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Game of May 8, 2011 at 07:33, 1 player
1. justme00 -789

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aelnoru   H3    66    66   aleuron
 2. aijnosx   3H    42   108   axions
 3. abenoru   L1    22   130   banner
 4. ?fipqsw   5E    60   190   spaewife
 5. adehint   7C    65   255   antherid
 6. ceiiors   9A    64   319   recision
 7. ?bdiort   B8    82   401   debitors
 8. acilnot  13A    72   473   location
 9. deegiru   A4    39   512   guider
10. adejmtw  H11    39   551   awned
11. eoqruvy   1H    45   596   overbuy
12. aalnrtt  11D    82   678   tarlatan
13. aeefisv   1H    48   726   overbuys
14. efgijoz  J10    33   759   zag
15. aeeotuv  10J    28   787   zouave
16. efmopty   O7    54   841   tepefy
17. eeijlmo   F2    31   872   jimp
18. eeghlmo   M9    26   898   mahoe
19. aeegklq  A12    23   921   alee

Remaining tiles: gklq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filejustme00    0 17:52  -789  132     1.  -  justme00    0 17:52  -789  132 

On 1st draw, ALEURON H3 66 --- ALEURON a protein found in some seeds [n]
Other tops: ALEURON H2 66, ALEURON H4 66, ALEURON H6 66, ALEURON H7 66, ALEURON H8 66
Other moves: ALEURON H5 64, LOANER H3 14, LOANER H4 14, LOANER H7 14, LOANER H8 14

On 2nd draw, AXIONS 3H 42 --- AXION a hypothetical subatomic particle [n]
Other moves: JAXIES 5D 40, JINXES 5D 40, JAXIE 5D 38, ANOXIAS 3C 32, ANOXIAS 3H 30

On 3rd draw, BANNER L1 22 --- BANNER to furnish with a banner (a type of flag) [v]
Other moves: BONER L1 20, BONNE L1 20, UNBORNE L2 20, BALUN 4F 18, BANE L1 18

On 4th draw, SP(A)EWIFE 5E 60 --- SPAEWIFE a fortune teller [n]
Other moves: SQ(U)IB 1H 45, FIQ(U)ES 5D 34, FIQ(U)E 5D 32, PIQ(U)ES 5D 32, QIS J2 32
RIP 6L 11 justme00

On 5th draw, ANTHERID 7C 65 --- ANTHERID a male reproductive organ of certain plants [n]
Other moves: DERTH 6J 33, FAITHED K5 30, HUED 6G 28, BAHT 1L 27, BATH 1L 27
THINNED 9E 13 justme00

On 6th draw, RECISION 9A 64 --- RECISION a cancellation [n]
Other moves: SORICINE 9B 63, CORBIES 1I 33, SCRIBE 1H 30, SCROBE 1H 30, BICE 1L 24
RICE 6L 12 justme00

On 7th draw, DEBITOR(S) B8 82 --- DEBITOR someone who owes a debt [n]
Other moves: DEORBIT(S) B8 74, OBTAI(N) 2I 49, BIRD(E)R A4 33, BORD(A)R A4 33, BORD(E)R A4 33
CRIB C9 8 justme00

On 8th draw, LOCATION 13A 72 --- LOCATION the place where something is at a given moment [n]
Other moves: DALTONIC J7 69, CAROTIN A7 50, CAROLI A7 45, CANTOR A4 42, CAROL A7 36
TAINT 12B 10 justme00

On 9th draw, GUIDER A4 39 --- GUIDER one that guides [n]
Other tops: DURGIER A3 39, GIRDER A4 39
Other moves: EDGIER A4 36, RIDGER A4 36, EDGER A5 30, (S)EDGIER 15B 30, DIRER A5 27
DUNG H11 7 justme00

On 10th draw, AWNED H11 39 --- AWN a bristlelike appendage of certain grasses [adj] --- AWNED having awns [adj]
Other moves: WEAMB 1H 36, BAWD 1L 30, G*DJ* 4A 30, WANED H11 30, MANED H11 27

On 11th draw, OVERBUY 1H 45 --- OVERBUY to buy in quantities exceeding need or demand [v]
Other moves: QUAVERY 11F 44, OVERBY 1H 42, VAQUERO 11G 38, BEVY 1L 36, QUAVER 11F 36
DRY J7 7 justme00

On 12th draw, TARLATAN 11D 82 --- TARLATAN a cotton fabric [n]
Other moves: TARLATAN 11G 66, ATUA 6F 24, ANAL 2L 21, ANA 2L 19, A(S)LANT 15A 18
(S)ALT 15B 4 justme00

On 13th draw, OVERBUYS 1H 48 --- OVERBUY to buy in quantities exceeding need or demand [v]
Other moves: FEESE 14F 33, FEES 14F 30, FEE 14F 29, FIE 14F 29, E(S)SIVE 15A 27
(S)IEVE 15B 8 justme00

On 14th draw, ZAG J10 33 --- ZAG to change course sharply [v]
Other moves: FEIJOA C2 32, REZ 6L 32, RIZ 6L 32, ZA J10 31, TOAZE D11 30
ZONE K9 13 justme00

On 15th draw, ZOUAVE 10J 28 --- ZOUAVE a French infantry man [n]
Other tops: TELAE A11 28
Other moves: ALEE A12 23, ALOE A12 23, EREV 6K 20, ERUV 6K 20, GAVOT 12J 20
DEVOTE 15H 11 justme00

On 16th draw, TEPEFY O7 54 --- TEPEFY to make tepid [v]
Other moves: PEEOY O8 42, E(S)PY 15A 36, MOPEY O7 36, MYOPE O6 36, PEYOTE O5 33
DEFT 15H 8 justme00

On 17th draw, JIMP F2 31 --- JIMP natty [adj]
Other moves: JEEP F2 29, JOEY 12L 28, EMOVE N7 25, AJEE M10 22, MOVE N8 22
JAM M9 20 justme00

On 18th draw, MAHOE M9 26 --- MAHOE a small, bushy white-barked tree of New Zealand [n]
Other moves: EMOVE N7 25, H**L* M9 24, HOMY 12L 24, HOVE N8 24, AGE 2L 22

On 19th draw, ALEE A12 23 --- ALEE toward the side of a vessel sheltered from the wind [adv]
Other moves: AGA 2L 22, AGE 2L 22, QAT 7M 22, KALE A11 20, KAM 4D 20

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