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Game of May 8, 2011 at 05:59, 3 players
1. linley -893
2. jimxunz -930
3. justme00 -933

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeilnrw   H2    78    78   lawnier
 2. ainnosv   6H    71   149   invasion
 3. ?egjnou   8A   101   250   jongleur
 4. ?eeilos   O1   122   372   lesioned
 5. eeiostw   E5    90   462   owelties
 6. dhioprt   K5    52   514   hardtop
 7. aeiitxy   C7    52   566   anxiety
 8. abdirtv   B7    35   601   doab
 9. aefiort   2J    34   635   faerie
10. beinosv   L1    33   668   bevies
11. ehorttu   3C    24   692   outhear
12. defgimo   F7    34   726   deif
13. aeklmoy  12A    34   760   kytes
14. aglorsu  A12    27   787   kagu
15. deloqst   D2    31   818   quod
16. aellstz  10I    37   855   azotes
17. gimnpru   M9    30   885   perming
18. aclmnot  14J    28   913   cannot
19. acllmru  L10    27   940   tam

Remaining tiles: cllru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filelinley      0  4:50  -893   47     1.  -  linley      0  4:50  -893   47 
  2.  -  Filejimxunz     0  1:21  -930   10     2.  -  jimxunz     0  1:21  -930   10 
  3.  -  Filejustme00    0  1:07  -933    7     3.  -  justme00    0  1:07  -933    7 

On 1st draw, LAWNIER H2 78 --- LAWNY covered with lawn [adj]
Other moves: LAWNIER H3 72, LAWNIER H4 72, LAWNIER H6 72, LAWNIER H7 72, LAWNIER H8 72
LEARN H7 10 jimxunz

On 2nd draw, INVASION 6H 71 --- INVASION the act of invading [n]
Other moves: INVASION 6C 65, AVIANS 3H 26, AVIONS 3H 26, WANIONS 4H 20, AVIONS 5D 18

On 3rd draw, JONG(L)EUR 8A 101 --- JONGLEUR a minstrel [n]
Other moves: JELU(T)ONG 2F 81, JONGLEU(R) 2D 69, GOUJ(O)N O1 63, G(O)UJON O1 63, JUNG(L)E O4 63

On 4th draw, LESIONE(D) O1 122 --- LESION an abnormal change in the structure of an organ or tissue [adj] --- LESION to cause an abnormal change in the structure of an organ [v] --- LESIONED having a lesion [adj]
Other tops: ESLOINE(D) O1 122
Other moves: OLE(F)INES O1 113, ELOINE(R)S O2 74, LO(V)E(L)IES E4 74, NO(V)ELISE O6 74, (F)ELONIES O2 74

On 5th draw, OWE(L)TIES E5 90 --- OWELTY equality [n]
Other moves: OWELTIES 2E 71, WESTIE 2J 34, WEENS I3 32, WEEN I3 27, AWETOS 3H 26

On 6th draw, HARDTOP K5 52 --- HARDTOP a rigid roof on a motor car [n]
Other moves: PAROTID K5 40, HARDTOP 3G 36, PROTEID F4 36, PODITE 2J 30, PAROTID 3G 28

On 7th draw, ANXIETY C7 52 --- ANXIETY painful or apprehensive uneasiness of mind [n]
Other moves: EXEAT F6 38, EXILITY 2E 35, EXTASY 12A 34, AXITES L1 33, TAXIES L1 33

On 8th draw, DOAB B7 35 --- DOAB land between two rivers [n]
Other moves: BARDIE 2J 30, BRAIDE 2J 30, VIBRATO B2 30, BARITE 2J 28, DATIVE 2J 28

On 9th draw, FAERIE 2J 34 --- FAERIE a fairy [n]
Other tops: FERIAE 2J 34
Other moves: REEF F7 32, REIF F7 32, FERIAS L1 31, FORTES L1 31, FORTIS L1 31

On 10th draw, BEVIES L1 33 --- BEVY a group [n]
Other moves: ONES I5 26, NEIVES L1 25, VOTES 12A 24, AXITES 9B 22, BETOSS 12A 22

On 11th draw, OUTHEAR 3C 24 --- OUTHEAR to surpass in hearing [v]
Other tops: THERE F4 24, THETE F4 24
Other moves: HERE F5 23, HETE F5 23, HORE F5 23, HOTE F5 23, TEETH F7 23

On 12th draw, DEIF F7 34 --- DEIF deaf (Scots) [adj]
Other moves: FEME F5 27, FUMED G7 27, FEED F7 26, FEOD F7 26, FUDGE G7 25

On 13th draw, KYTES 12A 34 --- KYTE the stomach [n]
Other moves: YEUK D1 30, YOUK D1 30, KETAS 12A 28, MILKY M5 27, YIKE M5 25

On 14th draw, KAGU A12 27 --- KAGU a flightless bird [n]
Other tops: KAGO A12 27, OKRAS A11 27, SKOAL A11 27
Other moves: GULS G7 26, KARO A12 24, KOAS A12 24, KOLA A12 24, KORA A12 24

On 15th draw, QUOD D2 31 --- QUOD a prison [n] --- QUOD to imprison [v]
Other moves: ENDS I5 30, ONES I5 26, NEST I6 25, SUQ D2 24, VETS 3L 20

On 16th draw, AZOTES 10I 37 --- AZOTE nitrogen [n]
Other tops: AZOLES 10I 37
Other moves: ZOEAL 10J 36, ZOEAS 10J 36, LAZOES 10H 35, AZOLE 10I 34, AZOTE 10I 34

On 17th draw, PERMING M9 30 --- PERM to give hair a permanent wave [v]
Other moves: GUP G7 27, MERING M9 24, GERMIN M9 22, PUERING M8 22, GENIP M9 20
RAPING I9 11 linley

On 18th draw, CANNOT 14J 28 --- CANNOT a negative of can, no inflections [v]
Other moves: CAGOT 15K 27, MAGOT 15K 27, TAM L10 27, COL 2F 26, OGAM 15L 24
MAGOT 15K 27 linley
TALC I9 7 justme00

On 19th draw, TAM L10 27 --- TAM a tight-fitting Scottish cap [n]
Other tops: TUM L10 27
Other moves: MAN L12 24, ULNA L12 24, CHAM F2 23, CHUM F2 23, QUA 2D 23
ARUM I10 9 linley

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