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Game of May 8, 2011 at 21:49, 7 players
1. satdan -467
2. jimxunz -539
3. tminor -616

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. agnorsv   H4    26    26   vangs
 2. deinnrr   4H    20    46   verdin
 3. ?aloxyy   6D    31    77   saxony
 4. abnnotu   5E    31   108   bota
 5. adeirsu   8H    80   188   sudaries
 6. ?bdisst   N2    85   273   bastides
 7. emnoruv   7E    29   302   mong
 8. acejotu   K8    30   332   acajou
 9. aemqrtw  10J    32   364   qat
10. aaeinor  L10    29   393   taenia
11. dehnrtu  15F    86   479   unthread
12. eiimoor   7E    20   499   mongoe
13. aceelpr   E4    28   527   abampere
14. efhiior   M1    32   559   fohn
15. aegiirv   8A    27   586   graip
16. fillptu   C7    32   618   pailful
17. aclotty  13I    28   646   county
18. eilotvw   4A    24   670   viola
19. aegikmn   A1    36   706   knive
20. aeegrtw  12A    22   728   waur
21. egilmtz   C3    28   756   moz
22. eeeiltw  A11    24   780   tweel

Remaining tiles: eegiw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5404 Filesatdan      0 32:17  -467  313     1.5404 satdan      0 32:17  -467  313 
  2.  -  Filejimxunz     0 23:46  -539  241            Group: not rated
  3.4128 Filetminor      1 18:17  -616  164     1.  -  jimxunz     0 23:46  -539  241 
  4.  -  Filejj1953      0  4:59  -740   40     2.4128 tminor      1 18:17  -616  164 
  5.  -  Filenaomi1957   0  1:11  -760   20     3.  -  jj1953      0  4:59  -740   40 
  6.  -  Fileannhoyland  0  1:25  -770   10     4.  -  naomi1957   0  1:11  -760   20 
  7.  -  Filenadina      0  1:26  -774    6     5.  -  annhoyland  0  1:25  -770   10 
                                             6.  -  nadina      0  1:26  -774    6 

On 1st draw, VANGS H4 26 --- VANG a rope on a ship [n]
Other moves: VOARS H4 24, GRAVS H4 22, GRAVS H8 20, SOVRAN H3 20, SOVRAN H4 20
ARGONS H4 16 satdan
SONG H8 10 annhoyland, tminor

On 2nd draw, VERDIN 4H 20 --- VERDIN a small bird [n]
Other moves: VINED 4H 18, VIRED 4H 18, DRAINER 5F 16, NARDINE 5G 16, RANDIER 5G 16
RAINED 5G 14 jimxunz
DINNER 6F 13 tminor
GRINDER 7H 11 satdan

On 3rd draw, (S)AXONY 6D 31 --- SAXONY a woollen fabric [n]
Other tops: (G)ALAX 5E 31, (M)ALAX 5E 31
Other moves: AXON(A)L 6E 30, DOXY K4 30, D(E)OXY K4 30, ONYX 6G 30, ORYX J3 30
NOX 6H 26 jimxunz
GAL(A)XY 7H 21 satdan

On 4th draw, BOTA 5E 31 --- BOTA a leather bottle [n]
Other tops: BONA 5E 31
Other moves: UNGOT 7F 26, BUNG 7E 24, NANA 5E 23, NONA 5E 23, NOTA 5E 23
GANT 7H 12 satdan
BUN(S) D3 10 jimxunz
ABOUT E6 7 tminor

On 5th draw, SUDARIES 8H 80 --- SUDARY a cloth for wiping the face [n]
Other tops: RADIUSES 8A 80, SUDARIES 8A 80
Other moves: DENARIUS M2 72, UNRAISED M3 72, URANIDES M1 70, (S)UDARIES D6 70, RADIUSES 8C 60
OXIDES F5 16 tminor
DEADS K1 14 satdan

On 6th draw, B(A)STIDES N2 85 --- BASTIDE a French country house [n]
Other moves: BASTID(E)S K7 70, S(U)BEDITS N5 62, DISBA(N)DS K4 44, B(A)STIDE N2 33, S(U)BSET N4 24
BEDS N7 9 satdan

On 7th draw, MONG 7E 29 --- MONG a mixture [n]
Other moves: RONG 7E 25, MAUVER K7 22, AMOVE K8 20, MAUVE K7 20, MAVEN K7 20
DOVER J8 17 satdan
ROVER L8 16 tminor
SOME O8 8 jimxunz

On 8th draw, ACAJOU K8 30 --- ACAJOU a tropical tree [n]
Other tops: ACAJOU K6 30
Other moves: JURA J2 27, JURE J2 27, (S)AJOU D6 27, JAR J2 26, JOR J2 26
JUICE L2 14 satdan
DOT K4 8 jimxunz

