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Game of May 7, 2011 at 16:50, 3 players
1. rosenature -687
2. gingerblob -808
3. terry3640 -929

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eeinrtt   H8    66    66   tentier
 2. aefgiot  14B    26    92   fagoter
 3. ?ailooo  10D    59   151   oogonial
 4. agilnpr  13G    87   238   pearling
 5. aceeios   N9    22   260   socage
 6. anorsuy   K5    40   300   uranyls
 7. aeilmsv   5E    76   376   misvalue
 8. aeijlou   L1    40   416   joule
 9. ?deiorv   8A    86   502   overedit
10. bdhoruw  11D    40   542   whort
11. bdeituy   1L    45   587   judy
12. abdegmw   6J    34   621   ardeb
13. cdeinrt   3G    76   697   reinduct
14. abefgin  12L    24   721   bean
15. eistuwx   I9    47   768   xis
16. aefmptz   F4    37   805   pized
17. ahiiknw   C3    34   839   hawkie
18. fgiimqt  C13    24   863   qat
19. aegiinu   4C    23   886   agape
20. efiimnt  15A    47   933   metif

Remaining tiles: intu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.4534 Filerosenature  0 11:16  -687  246     1.5766 gingerblob  0  8:50  -808  125 
  2.5766 Filegingerblob  0  8:50  -808  125            Group: not rated
  3.  -  Fileterry3640   0  1:57  -929    4     1.4534 rosenature  0 11:16  -687  246 
                                             2.  -  terry3640   0  1:57  -929    4 

On 1st draw, TENTIER H8 66 --- TENTIE =TENTY watchful [adj] --- TENTY watchful [adj]
Other moves: NETTIER H5 64, TENTIER H5 64, ENTIRE H3 14, ENTIRE H4 14, ENTIRE H7 14

On 2nd draw, FAGOTER 14B 26 --- FAGOTER one that fagots [n]
Other moves: FAGOTTI 11C 22, FAGOTTI 11D 22, FORAGE 14F 22, GIFTEE 13C 22, GANEF 10F 21
FEAT 11E 14 rosenature

On 3rd draw, OO(G)ONIAL 10D 59 --- OOGONIAL pertaining to an oogonium [adj] --- OOGONIUM a female sexual organ in certain algae and fungi [adj]
Other moves: LA(T)IGO D10 14, LO(L)IGO D10 14, OLI(N)GO D10 14, (C)ALIGO D10 14, (L)OLIGO D10 14
LOGO D12 12 rosenature
LOOT 8E 4 terry3640

On 4th draw, PEARLING 13G 87 --- PEARL to adorn with pearls (smooth, rounded masses formed in certain mollusks) [v] --- PEARLING lace made from silk [n]
Other moves: PEALING 13G 35, PEARLIN 13G 33, REAPING 13G 27, GALOPING D7 26, GROPING D8 26
PI(G) F8 4 rosenature

On 5th draw, SOCAGE N9 22 --- SOCAGE a form of feudal land tenure [n]
Other moves: COOEE D8 20, STOAI 11G 20, CIAOS G7 18, COSIE I7 18, TOEAS 11H 18
EATS 8F 4 rosenature

On 6th draw, URANYLS K5 40 --- URANYL a bivalent radical [n]
Other moves: YOURTS 11D 32, YURTS 11E 31, ORANGY D10 28, ROUNCY 11J 28, YOURT 11D 28
ORGY D12 24 rosenature

On 7th draw, MISVALUE 5E 76 --- MISVALUE to value incorrectly [v]
Other moves: MEALY 9G 26, LAMES 9E 24, LEAM 12L 24, MAAS 12L 24, MEAL 12L 24
SLAM C12 12 rosenature

On 8th draw, JOULE L1 40 --- JOULE a unit of energy [n] --- JOULE to bump [v]
Other moves: JELLO J2 34, JOULE J2 34, JOULE 9D 28, OUIJA F3 28, OUIJA L11 28
JAG D12 22 rosenature

On 9th draw, OVER(E)DIT 8A 86 --- OVEREDIT to edit more than necessary [v]
Other tops: OV(E)REDIT 8A 86
Other moves: DEVISOR(S) G1 67, OVERSID(E) G1 65, OV(E)RSIDE G1 65, OVERMI(L)D E1 63, JIVE 1L 42
JIVE 1L 42 rosenature

On 10th draw, WHORT 11D 40 --- WHORT an edible berry [n]
Other moves: JUDO 1L 36, HOORD 2J 34, JOUR 1L 33, WORD 6I 33, BORD 6I 31

On 11th draw, JUDY 1L 45 --- JUDY a girl [n]
Other moves: JIBE 1L 39, JUBE 1L 39, BUOYED 2J 36, JEDI 1L 36, JUTE 1L 33

On 12th draw, ARDEB 6J 34 --- ARDEB an Egyptian unit of capacity [n]
Other moves: WARD 6I 33, BARDE 6I 32, BEAM 12L 32, DEAW 12L 32, BARD 6I 31

On 13th draw, REINDUCT 3G 76 --- INDUCT to bring into military service [v] --- REINDUCT to induct again [n]
Other moves: CENTROID A3 62, RIDENT M3 37, CRONE 2J 34, DECEIT M5 33, NIDE M3 31

On 14th draw, BEAN 12L 24 --- BEAN to hit on the head [v]
Other moves: NIEF L12 22, BEPEARLING 13E 21, BAA 12L 20, BEIGNE C3 20, GEAN 12L 20
BEE H1 15 gingerblob
FAG C13 14 rosenature

On 15th draw, XIS I9 47 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: EX 9H 34, XI I9 34, SEXT M5 33, SEX M5 32, VEXT B8 30
WAX C13 26 rosenature
WEX C7 25 gingerblob

On 16th draw, PIZED F4 37 --- PIZED
Other moves: ZEE H1 36, FIZ F4 35, MIZ F4 34, FEZ C7 29, ZEE 14L 29
FEZ C7 29 gingerblob
ZAP C13 28 rosenature

On 17th draw, HAWKIE C3 34 --- HAWKIE a white-faced cow [n]
Other moves: HANKIE C3 28, WHAP 4C 28, KHAZI 6C 27, WAHINE C3 26, KNAP 4C 24
WAP 4D 20 gingerblob
HAW C13 18 rosenature

On 18th draw, QAT C13 24 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: QAT 4B 24
Other moves: FEM 7E 22, FIAT 4A 22, FEG 7E 18, FIE H1 18, MEG 7E 16
FAG 4B 14 gingerblob
MAG C13 12 rosenature

On 19th draw, AGAPE 4C 23 --- AGAPE a communal meal of fellowship [n]
Other moves: NGAIO 2H 20, TINEA 15C 19, GAT 15A 17, GET 15A 17, AGEE 14K 16
VAGUE B8 13 gingerblob

On 20th draw, METIF 15A 47 --- METIF a child of a white and a quadroon [n]
Other moves: FET 15A 23, FEM 7E 22, INFLAME J2 20, MET 15A 20, FEE H1 18
NET 15A 14 rosenature
INK 6A 9 gingerblob

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