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Game of May 8, 2011 at 22:41, 8 players
1. jimxunz -761
2. tminor -825
3. bunts -859

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeiorsv   H3    78    78   ovaries
 2. ?eelosw   4H    78   156   vowelise
 3. ?adnotw   O1   149   305   danewort
 4. deenrtu   1H    83   388   retunded
 5. aeijrrt   3F    43   431   rioja
 6. ahiloss   N4    32   463   soh
 7. aceikru   5H    28   491   area
 8. ainprtt   8A    89   580   triptane
 9. eiklnoo   B6    66   646   oerlikon
10. abcegtv  12A    32   678   vocab
11. aaeilux   C4    44   722   alexia
12. ceenoqs   6F    35   757   corse
13. degmoqr  A12    26   783   vego
14. adfghir   A4    33   816   fight
15. abdeisy   F8    31   847   abyes
16. ilmnrtu   M3    24   871   nitril
17. defmpuy   G8    32   903   nyed
18. afgmpqu   E8    22   925   tap
19. imntuuz   5C    24   949   luz
20. gimntuu   A1    48   997   gunfight
21. iimmqtu   D2    24  1021   mumu
22. dfiiiqt   N1    20  1041   ef

Remaining tiles: diiiqt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.  -  Filejimxunz     0 23:23  -761  280     1.5332 satdan      0  6:05  -978   63 
  2.4154 Filetminor      0 21:52  -825  216     2.5713 cymru57     0  0:36 -1014   27 
  3.  -  Filebunts       0 18:10  -859  182            Group: not rated
  4.  -  Filetaragones   0  7:22  -964   77     1.  -  jimxunz     0 23:23  -761  280 
  5.  -  FileAnash19     0  7:17  -973   68     2.4154 tminor      0 21:52  -825  216 
  6.5332 Filesatdan      0  6:05  -978   63     3.  -  bunts       0 18:10  -859  182 
  7.5713 Filecymru57     0  0:36 -1014   27     4.  -  taragones   0  7:22  -964   77 
  8.  -  FileSusannnn    0  1:58 -1016   25     5.  -  Anash19     0  7:17  -973   68 
                                             6.  -  Susannnn    0  1:58 -1016   25 

On 1st draw, OVARIES H3 78 --- OVARY a female reproduction gland [n]
Other moves: OVARIES H2 72, OVARIES H4 72, OVARIES H6 72, OVARIES H7 72, OVARIES H8 72
VIROSE H8 20 tminor
SAVIOR H4 20 bunts
SAVER H7 16 jimxunz

On 2nd draw, VOWEL(I)SE 4H 78 --- VOWELISE to use as a vowel [v]
Other moves: EELWOR(M)S 6C 70, LEASOWE(D) 5F 70, LEASOWE(S) 5F 70, LEA(S)OWES 5F 70, OWLER(I)ES 6D 64
WORSE 6F 18 satdan
SLOWER 6C 17 tminor
SER(V)E 6F 8 jimxunz

On 3rd draw, DANEWO(R)T O1 149 --- DANEWORT a flowering plant [n]
Other tops: TA(K)EDOWN O1 149
Other moves: TEA(R)DOWN O3 83, DAN(E)WORT 6B 73, DANEWO(R)T K1 72, TA(K)EDOWN K1 72, TEA(R)DOWN K3 72
ENDOW O4 27 cymru57
WON I3 21 satdan
WANTED 8D 14 jimxunz

On 4th draw, RETUNDED 1H 83 --- RETUND to blunt [v]
Other moves: DEUTERON 3B 75, NEUTERED K3 68, RET(I)NUED M1 68, RETURNED 6D 63, UNDERSET 9C 62
DONE I3 16 taragones
NEEDER K3 14 jimxunz
TENDER 6C 11 tminor, satdan

On 5th draw, RIOJA 3F 43 --- RIOJA a dry red Spanish wine [n]
Other moves: JIRRE 6F 30, JOTA 3G 28, JAR 6F 26, RAJ 6H 26, JO 6N 25
JAR 6F 26 jimxunz, tminor
AJAR 5F 13 satdan
JETS 9E 12 taragones

On 6th draw, SOH N4 32 --- SOH the fifth note of the scale [n]
Other moves: SELAHS K3 31, SELAH K3 29, ALAS 5H 28, SESH K3 27, SHOAL 5E 26
SEALS K3 23 jimxunz
LASHES 8D 10 tminor
SOILS 9H 6 Anash19

On 7th draw, AREA 5H 28 --- AREA a particular extent of space or surface [n] --- AREA a section of the cerebral cortex having a specific function [n]
Other moves: CREAK F2 27, CURIAE 5D 26, EIRACK F1 24, EIRACK K4 24, KARA 5G 24
CREAK F2 27 tminor
CARE 5G 22 jimxunz
RACKS 9D 16 taragones
SKI 9H 12 Anash19

