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Game of May 8, 2011 at 20:19, 7 players
1. SuperH -349
2. Faeythe -389
3. space -461

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeiprz   H4    50    50   zerda
 2. fgioprs   4D    30    80   grosz
 3. ?biilss   E4    86   166   risibles
 4. ddeiior   F3    24   190   iodide
 5. aeklnou  10B    20   210   kneel
 6. ?aeimny   7H    68   278   dynamise
 7. abilnoo   O5    27   305   obelion
 8. aeeirtu  B10    20   325   karite
 9. afginru  15A    36   361   refugia
10. aeefptu   L6    28   389   amputee
11. afgopst   N2    28   417   softas
12. acenoqt  10J    32   449   qat
13. aeoortx  A11    29   478   taxer
14. denrtuv  12F    63   541   ventured
15. aegilrv   J1    66   607   raveling
16. eehmopw   1H    48   655   morph
17. cennotw   L1    20   675   hewn
18. cehotuy   C6    29   704   chutney
19. cjnooow  10N    25   729   jo

Remaining tiles: cnooow

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5589 FileSuperH      2 21:28  -349  380     1.5589 SuperH      2 21:28  -349  380 
  2.5403 FileFaeythe     3 20:23  -389  340     2.5403 Faeythe     3 20:23  -389  340 
  3.4819 Filespace       0 20:53  -461  268            Group: not rated
  4.4943 Filemylover81   0 15:34  -492  237     1.4819 space       0 20:53  -461  268 
  5.4013 Filetminor      2 16:49  -498  231     2.4943 mylover81   0 15:34  -492  237 
  6.  -  Filedylansnan   0  3:11  -692   37     3.4013 tminor      2 16:49  -498  231 
  7.  -  Filezmabulwana  0  1:04  -726    3     4.  -  dylansnan   0  3:11  -692   37 
                                             5.  -  zmabulwana  0  1:04  -726    3 

On 1st draw, ZERDA H4 50 --- ZERDA an African fox [n]
Other moves: ZAIRE H4 48, PRIZED H4 42, PIZED H4 40, PRIZED H7 40, PIZED H8 38
PRIZED H4 42 Faeythe, SuperH, mylover81
PRIZED H8 38 tminor, space
RAZED H7 30 dylansnan

On 2nd draw, GROSZ 4D 30 --- GROSZ a Polish coin [n]
Other moves: ZORIS 4H 28, PREIFS 5F 22, PRIEFS 5E 22, FOGIES 5D 20, FORGES 5D 20
FORGES 5D 20 SuperH
ZIP 4H 14 tminor
SPAG 8F 7 dylansnan

On 3rd draw, RISIBL(E)S E4 86 --- RISIBLES a sense of the ridiculous [n]
Other moves: BIOL(Y)SIS F2 65, DISLI(M)BS 7H 61, RISIBL(E)S 6H 61, BASILIS(K) 8G 60, BIEL(D)S 5F 20
ZERDAS H4 16 SuperH
RIBS E4 12 mylover81
BILG(E)S D1 11 Faeythe
AB(Y)SS 8H 7 tminor

On 4th draw, IODIDE F3 24 --- IODIDE a compound of iodine [n]
Other moves: IODID F3 19, SODDIER 11E 18, ERODED 5H 16, GROSZE 4D 16, DODO F3 15
ADORED 8H 9 tminor
DRIED 6G 9 Faeythe
SIDED 11E 7 mylover81
DI(E) 10C 3 zmabulwana

On 5th draw, KNE(E)L 10B 20 --- KNEEL to rest on the knees [v]
Other moves: AKEN(E) 10A 18, RAKE 6H 18, RAKU 6H 18, ROKE 6H 18, KAL(E) 10B 17
RAKE 6H 18 Faeythe
KAN(E) 10B 17 SuperH
ANKL(E) 10A 10 tminor
SLAKE 11E 9 mylover81

On 6th draw, DYNAMI(S)E 7H 68 --- DYNAMISE to make dynamic [v]
Other tops: DYNAMI(T)E 7H 68, DYNAMI(Z)E 7H 68
Other moves: DAI(R)YMEN 7H 67, YEANIN(G) C7 28, (B)YNAME C8 28, (S)KYMAN B9 28, (S)KYMEN B9 28
EN(E)MY C9 20 space
RAY 6H 14 SuperH
YANKIE B7 13 tminor
YANK B7 11 Faeythe

On 7th draw, OBELION O5 27 --- OBELION a part of the skull [n]
Other moves: OBELIA O5 24, KIBLA B10 22, KOBAN B10 22, BEANO O6 21, BELON O6 21
ALBINO(S) N1 20 tminor, Faeythe
BEAN O6 18 mylover81, space
BEL O6 15 SuperH

