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Game of May 7, 2011 at 15:59, 3 players
1. gingerblob -441
2. rosenature -547
3. Faeythe -846

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?efittu   H2    76    76   tuftier
 2. eillrrs   4H    74   150   frillers
 3. aeeimot   O4    27   177   steamie
 4. ?dhoqsu   N2    65   242   qursh
 5. deglnsy   M3    25   267   gees
 6. ?abdnos   J4    70   337   inboards
 7. aeeklnv  11D    28   365   vakeels
 8. aeeijow   D8    30   395   weave
 9. ehinnpr   8A    36   431   phew
10. aabeirx   9B    40   471   axe
11. aeiinnt   K4    22   493   leant
12. aginnrv  H10    27   520   regain
13. einrtvy  14H    94   614   inverity
14. acimorw  O12    36   650   moya
15. dfgortu  10B    38   688   goaf
16. iilnopr  13K    26   714   polio
17. acdirru   B8    28   742   hagadic
18. bcinruy  N10    27   769   bruit
19. inooruz   2D    34   803   rozit
20. cdinotw  13B    31   834   indow
21. cdijnot   E1    30   864   cojoin

Remaining tiles: dotuy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filegingerblob  3 22:09  -441  423     1.  -  gingerblob  3 22:09  -441  423 
  2.  -  Filerosenature  0 13:24  -547  317     2.  -  rosenature  0 13:24  -547  317 
  3.  -  FileFaeythe     0  1:49  -846   18     3.  -  Faeythe     0  1:49  -846   18 

On 1st draw, TUFTIE(R) H2 76 --- TUFTY abounding in tufts [adj]
Other tops: FU(M)ETTI H4 76
Other moves: FU(M)ETTI H3 70, FU(M)ETTI H6 70, FU(M)ETTI H7 70, FU(M)ETTI H8 70, TUFTIE(R) H3 70
FITTE(D) H4 24 gingerblob
FITTE(R) H8 18 Faeythe
U(N)FIT H6 14 rosenature

On 2nd draw, FRILLERS 4H 74 --- FRILLER one that frills [n]
Other moves: TRILLERS 2H 70, TRILLERS 5H 66, FILLERS 4H 20, FRILLER 4H 20, REFILLS 4F 20
FILLERS 4H 20 gingerblob
TILLERS 2H 18 rosenature

On 3rd draw, STEAMIE O4 27 --- STEAMIE a public laundry [n]
Other tops: AMOSITE O1 27, OSMIATE O3 27
Other moves: OSMATE O3 24, SAMITE O4 24, SEMEIA O4 24, SOMITE O4 24, STOMIA O4 24
STEAMIE O4 27 gingerblob

On 4th draw, QURSH N2 65 --- QURSH a monetary unit of Saudi Arabia [n]
Other moves: Q(U)RSH N2 63, QUR(S)H N2 62, DOUR(A)H N1 48, SQUI(S)H 6E 45, SQUI(S)H J1 45
QUI(T)S 6F 35 rosenature

On 5th draw, GEES M3 25 --- GEE to turn to the right [v]
Other moves: DYEINGS 6E 24, DYEINGS J1 24, DYEING 6E 23, DYEING J1 23, EDGILY 6E 23
LEGENDS 7E 12 gingerblob
YES 7G 11 rosenature

On 6th draw, INBOA(R)DS J4 70 --- INBOARD a type of boat motor [n]
Other tops: BO(G)LANDS K1 70, SLOB(L)AND K3 70
Other moves: ANOB(I)IDS 6C 68, B(E)DSONIA 6B 68, ANOBI(I)DS 6D 66, BAND(I)TOS 2C 66, B(R)OADENS 7C 66
BLOND(E)S K3 18 gingerblob
ABO(R)(T) 8E 5 rosenature

On 7th draw, VAKEELS 11D 28 --- VAKEEL a native lawyer in India [n]
Other moves: KEVELS 11E 26, KNAVES 11E 26, ALKENES 11D 22, ANKLE K1 22, KANTEN 5E 22
KNAVES 11E 26 gingerblob
VEE(R) 8E 6 rosenature