On 8th draw, TRIPTANE 8A 89 --- TRIPTANE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: TRIPTANS 9A 62, P(I)NTA M3 26, P(I)TTA M3 26, R(I)PT M3 24, T(I)PT M3 24
PRINT F2 15 taragones
SPRAIN 9H 12 Anash19
SPRINT 9H 12 tminor
REPAINT 8G 10 bunts
TRIPS 9D 10 jimxunz

On 9th draw, OERLIKON B6 66 --- OERLIKON a type of Swiss aircraft [n]
Other moves: E(I)KON M3 34, K(I)LO M3 26, K(I)NO M3 26, N**K**R B2 26, PLOOKIE D8 26
K(I)N M3 18 taragones
LOONIER B2 18 bunts
KNOT E5 16 jimxunz
SKI 9H 12 Anash19

On 10th draw, VOCAB 12A 32 --- VOCAB a vocabulary [n]
Other moves: BOCAGE 12A 28, BOVATE 12A 28, COVET 12A 26, COVE 12A 24, BECAP D4 22
CRAVE F2 18 tminor

On 11th draw, ALEXIA C4 44 --- ALEXIA a cerebral disorder marked by the loss of the ability to read [n]
Other moves: IXIA C6 42, EX 7B 34, XI C7 34, TAXABLE E8 32, CALX C12 30
XI C7 34 jimxunz
SALIX 9H 13 Susannnn
AXLE D12 12 bunts

On 12th draw, CORSE 6F 35 --- CORSE a corpse [n]
Other moves: Q(I)S M3 28, OERLIKONS B6 26, QIS 10A 26, CANOES F7 23, CORS 6F 23
Q(I)S M3 28 bunts
QIS 10A 26 jimxunz
SCREEN F1 16 Anash19
SCENES 9H 12 Susannnn
SCONES 9H 12 tminor

On 13th draw, VEGO A12 26 --- VEGO a vegetarian [n]
Other tops: VERD A12 26
Other moves: M(I)RO M3 22, COME C12 20, CORM C12 20, EMBOG E10 20, GRAME 4A 20
Q(I) M3 20 jimxunz
SMORE 9H 10 Anash19

On 14th draw, FIGHT A4 33 --- FIGHT to contend in war, battle or single combat [v]
Other moves: FRIGHT A3 31, DIGHT A4 29, ARIGHT A3 28, HAAF 4A 28, RIGHT A4 27
FRAG 4A 24 jimxunz
GRIFT 8K 10 tminor

On 15th draw, ABYES F8 31 --- ABYE to pay the penalty [v]
Other moves: ABYSS 9E 30, ABYS 9E 28, BYSSI 9F 28, ABBEYS E10 26, ACED C11 26
ABBEY E10 24 bunts

On 16th draw, N(I)TRIL M3 24 --- NITRIL a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: M(I)LT M3 22, M(I)NT M3 22, TUINA 2K 21, FRAIM 4A 20, FLAM 4A 18
STRUM 9H 8 bunts
SUM 9H 6 jimxunz
STIR 9H 5 tminor

On 17th draw, NYED G8 32 --- NYE to approach [v]
Other moves: NYE G8 27, NEUM G8 22, BYS 9F 21, NY G8 21, CEP C12 20
PAY D11 8 bunts
SEY 9H 7 jimxunz
SUM 9H 6 tminor

On 18th draw, TAP E8 22 --- TAP to strike gently [v]
Other moves: EF N1 20, FA 2N 20, ABYSM 9E 17, EM N1 16, MA 2N 16
QUAG D10 14 tminor
AQUA D12 14 bunts
QI 7L 11 jimxunz

On 19th draw, LUZ 5C 24 --- LUZ a bone [n]
Other moves: MAZUT D11 17, EM N1 16, MA 2N 16, ABYSM 9E 15, BIZ E12 14
EAT K4 11 tminor
OMIT 15A 7 bunts
LIT 8M 3 jimxunz

On 20th draw, GUNFIGHT A1 48 --- GUNFIGHT to fight with guns [v]
Other moves: MUNTU D1 24, UMU D3 18, AM 4C 16, EM N1 16, MA 2N 16
EATING K4 15 bunts
EDIT 11F 5 tminor

On 21th draw, MUMU D2 24 --- MUMU a long, loose dress [n]
Other moves: UMU D3 18, MAQUI D11 17, AM 4C 16, EM N1 16, MA 2N 16
QAT D11 12 tminor
OMIT 15A 7 bunts

On 22th draw, EF N1 20 --- EF the letter F [n]
Other tops: FA 2N 20
Other moves: QADI D11 14, QAID D11 14, DA 2N 12, ED N1 12, QAT D11 12
FLIT 8L 11 bunts

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