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Game of May 8, 2011 at 01:47, 2 players
1. beauregard -649
2. baggins23 -727

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eginrss   H8    70    70   resigns
 2. ?opttvx  10H    30   100   sexpot
 3. eeloptu  14A    74   174   eelpouts
 4. ?beggjo  A12    54   228   jees
 5. adfinoo  11G    31   259   oidia
 6. aeeintu  12A    26   285   jantee
 7. aeghnrt   I4    22   307   gathered
 8. bgimnry   4D    28   335   gybing
 9. alrstwy   H1    38   373   lawny
10. afilnns   5F    26   399   inyalas
11. befhimn   L1    28   427   hiems
12. adeinou   1J    30   457   unhead
13. abeorvz   N1    38   495   abrazo
14. aefnrrs   M7    30   525   rafters
15. celmtuw   8L    39   564   wame
16. ccdefir  12K    31   595   ceric
17. aflnotv  O12    27   622   coft
18. dikortv   2F    25   647   krait
19. adloquv  B10    36   683   quale
20. dinouvv   3G    28   711   own
21. adioouv   J5    20   731   loid
22. adiouvv   E6    28   759   vaivode

Remaining tile: u

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filebeauregard  1  7:08  -649  110     1.  -  beauregard  1  7:08  -649  110 
  2.  -  Filebaggins23   0  1:57  -727   32     2.  -  baggins23   0  1:57  -727   32 

On 1st draw, RESIGNS H8 70 --- RESIGN to give up one's office or position [v]
Other tops: INGRESS H2 70, SIGNERS H2 70
Other moves: INGRESS H3 68, INGRESS H4 68, INGRESS H6 68, INGRESS H7 68, INGRESS H8 68

On 2nd draw, S(E)XPOT 10H 30 --- SEXPOT a sexually attractive woman [n]
Other tops: S(E)XPOT 14H 30
Other moves: POX(E)S 10D 29, POX(E)S 14D 29, VIT(E)X 11G 28, S(E)XTO 10H 27, S(E)XTO 14H 27

On 3rd draw, EELPOUTS 14A 74 --- EELPOUT a marine fish [n]
Other tops: SLEEPOUT 14H 74
Other moves: OUTSLEEP 14E 64, OPULENT 13C 22, OUTPEEP K4 22, OUTPEEP K7 22, POOTLE L8 22

On 4th draw, JEE(S) A12 54 --- JEE to turn to the right [v]
Other tops: JEE(D) A12 54, JEE(L) A12 54, JEE(P) A12 54, JEE(R) A12 54, JEE(Z) A12 54, JOE(S) A12 54, JOE(Y) A12 54
Other moves: JOGGE(D) A10 48, JOGGE(R) A10 48, OBJE(T) A11 48, JEBE(L) A11 42, JOBE(D) A11 42

On 5th draw, OIDIA 11G 31 --- OIDIUM a type of fungus [n]
Other moves: INIA 11H 26, F(E)NI I9 24, D(E)FI I9 22, FADING 12C 22, F(E)D I9 22

On 6th draw, JANTEE 12A 26 --- JANTEE briskly self-assured [adj]
Other moves: JAUNT 12A 24, JEUNE 12A 24, JUNTA 12A 24, JANE 12A 22, JEAN 12A 22

On 7th draw, GATHER(E)D I4 22 --- GATHER to bring together into one place or group [v]
Other tops: EH(E)D I8 22, GATHER M8 22, THENAGE E6 22
Other moves: ANTHER M8 20, EARTHEN 9C 20, HATTER M8 20, HEARTEN 9C 20, THENAL C9 20
HEART M6 10 baggins23

On 8th draw, GYBING 4D 28 --- GYBE to shift from side to side while sailing [v]
Other tops: BIGAMY 5F 28
Other moves: BRAYING 5G 26, GYBING 4I 26, MYRINGA 5C 26, BYNAME B9 25, ABYING 5I 24
MANGY 5H 22 baggins23

On 9th draw, LAWNY H1 38 --- LAWN an area of grass-covered land [adj] --- LAWNY covered with lawn [adj]
Other tops: TAWNY H1 38
Other moves: YAWN H1 30, SWARTY 6E 28, WAXILY J8 28, WRYLY E2 28, WALTY 6F 27

On 10th draw, INYALAS 5F 26 --- INYALA a South African antelope [n]
Other moves: INYALA 5F 24, FLAYS E1 22, FAYS E2 20, FITNAS M8 20, NYALAS 5G 20

On 11th draw, HIEMS L1 28 --- HIEMS winter [n]
Other moves: FEHME E8 26, LIMB J5 26, FENIS L1 24, FINES L1 24, HITMEN M8 24

On 12th draw, UNHEAD 1J 30 --- UNHEAD to decapitate [v]
Other moves: AHIND 1K 27, HADE 1L 24, HAED 1L 24, HAND 1L 24, HAUD 1L 24

On 13th draw, ABRAZO N1 38 --- ABRAZO an embrace [n]
Other moves: BEZOAR 2D 37, BIZE F4 35, BIZ F4 34, BRAZE E8 32, ZEA 2F 32

On 14th draw, RAFTERS M7 30 --- RAFTER a supporting beam [n] --- RAFTER to supply with supporting beams [v]
Other tops: FRATERS M7 30
Other moves: FANNELS C9 28, AFTERS M8 26, FANNEL C9 26, LEAF J5 24, AFEARS 2E 23

On 15th draw, WAME 8L 39 --- WAME the belly [n]
Other moves: CALM 8L 33, CAME 8L 33, CAUM 8L 33, MACE 8L 33, WALE 8L 33

On 16th draw, CERIC 12K 31 --- CERIC containing cerium [adj]
Other moves: CERCI 12K 27, LIEF J5 24, REGATHER(E)D I2 23, DECCIE E7 22, FIERCE E7 22

On 17th draw, COFT O12 27 --- COFF to buy [v]
Other tops: CALF O12 27, CONF O12 27
Other moves: FLAVONE E6 26, LOAF J5 24, OFTEN O5 24, FITNA N11 23, ACTON O11 21

On 18th draw, KRAIT 2F 25 --- KRAIT a deadly Asian snake [n]
Other moves: NORK 13H 21, DIRKE E8 20, LOID J5 20, DEVOT E11 18, DIKE E9 18
DROVE E8 18 beauregard

On 19th draw, QUALE B10 36 --- QUALE a property considered apart from things having the property [n]
Other moves: AQUA B9 33, QUA B10 32, QUALE E8 28, LOQUAT 15J 25, QUAG D1 24
QUALE B10 36 beauregard

On 20th draw, OWN 3G 28 --- OWN to have as a possession [v]
Other moves: LOID J5 20, VIVE E9 20, DEVON E11 18, DOVIE E8 18, LION J5 18
VIVE E9 20 beauregard

On 21th draw, LOID J5 20 --- LOID to open a spring lock by using a piece of celluloid [v]
Other tops: ADIEU O5 20, LAID J5 20, LOAD J5 20, VAIN 13E 20
Other moves: QUOAD 10B 19, AIDE O5 18, BIVIA F4 18, DOVIE E8 18, DIVE E9 16
DOVE E9 16 beauregard

On 22th draw, VAIVODE E6 28 --- VAIVODE an army leader [n]
Other moves: ADIEU O5 20, VAIN 13E 20, VIVE E9 20, QUOAD 10B 19, AIDE O5 18
VIVE E9 20 beauregard

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