v]
Other tops: CALIF 6F 24, CALIF J2 24, FICTOR 5D 24
Other moves: BAC 3M 22, CABRIO 5C 20, FAITOR 5D 20, FIBRO 5D 20, VATIC K1 20
FIB K3 16 yab

On 6th draw, APOSTILS 7F 65 --- APOSTIL a marginal note [n]
Other moves: PILAFS D1 28, PILAF D1 26, PALS J2 24, TAPISTS G5 24, TAPIST G5 23
PISTILS K3 18 yab

On 7th draw, AWL 6F 23 --- AWL a pointed tool for making small holes [n]
Other moves: WAE 3M 22, WAFER D3 22, WAN 3M 22, WAR 3M 22, ALEE 6G 19
WAFER D3 22 yab

On 8th draw, MOZO M1 54 --- MOZO a manual labourer [n]
Other moves: ZA 3M 44, ZO M3 44, ZOL J2 32, NOTIFY D1 26, SIZY M7 26
OF D4 10 yab

On 9th draw, BEFIT D3 20 --- BEFIT to be suitable for [v]
Other moves: DEFI D3 16, DEFT D3 16, DEIF D2 16, DOAB E3 16, DAB E4 15
DEFT D3 16 yab

On 10th draw, (S)KI 5M 21 --- SKI to travel on skis (long, narrow strips of wood or metal) [v]
Other moves: I(M)BUED 3B 20, (R)UBIED 3B 20, DEL(S) J2 19, DUL(Y) J2 19, IDEES 6J 19
SEED M7 6 yab

On 11th draw, TUBAGE 3B 20 --- TUBAGE the insertion of a tube [n]
Other moves: (S)AG O1 19, (S)EG O1 19, GLUTAEI L6 18, OUTBEG 3A 18, VIGIA K1 18
OUTBEG 3A 18 yab

On 12th draw, LARDOONS L7 70 --- LARDOON a strip of bacon [n]
Other moves: TANDOORS B3 65, TANDOORS J7 65, TORNADOS B3 63, TORNADOS J7 63, DALS J2 21
LARDOONS L7 20 yab
IONS O5 14 gingerblob

On 13th draw, ABORIGEN 13E 63 --- ABORIGEN an aborigine (a native of a country) [n]
Other moves: BEARING 13G 28, BASER 14J 26, BAGNIO 13I 24, ABORNE 13H 22, BEGONIA 13H 22
(S)EG O1 19 gingerblob

On 14th draw, UNSEX 14J 35 --- UNSEX to deprive of sexual power [v]
Other moves: HEXAD E10 32, HOXED 11K 32, UNSHED 14J 31, (S)EX O1 31, DERTH H11 30
REX H13 30 yab

On 15th draw, GARRED H10 27 --- GAR to cause or compel [v] --- GARRE to cause [v]
Other tops: GLARED H10 27
Other moves: DRAG H12 24, DREG H12 24, DRUG H12 24, GRAD H12 24, IDEAL K7 24
GARRED H10 27 yab
LURED H11 21 gingerblob
RELAX N10 14 rosenature

On 16th draw, LYME 14E 38 --- LYME a leash [n]
Other moves: ULYIE 14D 35, MOLY J2 30, OILMEN K9 29, ILLY J2 24, LILY J2 24
OUTLAY E9 18 yab
BY F13 15 gingerblob
DIM 10L 12 rosenature

On 17th draw, WHEN K11 35 --- WHEN the time in which something is done or occurs [n]
Other moves: WITHED B1 34, AHED 8L 29, HUTTED B1 28, TITHED B1 28, WIDTH 10J 28
WITHED B1 34 yab
WET B1 12 rosenature
BYE F13 8 gingerblob

On 18th draw, NAIVE 8K 28 --- NAIVE an unsophisticated person [n] --- NAIVE lacking sophistication [adj]
Other moves: VITRINE K3 24, VIVID K1 24, DAINE 8K 23, DAINT 8K 23, DATER 8K 23
VET B1 12 rosenature
WOVEN 11K 11 gingerblob

On 19th draw, FREEING 10B 21 --- FREE to set at liberty [v]
Other tops: FEERING 10B 21
Other moves: FUNERAL E8 20, FUGIE 10F 19, FERIAE 11D 18, FERIAL E9 18, FINALE E10 18
REFIX N10 17 gingerblob
FIG 10F 15 yab
REFINE O7 10 Faeythe
TIN B3 3 rosenature

On 20th draw, DUTIED B1 24 --- DUTIED subjected to duties [adj]
Other tops: DITTED B1 24
Other moves: FEUDED B10 22, DERIDE C8 18, DIETINE K3 18, DIRTED C8 18, DREED C9 18
FEUDED B10 22 yab
TRIED C9 14 gingerblob, Faeythe
TIED B3 9 rosenature

On 21th draw, JOEY E8 28 --- JOEY a young kangaroo [n]
Other tops: TRIJET C9 28
Other moves: JOL J2 26, OILY J2 24, FYTTE B10 22, JETE D9 22, ROJI C10 22
FYTTE B10 22 yab
EDIT 1A 18 rosenature
YETI D9 14 gingerblob

On 22th draw, FIQUE B10 34 --- FIQUE a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: REQUIT C10 30, SUQ I7 24, QI 4A 21, EDIT 1A 18, IDEE 1A 18
FIQUE B10 34 Faeythe
REQUIT C10 30 gingerblob
EDIT 1A 18 rosenature
QUA E1 12 yab

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