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Game of May 9, 2011 at 02:47, 3 players
1. Faeythe -702
2. gordini -731
3. poppies1 -864

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eefhnnt   H4    30    30   hefte
 2. ?bddehs   5B    78   108   bedashed
 3. eelnstt   G4    24   132   sheet
 4. ?eiirtt   4G    77   209   shirtiest
 5. adfilor   8A    92   301   floriated
 6. aeegino   B1    22   323   engobe
 7. aiknouv   1A    39   362   neuk
 8. dilmorw   C3    30   392   owed
 9. aaacoru   O1    27   419   acatour
10. aaellrs   K2    66   485   laterals
11. aiprtvv   9H    23   508   rips
12. aimmnov   4A    30   538   mowa
13. cenortv   3I    37   575   coate
14. einosuu   8K    48   623   lions
15. aeilmtx   N6    58   681   xenial
16. aeoprtz   7J    50   731   patzer
17. bgnnory   F7    24   755   baryon
18. aegjmnv  11J    30   785   javel
19. ginoqvw  12B    26   811   vowing
20. agimnuy  B10    32   843   mavin
21. ginquuy  L11    28   871   vying

Remaining tiles: quu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5484 FileFaeythe     0 13:18  -702  169     1.5484 Faeythe     0 13:18  -702  169 
  2.  -  Filegordini     1  9:52  -731  140            Group: not rated
  3.  -  Filepoppies1    0  1:29  -864    7     1.  -  gordini     1  9:52  -731  140 
                                             2.  -  poppies1    0  1:29  -864    7 

On 1st draw, HEFTE H4 30 --- HEAVE to lift forcefully [v]
Other moves: HEFTE H8 24, HEFTE H5 22, HEFTE H6 22, HEFTE H7 22, HEFT H5 20
HEFT H6 20 gordini

On 2nd draw, BED(A)SHED 5B 78 --- BEDASH to splash [v]
Other tops: BED(A)SHED 5G 78, DEB(O)SHED 5B 78, DEB(O)SHED 5G 78
Other moves: BED(A)SHED 8G 68, DEB(O)SHED 8G 68, DEB(O)SHED 8B 67, BED(A)SHED 8B 66, BEHE(A)DS 5E 48

On 3rd draw, SHEET G4 24 --- SHEET to cover with a sheet (a thin, rectangular piece of material) [v]
Other tops: SHEEN G4 24
Other moves: HEELS 4H 19, HELES 4H 19, HENTS 4H 19, HETES 4H 19, DEENS I5 18
SHEEN G4 24 gordini
STEEL F5 7 poppies1

On 4th draw, SHIRTIE(S)T 4G 77 --- SHIRTY angry [adj]
Other moves: DIRTIE(S)T D5 68, I(N)TERTIE C2 68, I(M)BITTER B3 63, (L)IBRETTI B3 63, E(P)ITRITE C5 59

On 5th draw, FLORIATED 8A 92 --- FLORIATED [adj]
Other moves: FORBIDAL B2 82, FORELAID C2 80, FORELAID M1 76, TRIFOLD O4 33, FORBAD B2 28

On 6th draw, ENGOBE B1 22 --- ENGOBE a white undercoat in ceramics [n]
Other moves: GOATEE O1 21, TAEING O4 21, TAGINE O4 21, TANGIE O4 21, TEAING O4 21
EA(S)ING N2 16 gordini

On 7th draw, NEUK 1A 39 --- NEUK a corner [n]
Other moves: TANUKI O4 30, KENO 1A 27, TAKIN O4 27, TONKA O4 27, VIAND D1 26
VEIN 1A 24 gordini

On 8th draw, OWED C3 30 --- OWE to be under obligation to pay or repay [v]
Other moves: MODI 4A 29, MI(S)WORD N2 28, IDEM C3 27, OWER C3 27, DEWORM M3 26

On 9th draw, ACATOUR O1 27 --- ACATOUR a caterer [n]
Other tops: AUTOCAR O2 27
Other moves: CUATRO O1 24, TURACO O4 24, CARTA O1 21, TAROC O4 21, ACATOUR K1 18
FOUR A8 7 gordini

On 10th draw, LATERALS K2 66 --- LATERAL to execute a type of pass in football [v]
Other moves: ACATOURS O1 30, ELDS D3 30, REDS D3 30, ROWEL 4A 25, EDS D4 24
FALLER A8 10 gordini

On 11th draw, RIPS 9H 23 --- RIP to tear or cut apart roughly [v]
Other tops: RAPS 9H 23
Other moves: VIVAT E7 22, VIVER M1 22, RAIS 9H 21, RATS 9H 21, RIAS 9H 21
PAVER M1 20 gordini

On 12th draw, MOWA 4A 30 --- MOWA a butter tree [n]
Other moves: MALONIC 2I 26, VENOM M3 26, (S)OMAN N4 26, (S)IMA N4 25, (S)OMA N4 25
VENOM M3 26 Faeythe
MAIM F7 19 gordini

On 13th draw, COATE 3I 37 --- COATE to cite as evidence [v]
Other moves: COVETER M1 26, ROATE 3I 25, VECTOR M3 24, COAT 3I 22, COVENT M1 22
COVERT M1 22 Faeythe

On 14th draw, LIONS 8K 48 --- LION a large, carnivorous, feline animal [n]
Other tops: LENIS 8K 48, LENOS 8K 48, LIENS 8K 48, LIEUS 8K 48, LINES 8K 48, LINOS 8K 48, LOINS 8K 48, LOUIS 8K 48, LOUNS 8K 48, LUNES 8K 48
Other moves: ACATOURS O1 30, NIEFS 6E 22, KNEADS D1 19, (S)INUOSE N4 18, (S)INUOUS N4 18
RUNES D8 10 Faeythe

On 15th draw, XENIAL N6 58 --- XENIA the effect of pollen on certain plant structures [adj] --- XENIAL concerning hospitality [adj]
Other moves: XENIA N6 57, (S)IX N4 52, TOXEMIA M7 50, OXTAIL C8 42, OXTAIL M8 42
OX M8 17 Faeythe

On 16th draw, PATZER 7J 50 --- PATZER an inept chess player [n]
Other moves: POTZER M7 45, PATZER F7 42, LAZE B8 33, LAZO B8 33, L*Z B8 32
ZEE M2 12 Faeythe

On 17th draw, BARYON F7 24 --- BARYON a heavier class of subatomic particles [n]
Other moves: BINGY E7 22, BORNYL 11I 22, GABY F7 22, GIRONNY E7 22, NOBLY 11K 20
YAG 10M 7 Faeythe

On 18th draw, JAVEL 11J 30 --- JAVEL a worthless fellow [n]
Other tops: VANMEN 12A 30
Other moves: JANGLE 11J 28, GANEV 12D 26, GAJO 11C 24, JONG 11E 24, VANMEN 12D 24
JANE 12D 22 Faeythe

On 19th draw, VOWING 12B 26 --- VOW to make a vow (a solemn promise) [v]
Other moves: OWNING 12D 22, WONING 12D 22, OWNING 12B 20, ROVING D8 20, ROWING D8 20
JOG J11 11 Faeythe

On 20th draw, MAVIN B10 32 --- MAVIN an expert [n]
Other moves: MINGY E11 30, AYIN E10 29, VYING L11 28, MINY E11 26, AMIN E10 25
VYING L11 28 Faeythe

On 21th draw, VYING L11 28 --- VIE to strive for superiority [v] --- VYING an act of vying [n]
Other moves: YIN E11 22, ONY C12 21, YON C11 21, VINY L11 20, EYING M11 18
QUEEN M1 14 Faeythe

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