On 8th draw, WEAVE D8 30 --- WEAVE to form by interlacing threads [v]
Other tops: WAIVE D8 30
Other moves: EEJIT 2D 28, JIVE D9 28, JATO 2F 27, JETE 2F 27, JOTA 2F 27
JOT 2F 26 rosenature, gingerblob

On 9th draw, PHEW 8A 36 --- PHEW used to express relief, fatigue, or disgust [interj]
Other moves: REPINE H10 33, HENNER H10 30, HEREIN H10 30, PENNER H10 27, HENNER G7 24
PHEW 8A 36 gingerblob
PRINT 2D 9 rosenature

On 10th draw, AXE 9B 40 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: RETAX 2F 30, HEX B8 29, AXILE K1 28, AXITE 2E 28, TAXER 2H 28
EXIT 2E 27 rosenature, gingerblob

On 11th draw, LEANT K4 22 --- LEAN to deviate from a vertical position [v]
Other moves: NEATEN H10 21, NEINEI H10 21, TENIAE H10 21, ELAIN K3 20, TENIAE 12C 20
INTAKE F7 12 gingerblob
ALIEN I10 9 rosenature

On 12th draw, REGAIN H10 27 --- GAIN to acquire [v] --- REGAIN to take possession once more [v]
Other tops: REGINA H10 27
Other moves: VINEGAR 12A 26, REAGIN H10 24, REGINA 12C 22, VIHARA B6 22, ERING H11 21
VEX C7 17 rosenature
RANTING 2E 12 gingerblob

On 13th draw, INVERITY 14H 94 --- INVERITY lack of truth [n]
Other moves: INVERITY 14C 74, INVITER 14H 36, VARIETY 13G 36, INTERWEAVE D3 32, NAIVETY 13G 30
INVERT 5C 18 gingerblob

On 14th draw, MOYA O12 36 --- MOYA a volcanic mud [n]
Other tops: ACROMIA 13B 36, MAYO O12 36
Other moves: MOA 10B 35, MYC O13 30, WARM L12 24, WORM L12 24, LOWN I11 23
MAYO O12 36 gingerblob
WORM L12 24 rosenature

On 15th draw, GOAF 10B 38 --- GOAF a rick in a barn [n]
Other moves: GOAD 10B 34, DOAT 10B 32, GOAT 10B 32, GOA 10B 29, DRAFT E9 28
FRET 12B 9 gingerblob
HAT B8 8 rosenature

On 16th draw, POLIO 13K 26 --- POLIO an infectious virus disease [n]
Other moves: ERINGO 12D 23, LERING 12C 21, ERING 12D 20, REPO 12C 20, PRO I3 19
PORN L12 14 gingerblob
PROP A5 8 rosenature

On 17th draw, HAGADIC B8 28 --- HAGADIC relating to haggadah [adj]
Other moves: CEDI 12C 20, DURRA 13D 20, CARED 12A 18, CORD L12 18, CRIED 12A 18
CIDER 12A 17 gingerblob
DRAIN 15D 8 rosenature

On 18th draw, BRUIT N10 27 --- BRUIT to spread by rumour [v]
Other moves: CORY L12 26, EYING 12D 26, BICORN L10 22, BUTYRIC 2F 22, RORY L12 22
BUNTY 2E 12 rosenature
BIT 2F 11 gingerblob

On 19th draw, ROZIT 2D 34 --- ROZIT to rosin [v]
Other moves: ZIT 2F 32, ROZIT 5D 28, ZORI L12 28, ZORINO 15D 27, ZOOT 5E 26
ZIT 2F 32 rosenature
ZOOT 5E 26 gingerblob

On 20th draw, INDOW 13B 31 --- INDOW to bequeath [v]
Other moves: IODIC 13B 29, WIND 13A 29, CROWD D1 28, CROWN D1 26, IODIN 13B 25
CROWD D1 28 gingerblob
CROW D1 24 rosenature

On 21th draw, COJOIN E1 30 --- COJOIN to join together [v]
Other moves: JOINT 5D 24, JOINT E1 24, ROJI D2 22, JETON 7G 21, JOE G9 20
JOINT 5D 24 rosenature
JOINT E1 24 gingerblob

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