On 9th draw, QAT 10J 32 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: QORMA 12J 32
Other moves: QUARTE 13J 30, QUATRE 13J 30, QUARE 13J 28, QUART 13J 28, QUATE 13J 28
QUARTE 13J 30 jimxunz
QUART 13J 28 satdan

On 10th draw, TAENIA L10 29 --- TAENIA a headband worn in ancient Greece [n]
Other moves: TAIRA L10 25, TAIN L10 23, TARN L10 23, TORN L10 23, MONGOE 7E 20
(S)ANER D6 13 jimxunz
ARID K1 5 satdan
ROAD K1 5 tminor

On 11th draw, UNTHREAD 15F 86 --- UNTHREAD to remove the thread from [v]
Other moves: UNHEARD 15H 33, DEARTH 15J 30, DHURNA 15G 30, THREAD 15H 30, UNEARTH 15I 30
THUNDER 13I 24 jimxunz
HE(A)D 3L 23 satdan

On 12th draw, MONGOE 7E 20 --- MONGOE the waste produced in a woollen-mill from felted cloth [n]
Other moves: MOIDER K1 18, MO(A)I 3L 18, YOUR I6 18, IMIDE K1 16, IMIDO K1 16
MODE K2 14 satdan
MERIT H11 8 jimxunz

On 13th draw, ABAMPERE E4 28 --- ABAMPERE a unit of electric current [n]
Other moves: PAUNCE 13I 26, PRAUNCE 13H 24, PEROXO F2 21, PRUNE 13I 20, APERCU F10 18
CARE J2 12 satdan
CREPT H11 10 tminor

On 14th draw, FOHN M1 32 --- FOHN a warm dry wind [n]
Other moves: FISHIER O6 27, FISHER O6 25, FERIA 4A 24, OHI(A) 3K 24, FISH O6 23
FIRE J2 15 tminor
HER J2 14 satdan

On 15th draw, GRAIP 8A 27 --- GRAIP a fork [n]
Other moves: VIGIA 4A 26, VIRGA 4A 26, VARIA 4A 24, AVIDER K1 20, VAIRIER 10B 20
VEER 9C 11 satdan
GRAVE 10D 11 tminor
GRAVE 11A 9 jimxunz

On 16th draw, PAILFUL C7 32 --- PAILFUL as much as a pail can hold [n]
Other moves: FLIRT 10B 18, FIST O6 17, PLUFF 1I 17, PUFF 1J 16, TULPA 4A 16
UNFIT 13K 16 jj1953
FRILL 10D 10 tminor
FELT 11D 7 jimxunz
FID K2 7 satdan

On 17th draw, COUNTY 13I 28 --- COUNTY an administrative division of a state [n]
Other moves: CLARY 10B 24, LUNACY 13J 22, CALORY 10A 21, COALA 4A 20, COTTA 4A 20
COUNTY 13I 28 tminor
COUNT 13I 20 naomi1957
LADY K2 16 satdan
YA 4D 10 jimxunz

On 18th draw, VIOLA 4A 24 --- VIOLA a stringed instrument [n]
Other tops: VOILA 4A 24, VOLTA 4A 24
Other moves: WORT B6 21, LIVOR B4 20, VELDT K1 18, VIDEO K2 18, VILDE K1 18
WIDE K2 16 tminor
SOLVE O8 11 jimxunz
GOT A8 4 jj1953

On 19th draw, KNIVE A1 36 --- KNIVE to knife [v]
Other tops: KNAVE A1 36
Other moves: MAKING B1 34, MIKING B1 34, EIKING B1 30, KAEING B1 30, AKING B2 28
KINDA K1 20 satdan
MIKE B3 12 jj1953
MAIN B2 12 jimxunz
IF 1L 6 nadina

On 20th draw, WAUR 12A 22 --- WAUR to war [v] --- WAUR worse [adj]
Other moves: NEGATER 2A 20, WEDGE K2 20, NEGATE 2A 18, NGWEE 2A 18, WADER K2 18
GRADE K1 14 satdan
WELTER 13A 9 jimxunz
GAGER A8 8 jj1953
LAGER 13C 7 tminor

On 21th draw, MOZ C3 28 --- MOZ a curse [n]
Other moves: MIZEN G11 26, MEZE I1 25, RITZ D12 25, ZOL C3 24, ZILL D1 23
WELT A12 21 jimxunz
GLIDE K1 14 satdan

On 22th draw, TWEEL A11 24 --- TWEEL to weave with a twill [v]
Other moves: WEEL A12 21, WEET A12 21, WEIL A12 21, WELT A12 21, WIEL A12 21
WILT A12 21 satdan
WELT A12 21 jimxunz

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