On 8th draw, KARITE B10 20 --- KARITE an African tree [n]
Other tops: EMERITA L6 20, EMIRATE L6 20, MEATIER L7 20, MURIATE L7 20
Other moves: ARENITE C7 18, KAURI B10 18, KITER B10 18, KRAIT B10 18, KRAUT B10 18
ATRIUM L2 16 Faeythe
TRAM L4 12 SuperH, mylover81
TEAM L4 12 space
IRATE M7 6 tminor

On 9th draw, REFUGIA 15A 36 --- REFUGIUM a stable area during a period of continental climactic change [n]
Other tops: FEARING 15A 36
Other moves: FEIGN 15A 33, FEUING 15A 33, NEIF 15A 33, REIF 15A 33, GUARANI K5 32
FEARING 15A 36 Faeythe, SuperH
REGAIN 15A 24 mylover81
GRIM L4 14 space
GRAIN K5 12 tminor

On 10th draw, AMPUTEE L6 28 --- AMPUTEE one that has had a limb amputated [n]
Other moves: FRAP 12A 26, FRAE 12A 22, FRAT 12A 22, FRAU 12A 22, FREE 12A 22
FRET 12A 22 space
FEAT K5 14 Faeythe
FIT 13A 12 SuperH

On 11th draw, SOFTA(S) N2 28 --- SOFTA a Muslim theological student [n]
Other tops: F*TS*(S) N2 28
Other moves: FRAP 12A 26, FRAG 12A 24, FROG 12A 24, PROF 12A 24, TOGAS 14B 23
FROG 12A 24 Faeythe
PAGES 11I 16 SuperH, mylover81
FIGS 13A 16 space

On 12th draw, QAT 10J 32 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QI F14 31, QAID 7C 24, CATENA K2 18, CONF 4K 18, CRAN 12A 18
QAT 10J 32 Faeythe, SuperH, tminor
QI F14 31 space

On 13th draw, TAXER A11 29 --- TAXER one that taxes [n]
Other tops: EXTRAS 2I 29, OXTERS 2I 29
Other moves: AEROBE 8A 27, TAXI F12 27, EXPO 8J 26, OXER A12 26, XI F14 25
EXTRAS 2I 29 tminor
TAXI F12 27 SuperH
TIX 13A 20 space
RAX 12B 20 mylover81

On 14th draw, VENTURED 12F 63 --- VENTURE to risk [v]
Other moves: VEDUTA K2 22, ARDENT K10 21, DEV 11K 20, VENDOR 3J 20, NARD K9 19
VENDS 2J 17 tminor
VENTS 2J 16 space
VOR 3M 12 SuperH
VENT C8 11 Faeythe

On 15th draw, RAVELING J1 66 --- RAVELING a loose thread [n]
Other moves: VIRAGO 3I 28, ARRIVE K10 22, VEALING J2 21, GARRE K9 19, RIVAGES 2H 19
DIVA M12 16 SuperH
GRAVELS 2H 13 tminor
GIVERS 2I 12 Faeythe
GRAVES 2I 12 space

On 16th draw, MORPH 1H 48 --- MORPH a type of phoneme [n] --- MORPH to gradually change shape and features, especially with computer graphics [v]
Other moves: EMPOWER 1D 45, EPHEBE 8A 42, PHOEBE 8A 42, EPROM 1H 36, HEWER 1F 33
WHORE 1G 33 SuperH, Faeythe
WORM 1H 27 mylover81, space

On 17th draw, HEWN L1 20 --- HEW to cut with an ax [v]
Other tops: HOWE L1 20
Other moves: ECTOMORPH 1D 19, NATRON K9 18, WOF 4L 18, NOTA K4 17, SEW 11E 17
COW 3M 16 mylover81
DOWN M12 16 SuperH
WO 10N 13 Faeythe
WON 3M 12 space

On 18th draw, CHUTNEY C6 29 --- CHUTNEY a sweet and sour sauce [n]
Other moves: AYRE K10 24, COUNTY C7 24, ECTOMORPHY 1D 23, COUGH D1 21, HONEY C8 21
WHOT 3L 20 SuperH
WHO 3L 18 mylover81
YO 10N 13 Faeythe

On 19th draw, JO 10N 25 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: DOJO M12 24, JONG D1 20, JUN 9K 20, J*W G11 17, DOWN M12 16
JO 10N 25 Faeythe
DOJO M12 24 SuperH
DOWN M12 16 mylover81
JOG D2 11 tminor
TWO I12 10 space

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